Global Lords: Start as a Desert Lord

Chapter 385 Chrissy: Sister Windsor, Sir Richard wants me to help him find news about the Crimson Mo

"Sir Richard, the literacy class is going smoothly. At present, most residents know more than 300 characters and can read simple announcements. In the next step, we will gradually adjust the depth of knowledge in the literacy class."

"The seminars of various departments have been adjusted many times and have become very suitable for the current situation in Twilight City. Our previous idea of ​​integrating the knowledge of each industry and revising it into a book is already in progress."

"With the improvement of literacy rate, this project is accelerating, and it is expected that the first batch of books will be revised in two months."

"These professional books are based on long-term experience summed up by seniors in related industries, and they also contain a large number of exclusive tips, which will be of great help to novice apprentices."

"In addition, the government affairs department you asked me to establish has already established a framework. It is currently divided into five departments, the Ministry of People's Livelihood, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Weapons, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Commerce and Trade."

"Everyone in Twilight City works in these five departments."

"The lists of managers of the 5 departments have been compiled and need to be appointed by you personally"

Carew gave a complete and detailed account of the current situation in Twilight City bit by bit.

Richard listened very carefully and would ask questions directly if he had any doubts.

Although he had only been away for half a month, the Twilight City had undergone many changes.

It took a while to consume the messages.

"You've done a great job, thank you for your hard work."

"We will organize an appointment ceremony tomorrow and I will appoint the managers of several departments at once."

"Other government affairs can be carried out according to the established plan. If you are undecided, please report to me."

Then he changed the topic.

"Vell has taken charge of our new Violet Chamber of Commerce in Solan City."

"You need to speed up the statistics of the underground world's specialties and report the final news to her."

"The Chamber of Commerce is currently Twilight City's only external window, and it will assume greater responsibilities in the future."

"Whatever Wei Er needs, you will help her immediately."

Karu looked solemn.

"Yes, sir."

He had a thorough understanding of the Chamber of Commerce's plan and knew how powerful it was, so he sent Weier, who was as close as his disciple.

Richard didn't say much when he saw this. His trust in Kalu was almost full.

Although this old man is old and frail, he has not made any mistakes since he was appointed to manage government affairs.

"You go down first, I'll go to the blacksmith shop."

After Kalu left, Richard drank the tea in his cup, got up and walked out of the lord's mansion, and went straight to the blacksmith shop.

The mummy guardian who was guarding the door saw Richard arriving and immediately saluted with a humble gesture.

All units recruited from the unit nest will be absolutely loyal to the lord who recruited them while the lord is still alive.

This is especially true for undead spirits such as mummies.

As Twilight City grew and had sufficient troops, in order to prevent accidents from happening, Richard arranged for troops to be stationed in some key departments.

Entering the blacksmith shop, the hurried apprentice immediately saluted in surprise.

The room immediately became lively.

Richard nodded with a smile and went up to the second floor.

As soon as he stepped out of the stairs, he saw Andele, who had several black marks on her face, holding a long-handled copper hammer that was taller than herself and preparing to forge.

The girl turned her head subconsciously, and when she saw that the person coming was Richard, her eyes turned into crescents.

There was joy from top to bottom.

"Master Richard, you are back~"

Richard looked at the treasure of Twilight City and chuckled.

"Your father's letter has been delivered. This is your father's reply to you."

As he spoke, he took out a letter from the system space and handed it to the girl.

Knowing that Richard was going to Solan City before, Andiel had written a letter to him in advance, and when she went this time, she asked Onik to deliver it smoothly.

Andele happily took it, tore open the envelope in front of him and read it carefully.

After taking a rough look at it, he looked at Richard with a smile.

"Sir, my father asked me to work hard for Twilight City."

Richard couldn't help but smile when he thought of the previous scene where Andiel's father was hung up and beaten by him, and the girl asked him to punish him more.

That guy can still pick up good and bad things.

After chatting for a while, Richard got down to business.

"Andele, has your previous research on improving the potential of military units made any progress?"

He got several top-notch treasures from the dungeon last time - dark crystal stones that can increase life potential.

A strengthening crystal that can upgrade the skills of subordinates to super A level.

A fusion gem that can fuse two arms into one.

Psychic gems that can increase the potential of troops.

