Ghoul: The Evil Spirit Is Coming

The Attack of the Ghouls Chapter 376

Tiggers' answer was clear and concise, telling Kaido the answer directly and clearly. Tiggs didn't dare to repeat too much, because he knew exactly how angry Kaido was at the moment! He didn't dare to touch the tiger's whiskers!

"Tigers! Call everyone! Let's go to war!!"

Kaido's cold voice sounded immediately! Without the slightest hesitation! After knowing the murderer who killed Jack, Kaido made the decision to go to war without hesitation!

Kaido, known as the beast, has always been fearless, without any fear! And never tolerate any provocateurs!

No matter what the reason is, Yeyue killed Jack has become a fact, so in any case, Kaido will never let Yeyue go! Not to mention the Starry Pirates!

A few years ago, Moonlight Moria also killed one of Kaido's younger brothers because of offending Kaido. Later, the angry Kaido directly destroyed Moria's pirate group, leaving no one behind! In the end, only Moria was left and fled back to the great route in embarrassment. It was extremely miserable!

Because of this lesson learned from the past, few people in the New World dare to provoke Kaido's subordinates! Even the powerful pirate group has to consider Kaido's crazy revenge!

But now, Yeyue did it without thinking!

How similar are the two personalities? As long as someone provokes you, no matter who the other party is or what the reason is, you will never let it go!

Jack provoked Yeyue, so he was killed mercilessly! Jack is dead, and Kaido will not let Yeyue go!

With the personalities of the two, even if Jack didn't cause trouble, I'm afraid the two sides will meet sooner or later! The so-called one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, the two monsters, Yeyue and Kaido, are bound to separate to live and die!

Without waiting for Tiggs to answer, Kaido slammed the phone bug hard, looking down at the sea with frowning brows, but a monstrous anger arose in his heart!

"How long has it been? Very good! It's been a long time since no one dared to provoke me! I just happen to be bored, so let me pass the boring time with you!"

Kaido said this in a self-centered manner, and immediately jumped forward, jumping off a height of 10,000 meters without hesitation!

call out! !

The burly Kaido instantly turned into a meteor and fell towards the sea rapidly, even the air made a sharp whistling sound due to high-speed friction!


Urki swallowed hard, walked quickly to the edge and looked down, the black shadow was rapidly shrinking, and disappeared from sight in an instant.

"Captain, he really the Four Emperor Kaido?"

Behind him, Urki's younger brothers couldn't hide their curiosity and asked. It is not difficult to guess from Kaido's few words, but no one is sure of Kaido's identity, because none of them have ever seen Kaido of Beasts!

"Perhaps... yes..."

Urky wasn't sure either. Judging from the tone and behavior of that figure just now, it should be the Four Emperors without a doubt! But how did the Four Emperor Kaido appear on Sky Island? And from the looks of it, it seemed that he planned to start a war with that monster, the evil ghost Yeyue!

Originally, I just came to watch the excitement, but I didn't expect to hear such terrifying news by accident! Urki felt as if he hadn't woken up. Could it be that he was just dreaming?

No matter what Urki and his team guessed, Kaido, who fell from the sky, hit an island with a bang, and the whole island shook instantly, and the smoke and dust stirred up!

On the originally flat ground, a deep pit in the shape of a human suddenly appeared. It was pitch black and bottomless! Fortunately, there are no people on this island, otherwise I am afraid that many people will be frightened!


After a long time, a big hand suddenly appeared on the edge of the deep pit, grabbed the edge and pulled it, and Kaido's burly figure appeared!

Falling from a height of 10,000 meters, it was unscathed! This Kaido is indeed worthy of being a monster!

new world. Starry Night.

"Husband, will you be too anxious to start a war with Kaido now?"

On the boat, all the girls were immersed in their own cultivation. They seemed to be serious, but in fact they were all a bit absent-minded. Saeko, as a representative, spoke out for the girls.

Although it has only been less than a year since they went to sea, the girls are no longer the ignorant and ignorant girls they were back then! Of course they know the rules of this sea area, and they also know the horror of the Four Emperors!

Four emperors, that is the supreme emperor of the new world! Four emperors stand out from countless pirates! But now, after Yeyue deliberately killed Jack, she was destined to go to war with Kaido!

