Ghoul: The Evil Spirit Is Coming

The Attack of the Ghouls Chapter 717

"But in fact there is no treasure here, it's all a false legend. But the wizards didn't know, so they searched for the mermaid to inquire, but the mermaid didn't know, so they suspected that the mermaid deceived them."

"Then they slaughtered the mermaids. The mermaids finally defeated this group of evil wizards and won the final victory after all the hard work." The mermaid king said.

"But what does that have to do with your punishment?" Yeyue and the others asked.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet." The Mermaid King said. "Although the wizards retreated, they cast a spell on the Mermaid King's daughter. This spell deprived her of her beauty, and the Mermaid King's daughter became ugly. The only way to break the spell is to go to the depths of the sea to get the Dark Night Pearl. Can break the spell."

"Then you mean that we went to get the Dark Night Pearl, so you can let us go."

Yeyue asked.

"That's right, as long as you help me get the Night Pearl and solve this spell, I will not only let you go, but also give you the Heavenly Spring Water." Said the Mermaid King.

"If what you said is true, then we promise you." Yeyue said.

In order to get Tianquan water, Yeyue had no choice but to agree to the mermaid king.

Chapter 134 The Wizard

After the mermaid king saw Yeyue and the others agreed, he couldn't restrain his joy. Finally his daughter no longer has to suffer from the curse.

This strange curse tightly trapped the mermaid princess, and it has always been her heart. After so many years, it is difficult for the mermaid king to see the smile on the face of the mermaid princess.

But now it's finally healed, and the breaking of the curse seems to be close at hand. The mermaid king was happy and hurriedly asked his servants to present the portrait of the wizard.

"I know this request is very difficult, but I hope you will understand me as a father. Also, this wizard's whereabouts are uncertain, and many people can't find him. Fortunately, I have a portrait in my hand, and the portrait is of the wizard. You can look for it like this." The mermaid king took the portrait from his servant and showed it to everyone.

Yeyue was still worried about the appearance of the wizard, but now that she has a portrait, it is much easier. The place here is not big, as long as a few of them work hard, they will definitely find this mysterious wizard.

The mermaid king opened the portrait, and several people gathered around to watch. The first time Yeyue saw this portrait, she felt that this person looked familiar but couldn't remember where he had been. After all, the few of them have traveled far in the past few days and met many people. Repeatedly like this, Yeyue really can't remember where she saw this person.

"Do you think he looks familiar? Why do I always feel that I have seen this person somewhere?" Yeyue said after carefully looking at the portrait.

Natsu looked at it nervously, then shook his head. Naz didn't remember meeting this man, and even if he had, he had already forgotten.

Yeyue knew that she couldn't count on Naz, after all, he didn't pay attention to anything.

Wulutiya looked at it for a long time without saying a word, so Yeyue could only ask.

"Ulutiya, do you remember this person?" Yeyue asked.

"This person looks familiar, I must have seen it before. But..." Ulutiya was also lost in thought.

A few minutes later, Wulutiya suddenly raised his head and looked at everyone, "I remembered, I have seen this person. Isn't this person the wizard with the mask at the bottom of the mountain? We have talked!" Ulutiya said loudly called.

With Ulutiya's reminder, Yeyue gradually remembered. Indeed, they encountered such a strange wizard when they were down the mountain. At first I thought it was just a person who likes to cheat, but I didn't expect this person to have such a big connection with the mermaid princess.

"It's all right now. We finally have a basic direction. In this way, we will go down the mountain tomorrow and find this wizard." Yeyue made a plan.

"Okay." Ulutiya nodded in agreement.

The mermaid king was very happy to see that they were going to find the wizard. As long as you find the wizard, everything can be solved smoothly.

The Mermaid King was in a very good mood, ready to prepare dinner for these people and see them off.

"Let's have fun here tonight, it's all mine. Just treat it as my farewell!" The Mermaid King said happily.

After a while, the banquet was ready, and all the people came together to play games and eat together.

In the middle of the banquet, the mermaid king walked over drunkenly, "I have something to ask you."

As soon as she heard something, Yeyue's head hurt. I don't know what the mermaid king has to trouble them this time.

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly." Yeyue said directly without going around the bush.

"It's nothing special. I did something wrong in the village before. This is the antidote. Take it back and give it to the villagers. It's also my reward for you!" It seemed that he was drunk, but at this moment he was sober and knew what he should do.

"This is really great. On behalf of the villagers, thank you!" Ze Ye almost cried with tears in his eyes when he took the antidote.

The people in the village have been sick for a long time, and Sawano has been looking for a way for so long, but it has no effect. Now that it has finally succeeded, the excitement in Sawano's heart is beyond words.

"Okay, there's no need to say polite words. Hurry up and complete the task I gave you." The mermaid king left the table after speaking.

Sawano nodded excitedly, and the atmosphere of the banquet was pushed to a climax. Manluo has been observing everything around him in the dark, and sneaked out when he saw the right moment, Manluo had something in his heart.

Manluo has been very tangled in her heart, because she didn't want to hurt the wizard. It's just that the mermaid king always wanted to kill the wizard, which made her very embarrassed.

Princess Manluo seized a gap and invited the half-drunk Yeyue into her room.

After receiving the princess's message, the maid hurried to the banquet to find Yeyue.

"Young master, our princess invites you." The servant girl whispered while grabbing Yeyue's arm.

Yeyue was very surprised when she heard the maid's words. He had nothing to do with the princess, so he didn't know what the princess called him for.

"May I ask, is there anything the princess wants from me?" Yeyue asked suspiciously.

"I'm not sure about this, you can ask the princess." The maid said and made a gesture of invitation.

Yeyue can only honestly go there with the maid, after all, Yeyue can't offend the princess.

Princess Manluo was anxiously waiting for Yeyue's arrival in the room, and Yeyue came soon.

"Princess, what's the matter?" Yeyue said honestly.

"There is nothing special, I just want to talk to you." Princess Manluo said kindly.

"Princess, I'm so ashamed." Yeyue didn't dare to look up.

"Yueyue, I want to ask you one thing, is that okay?" Princess Manluo tried to ask.

"Ask the princess if you have anything." Yeyue said.

"I hope that when you find the wizard, you can not hurt the wizard. Is it possible?" Princess Manluo asked tentatively.

"This..." Yeyue was puzzled.

Yeyue didn't know why the princess wanted to protect the wizard, after all, the wizard hurt her like this. But the princess didn't seem to care about this matter, because she didn't mean to hurt the wizard at all.

"Is it difficult?" Manluo asked softly.

"No, no, it's not difficult." Yeyue said with a smile.

After the banquet was over, Yeyue and the others rested here for a night before preparing to leave.

Yeyue and others quickly left here with their things, and then returned to the village at the foot of the mountain. The villagers in the village are waiting for these people to arrive, and the situation is very critical.

Chapter 135

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