Most of the dark crystals were consumed on Alves, and one strengthening crystal was used on the one-armed blacksmith Sam. There are currently two left.

The fusion gem combines the Ax of the Dead and the Dark Gargoyle to give birth to the Stone Statue of the Dead, and there are still two left.

There are 14 psychic gems in total, 5 of which were given to Andel, but the girl has not yet seen the results of her research.

When Ander heard this, her eyes immediately lit up.

said enthusiastically.

"Sir Richard, when Sam was studying attack technology, I got new inspiration from it, so I am trying another way of improvement recently."

"The stone statue of the dead has high potential. It would be a waste to simply use psychic gems to strengthen it."

"Using this new method, the stone statue of the dead can be made more powerful!"

"If the attempt is successful, the benefits we can reap will be amazing!"

"I plan to do it specifically."

Richard was quite interested before, but when he heard this, he quickly waved his hand to stop the girl who was getting more and more excited.

This girl has the unique stubbornness to engage in scientific research, and she is almost crazy about her favorite research.

"There's no need to go into detail. Just go ahead and do it. I have absolute trust in you!"

"If you need any resources, you can ask Karu for them."

"We have now conquered the underground world and are no longer as short of supplies as before."

Andele's smile grew even stronger. From the beginning to now, Richard had never been harsh with her.

No matter what wild and unrealistic ideas she has, she supports her unconditionally.

This is also an important reason why she is so dedicated to working for Twilight City.


After the excited Andele returned to work, Richard went to see Sam.

The one-armed blacksmith who already had his own workshop in the blacksmith shop was quite excited to see him.

It was the Lord of Twilight City who gave him new life!

After asking about the progress of the special attack technology, Richard encouraged him very much.

This guy lived up to his investment.

After leaving the blacksmith shop, Richard suddenly thought of the upgrade requirements for Twilight City.

The current Twilight City is still a small city, and to upgrade to a mid-city, you need to meet three requirements: population, building level, and technology.

The first two are already satisfied, and I was stuck on advanced technology before.

Now, Sam has researched the Scorpion Warrior's technology to an advanced level, and is even preparing to upgrade it to a special level.

Fully meet the upgrade needs.

Thinking of this, some expectations rose in my heart.

It’s been half a year since I came to “Age of Glory”, and I was finally able to upgrade Twilight City to Midtown.

There was no hesitation at the moment, and he went directly back to the lord's mansion, called everyone out, and started upgrading the territory.


In Solan City, dozens of carriages with luanwei flowers hanging on them slowly drove into the city gate.

The soldiers guarding the city did not check the convoy at all and directly let it go.

Pedestrians along the street saw the sign above and gave way automatically with admiration.

In the hearts of most residents of Solan City, the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce has a special status.

Not only is the other party the largest chamber of commerce on the edge of the Death Desert, but also because it has protected Solan City several times.

If it weren't for the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce, Solan City might have ceased to exist.

The controller of this behemoth was currently looking at the retreating street through the carriage glass.

The delicate and flawless face was full of solemnity. The graceful and elegant temperament in the past was now as cold as a knife.

The deep eyes can bring terrifying oppression to people with just one glance.

No matter how peerless his appearance is, no one would dare to feel blasphemous in the face of this superior aura.

"Little girl, there are many good things in the Red Dragon Grocery Store. Let's take them all away later."

"The future of Crimson Moon is in your control."

Pim, the old man who hunted the ancient red dragon, possessed a high-level artifact - the wishing scale, and lived for ten years after losing his heart.

At this moment, he was half lying on the soft blanket of the carriage, looking at Windsor with distress.

"In the past, your father and I both wanted you to be a happy girl, like that little girl Chris."

"Later, you were forced to take control of the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce. After spending countless efforts, step by step, you became the president of the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce that is now feared by ordinary people."

"Now, I have to shoulder the Crimson Moon."

"Everything in the world is unpredictable. No one expected that your life trajectory would be so different from what we expected."

"If we could go back to the beginning, none of this should have happened, Windsor, you should have been carefree."

Windsor's heart trembled, and she turned to look at the old man who was like a candle in the wind, as if the fire of life could be extinguished at any time.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

He suppressed his inner emotions and said tremblingly.

"Teacher, I don't regret any of this."

"It was my father's expectation to take charge of the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce, and I did not disappoint him."

