Ghoul: The Evil Spirit Is Coming

The Attack of the Ghouls Chapter 701

Ze Ye closed his eyes and knelt in front of the broken ice, talking in a low voice and fast. Her voice was too low, and Yeyue was not sure whether she was speaking an ancient language or imitating the sound of a snake uttering a letter.

Not two minutes after Naz was honest, he yelled again: "It's not good, look at it!"

Yeyue looked in the direction of Naz's finger, and more and more little snakes came out of the cracks in the stone. These little snakes maintained a uniform posture, all straightened their upper bodies, and stared at them with a pair of snake eyes.

Looking at these eyes, Yeyue only felt a chill in her heart. These snakes obviously had human eyes, Yeyue felt uncomfortable being stared at by them.

"This kind of snake is really evil. No wonder the village of Zeye regards this strange snake as a god."

Yeyue could clearly feel an invisible pressure, obviously it was not an easy task to deal with these strange snakes in front of her.

Not only Yeyue, Naz also realized that these strange snakes staring at them were not normal.

"These snakes are too weird. Are they going to attack us? What should we do?"

Sawano still kept his eyes closed, and signaled Naz to be calm: "Don't be afraid. The divine snake can understand human speech, let me explain to the divine snake."

"My fellow Snakes, just now my partner offended the Snakes because of an unintentional mistake, and I apologize for him!"

Ze Ye took out a small knife from his arms and cut his palm.

She made a deep cut, and the blood gushed out instantly.

Ze Ye stretched out his hand flat on the pile of crushed ice, letting the blood that kept gushing out of his hand fall on the crushed ice.

"What the hell are you doing! Don't you know that snakes have the most sensitive sense of smell, and when they smell blood, they will definitely crawl over and eat you!"

Natsu's big mouth started yelling again.

"Naz, don't talk nonsense, snakes don't have a sense of smell at all, they rely on their tongues to sense smells."

Happy corrected Natsu from the sidelines.

"Anyway, Sawano's behavior is too strange. She must have been frightened."

Naz didn't care about Happy's correction to him.

Yeyue understood Zeye's meaning: "She is paying with blood."

Sawano nodded: "That's right. Since a long time ago, the village has believed in the rule of paying blood with blood. If someone hurts the snake, he must use his own blood as compensation to obtain the snake's forgiveness."

When he said this, Ze Ye's face was a little pale. The large dose of blood loss obviously left her in an extremely weak state.

Yeyue also saw a bit of ghostly tricks, Zeye's blood kept dripping into the crushed ice, logically speaking, there should be a bright red bloodstain on the crushed ice. But after the blood dripped, it seemed to have completely disappeared, and it was not able to stain the crushed ice red at all.

Yeyue felt that this must have something to do with the corpse of the strange snake under the broken ice. All the blood was sucked away by the corpse of the strange snake.

There are more and more strange snakes around them. Unlike ordinary snakes, this kind of snake just held its head up when it was crawling, and it didn't make the slightest sound. The whole snake seemed to be moving in an instant, changing its position quickly.

Their eyes, like monitoring crystals, stared at everyone.

After all, it was Geral who did something wrong. Under the gaze of these snakes, he couldn't bear the pressure in his heart at first, and began to bluff at these strange snakes: "You guys, if you come closer, be careful, I will kill you!" Kill them all!"

Although Gerald was recognized as a ruthless character, there was still a hint of sternness in his words.

"Don't be afraid, the snake will forgive us."

Ze Ye was afraid that the guy who was not afraid these days would do something out of the ordinary, so he hurriedly tried to persuade him.

"There is an ancient legend in our village. In fact, these snakes are all human beings. They used to be villagers in our village. You must not hurt him."

Because of too much blood loss, Zeye had already started to sway, looking at her, it seemed that she was about to faint at any time. But even so, Sawano still didn't look like he was going to stop, and was still bleeding from his own blood.

Everyone was attracted by Sawano's words: "These strange snakes are all humans? No way!"

Yeyue only felt a chill run down her spine, no wonder the eyes of these strange snakes looked so human-like.

Chapter 117 Legend

Sawano supported the ground with one hand so that he would not fall to the ground due to excessive weakness.

She supported her swaying body in such a posture: "I have heard such a legend from the old people in the village since I was a child."

"Actually, a long time ago, these snakes were also villagers in the village. At that time, our village was very strong, and the villagers lived and worked in peace and contentment, and lived a prosperous life. But one year, the village came to be a magister. Since then, everything has changed .”

"For this remote village, the magister is an out-and-out big man. When the magister first arrived, the villagers welcomed him warmly, but it didn't take long for the villagers to discover that, Something is wrong with this magister."

"This magister's appetite is surprisingly large. The whole village offered food together to barely satisfy him."

Happy on the side couldn't help interjecting: "He's the same as Natsu. Natsu can't get enough to eat anyway."

Natsu on the side let out a few simple and honest smirks.

"If it was just like this, it would be nothing. But slowly, the villagers began to lose their livestock at night."

"Those animals must have been stolen by that magister, right?"

Gerald couldn't help but asked Sawano's words.

Sawano nodded: "In the beginning, it was only livestock that were lost. But later on, children began to be lost at night."

"Missing a child? The one in your village, shouldn't it be the dark magister who rests in dark magic?"

After hearing this, Yeyue basically understood what was going on.

"It is indeed a dark magister. That guy arrested the children in the village to practice a kind of extremely terrifying dark magic. At this time, the people in the village realized that a plague god came to their village. "

"In order to protect the village, the villagers united and prepared to drive out that dark magister. Unfortunately, that guy is too powerful, and the villagers are just ordinary people, not his opponents at all."

"The magister used an evil magic to turn quite a few villagers into snakes. His purpose was to intimidate the villagers so that they would not dare to resist and become their own slaves obediently."

After hearing this, everyone understood the origin of these strange snakes. The strange snakes in front of me were all transformed by the villagers who had been enchanted by evil magic.

"But the magister did not expect that this kind of terrifying magic did not make the villagers surrender. On the contrary, it aroused the villagers to resist even more angrily."

"The villagers who were turned into strange snakes did not give in because of this. Together with other villagers, they drove the magister out of the village."

"The village regained its tranquility, but these villagers who had been enchanted by evil magic had no way to become human again. They could only leave the village and hide in the wilderness. But the villagers did not forget their sacrifices and sacrifices. Contribute, enshrine them as gods, and worship them from generation to generation. This is the origin of the snake."

When Sawano spoke, all the strange snakes froze in place, as if they understood Sawano's words.

When Yeyue saw these strange snakes before, Yeyue felt shuddering, but now, he felt that these strange snakes with their heads upright had a tragic smell.

In order to protect their village, they turned into such non-human, non-snake monsters.

A look of apology appeared on Gerald's face: "I don't know the origin of these divine snakes, it was purely an unintentional mistake just now."

Sawano comforted: "Don't pay too much attention to it. For a long time, there has been a legend in the village. Because these snakes were cursed, they became monsters and gained eternal life at the same time."

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