Even along the way, Yeyue has never made a wrong decision, and every time she can lead them to defeat one terrible opponent after another, and win in the end! But this time the opponent is the Four Emperors! Even Saeko couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Saeko, don't overestimate the Four Emperors! It's just pirates who are stronger than others! You have to believe in yourself! You are no worse than anyone! You have grown up! Even the cadres of the Don Quixote family, no Is it all easy?"

Of course Yeyue knew the worries in the hearts of the girls. Hearing Saeko's words, Yeyue encouraged her softly. It's not that Yeyue is arrogant, but that Saeko and the girls are too unconfident!

They are all extremely talented! Both are rare geniuses! Under Yeyue's devouring ability, their growth rate is even more astonishing! Although the time to go to sea is very short, in fact, their strength is fully qualified to aspire to the throne of the emperor of this sea!

(Update~~There is only one update today~~A few more chapters will be added tomorrow~~)…

Chapter 296 Akakenu's Plan (Please customize)

new world.

Today's new world is extremely chaotic, even worse than before!

The battlefields of the various pirate groups are all over the sea, and many pirates took the opportunity to make waves, burning, killing and looting everywhere. Although the newly appointed Admiral Akainu sent more manpower and ordered the navy to dispatch the pirates, but always Doesn't help.

Helpless, the number of pirates is too much! How many people are there in the navy? The entire Navy Headquarters is not enough for the pirates in the new world to bite their teeth!

If it weren't for the pirates' disunity and embarrassment, I am afraid that even the world government would have been destroyed by the lawless pirates!

Akainu is in a state of desperation right now, the angry roar of Akainu can be heard in the office every day, and the desk is changed again and again. In less than half a month, the broken table and wood can be piled up into a hill.

Powerless! A deep sense of powerlessness surged in Akainu's heart! I can't help but miss the free time when I was a general. How good the general is! Although it is necessary to run around and deal with various complicated things, it is actually just a public-funded trip!

Leave everything to your subordinates, and watch the scenery leisurely by yourself! It's not the first time Akainu has done this kind of thing! After all, there are not many times when a general needs to do it! It's just a few times a year.

It's all good now! As a marshal, he has to be in charge of the operation of the entire navy. All the big and small things are on his own shoulders. He is so busy that he hardly has time to breathe.

To make matters worse, the time when Akainu took office coincided with the end of the top battle and the beginning of chaos in the new world! Originally, Akainu moved its headquarters to the new world to better guard the new world, but who would have expected that the chaos in the new world cannot be stopped by the navy at all!


Looking at a large pile of reports of the death of the navy in the hands of the pirates, Akainu, who was burning with anger, punched the desk, and the desk shattered immediately.

Outside the door, hearing the noise, the sailor swiftly moved a new table, and then cleaned up the broken wood. You can tell from his skillful appearance that this is no longer a day or two.

The new world is extremely chaotic, and pirates run rampant. As the admiral of the navy, especially the jealous Akainu, he certainly did not hesitate to send the navy to exterminate the pirates, but obviously, the effect is minimal! Few of the navies sent out came back alive, and most of them died.

Such a huge loss, even the marshal Akainu couldn't bear it! If things go on like this, even if Wu Laoxing doesn't dismiss him, I'm afraid there will be very few people left in the entire navy.

"Huh? The Kaido Pirates have assembled and announced a war with the Fanxing Pirates? It's that kid!"

Akainu, who was furious, suddenly glanced at a new piece of information, which was recording the movement of the Kaido Pirates a few days ago, and immediately opened his eyes and looked carefully.

Although it is difficult for the navy to move an inch in the New World, the Kaido Pirates are making such a big noise that it is impossible to hide it! What's more, Kaido didn't intend to hide it at all, and started the war completely aboveboard!

As soon as he saw Yeyue's name, Chiquan felt a dull pain all over his body! For Yeyue, the battle at the top is almost a battle of fame! But for Akainu, it is a deep shame! The dignified general, the current admiral of the navy, was actually defeated by a brat at that time!

After Huang Yuan lost to Yeyue, he was only afraid of Yeyue. But after Red Dog lost to Yeyue, he took it as a shame in his heart! Akainu swears that as long as he has the chance, he will kill Yeyue in front of the whole world, and he will be ashamed!

Although in that battle, Yeyue didn't play any tricks and defeated Akaken completely head-on with strength, but Akaken was not convinced. He thought Yeyue was just lucky! Based on strength alone, it is impossible for Yeyue to be his opponent!

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