"The current Luanwei Flower Merchant Guild has grown to a level that no one dares to look down upon!"

"It is your wish to master the Crimson Moon, and I will not let you down."

Pim looked at Windsor, who was as stubborn as a child, and felt more and more distressed. He wanted to say something, but the other party's stubborn character prevented him from speaking.

In the end, a thousand words could only turn into a long sigh.

Windsor suppressed her emotions and spoke again, with a firm tone.

"Teacher, those false gods will eventually tremble and fear under the crimson color!"

"They are not worthy of ruling this world!"

Pim smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"I have never doubted our faith, but what I am worried about is that you originally wanted to see you get married, give birth to a lovely child, and hold her in your arms and make noises. Now, you may not be able to wait."

Windsor had a sore nose.

The voice became hoarse inexplicably.

"Teacher, we still have time."

"When I come back this time, I will issue tasks to all Lords of Divine Grace, and there will always be someone who can complete it!"

Pim smiled calmly.

"I know better than you what those Lords of Divine Grace are capable of."

"Now, the only one who has some hope of success may be the brat named Richard."

In the ten years since he lost his heart, he had already taken death lightly.

If Crimson Moon and Windsor hadn't made him worry about him, perhaps he would have chosen to sleep forever.


Hearing this name, Windsor thought of a figure whose temperament, appearance and conversation were both stunning.

Can the other party do it?

Thinking of the ancient ruins that only the Lord of Divine Grace can enter, I feel strange.

Even if the other party is Qingqiu, she doesn't have much confidence in her heart.

"No matter what the situation is, Lord Divine Grace, those lawless beings are the ones we want to win over."

"If Crimson Moon wants to expand, it must not be limited to a certain group. It must be recognized by all classes and races."

"Even if Richard fails to complete the task, don't feel resentful. He is worth winning over."

Windsor remained silent and did not speak again.

After passing through the long street, the motorcade drove into the Luanwei Flower Chamber of Commerce.

As soon as Windsor got out of the car, he saw a smart figure waiting in front of him.

"Sister Windsor~"

Chrissy came trotting over, her eyes full of smiles.

"How about it? I'm going to be fast this time, right? I knew it when you entered the city and came here to wait for you."

After he finished speaking, he saw Pim slowly coming down from the carriage again. His excited expression suddenly froze, and his eyes were a little frightened.

"Teacher Pim"

Pim's eyes widened.

"You have so much free time. Have you finished the magic circle research assignment assigned to you last month?"

Chris made a grimace and hesitated for a long time, unable to say a word.

Windsor ruffled the girl's hair and smiled.

"Let's go in."

The girl who was rescued breathed a sigh of relief.

"Teacher Pim, let me help you."

Pim ignored the little girl, waved his hand, and the mechanical wheelchair appeared in front of him, and then sat on it comfortably.

Chris suddenly scratched his head in embarrassment.

Windsor couldn't help but smile when she saw this, and her previously depressed mood felt much better.

The two walked behind, Pim in front.

After putting a little distance away, Chris, a talker, couldn't bear it any longer. She chattered about everything that happened in Solan City during this period.

Of course, the one who mentioned it the most was Richard. He always talked about what Richard did and how he made her angry.

Windsor was keenly aware of the kindness in her words and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

That spirit lord really has extraordinary charm.

Rebecca, the eldest daughter of the grand duke, gave the manor directly to him, and Chris, a little girl, respected her very much.

"That Mr. Richard, is he so charming? Can he be talked about by the little princess of Solan City all the time?"

Chrissy said indifferently.

"His Excellency Richard and I are good friends. He even entrusted me with the care of the newly built Violet Chamber of Commerce!"

Windsor couldn't laugh or cry.

Are you so proud after being betrayed?

The other party entrusted you to take care of the Chamber of Commerce. Didn't he make a lot of money?

After Chris finished speaking, she seemed to still feel that it was not convincing enough, so she suddenly lowered her voice and whispered with a mysterious expression.

"Sister Windsor, you don't know that Mr. Richard captured the clone of the Kobold God in an ancient ruins a few days ago."

"That clone is not empty, it contains a ray of soul of the Kobold God!"

"Furthermore, Sir Richard also asked me for help in finding an organization called Crimson Moon. He said that this organization has a way to kill the kobold god."

Pim in front suddenly turned his head, and Windsor was horrified.

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