Global Lords: Start as a Desert Lord

Chapter 228 Demigod Guardian

Those icy eyes made Li Cha feel his heart beat half a beat slower.

Taking a deep breath, he forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

Look intently.

The huge shadow appeared in front of his eyes.

It was a centaur with a long head and curved horns, and an exaggerated figure.

A female centaur diving in the water, holding a long-handled giant axe.

The other party wore a simple leather armor in front of his towering chest, his eyes were cold and emotionless.

It seems like a puppet.

The scene of the centaur in the water is filled with a strong sense of disobedience.

It made him feel a little weird.

How did the half-murloc get mixed up with the centaur?

But when I turned around and thought about it, even the lake flew into the air in this land of broken rules, and there seemed to be nothing unusual about centaurs in the water.

No matter what kind of life, once it is magnified a hundred times and a thousand times, it will give people a strong psychological impact.

Just the moment he thought about it.


The giant centaur swung the long-handled giant ax fiercely.

The ax blade pierced directly through the shield below.

Then, a huge body fell from the top of the head.


The four iron hooves landed on the ground, and the body bent slightly downward under the pressure of the weight.

There was a dull sound on the ground, as if a battering ram was bombarding the ground.

Everyone felt the ground tremble.

Li Cha's eyes became extremely serious.

After the opponent fell to the ground, he intuitively discovered that the height of this centaur was probably more than 10 meters.

The long-handled battle ax in his hand was exaggerated to the extreme, and he might easily smash the city wall when he swung it.

The curved horns on the head glow faintly, and the face is extraordinarily delicate, but the huge body and the emotionless eyes make outsiders feel danger and fear when looking at it.

Li Cha narrowed his eyes.

He finally understood why the two-headed ogre lord was enslaved by the murlocs.

Open the property panel of that centaur.

ancient guardian

boss unit

Level: Level 15

Potential: Grade A

Skill:? ? ?

Boss characteristics: ? ?

Racial talent: ? ? ?

Fetters:? ? ?

Introduction: The guardian of the rule Broken Land, because of the long passage of time, the power has degenerated from a demigod to level 15.

Li Cha took a few deep breaths, but couldn't suppress the throbbing in his heart.

The origin of this centaur can be called abnormal!

The guardian of the land of broken rules was once a demigod!

Even though his strength has degraded to level 15 now, he still has the title of boss.

He has only encountered two bosses in such a long time.

In the dungeon, the leader of the Scarlet Council took out the Stone of the Plane from the destroyed plane with his bare hands.

The ancient tree of evil that grew from the corpse of the evil.

This centaur is the third boss.

He didn't know if the chairman of the Scarlet Council had the power of a demigod, but this terrifying existence holding a long-handled giant ax must be extremely powerful.

Even if the opponent's power has degraded to level 15 now, a demigod is a demigod, even if it was only a demigod once, it is enough to explain everything.

After the centaur guardian fell, the half-murloc lord wearing the crown looked at the statue of the ancient god who was still devouring twelve crystals, and immediately yelled loudly.

"Damn human! That is an item left by the gods! You are blaspheming the gods!!"

"Stop what you're doing immediately!!!"

"Kneel down and surrender, and offer your soul to my god, so that the sins you have committed will be forgiven!!"

Li Cha didn't even raise his head, his eyes were fixed on the centaur boss with an empty expression.

Level 12 half murloc hero. What kind of thing?

Seeing that Li Cha ignored him, the murloc lord was furious.

How dare you be so arrogant in front of the powerful Guardian of the Broken Land? !

"Amirida! Kill him!!"

The moment the huge centaur guardian received the order, he immediately looked at Li Cha.

Charged towards him violently.

The huge hooves stomped on the ground, making a dull sound of thump~thump~.

Li Cha glanced at the statue of the ancient god who was still devouring the twelve huge crystals.

Immediately raised the spirit.

When I was trembling for the last time, I couldn't tolerate your interruption.

In the next second, a mechanical puppet with a broken surface appeared out of nowhere.

With a body as high as 15 meters, it looks full of domineering and cruelty.

No one can imagine what kind of attack this mechanical puppet would have to suffer to break into this appearance.

The murloc lord, who had firmly believed that Li Cha would die, had an expectant expression on his face.

That damned human being, why would there be such a terrifying mechanical puppet?

The aura it emitted made him feel unspeakable fear.

Even more pressure than the centaur guardian put on him

Li Cha, who was driving the Extraordinary Hunter, was not too excited at this time.

Instead, his expression was serious.

Even sitting in this level 20 mechanical puppet, he could still feel the sense of danger from the centaur boss, like a sword on his throat.

He knows better than anyone else that the boss unit is terrifying.

Previously, in order to conquer the Ancient Godly Tree, which was also a boss unit, he led hundreds of troops, and it took him a whole day to win the victory.

And this centaur is a more powerful existence than the ancient tree of evil.

Thoughts turn.

His eyes were empty, as if the soulless centaur boss had stepped on the ground and attacked swiftly.

Tread ~ Tread ~

The earth is shaking.

The ten-meter-long giant long-handled battle ax in his hand tore through the void.

The terrifying power contained in it is enough to open mountains and crack rocks, cutting off all obstacles in front.

The extraordinary hunter swung his arm fiercely, shaking his sharp claws more than two meters long.

Clang~ The sound of metal clanging exploded in everyone's ears.

Sparks splashed instantly.

An unspeakable powerful force came, and the extraordinary hunter's feet sank directly into the ground.

The strength of the centaur boss who is at a disadvantage in size is no less than that of the extraordinary hunter.

The collision between the two sides became intense from the very beginning.

It is easier to fight crazy in close combat.

Confront the former demigod.

Li Cha felt tremendous pressure.

This is the first time that he has confronted a powerful boss unit head-on.

When he attacked the ancient god-evil tree, he took advantage of the opponent's inability to make long-range attacks.

But at this time, the statue of the ancient god of old days was behind him, and he couldn't back down half a step!

Head-to-head fighting, there is no hypocrisy.

An extremely exciting scene appeared in this land of broken rules.

A mechanical puppet with a severely broken appearance was fighting fiercely with a 10-meter-tall centaur holding a long-handled giant axe.

In the battle between the two sides, neither the murlocs above the lake nor the army of Twilight City underground could intervene.

The aftermath of a battle between two behemoths can deal massive damage to them.

Even if the gravel on the ground is kicked by them, it will carry extremely terrifying power, enough to kill people.

When the murloc lord saw the stalemate below, he fell into extreme emotions of shock and anger.

That damned human actually blocked the guardian's attack! !

And the crystals on the ground are still melting rapidly.

He could sense that the rules around him had become unstable.

If the magic circle on the ground is destroyed, everything here will be destroyed.

At that time, the murlocs will even become extinct.

Thinking of the terrible consequences, the murloc lord was furious!

"Kill the melee army!!"

"No matter how high the price is, we must stop that damned human!!"

After the order was issued, the murloc archers who were firing rapidly separated immediately to make room.

Then, holding a large number of tridents, the extremely strong murlocs jumped down from the sky.

Death Leap.

The highest point of this space is a hundred meters.

Jumping from above, this suicide attack.

But none of the murlocs hesitated.

These hideous monsters are like wasps that have been stabbed in their nest, and they have fallen into the most crazy state.


After colliding with the centaur boss again, Li Cha noticed the madness of the centaur.

Look at the statue of the old god who has swallowed two giant crystals.

My heart also became ruthless.

He could feel that the statue of the old ancient god was undergoing a very special transformation.

Even the divine soul that is still sleeping inside has become stronger.

If you devour the twelve-faced crystal, you will definitely get huge benefits.

Even the Heavenly King Laozi is here today, and it is impossible for him to interrupt!

"Alves, Hina, Gray, Gunter."

"Lead the army, guard the statue, and never allow anyone to interrupt the statue to devour the crystal!"

"Even if it is death, you are never allowed to take half a step back!"

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