Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 105: day

Chen Zhu’s father is a very good traffic police.

To describe a person with "very good", there is always an unfinished aftertaste.

At the time of the old forest car accident, Chen Zhu’s father received the police and went to the hospital.

The so-called car accident is only a doctor's guess. For her, the biggest significance of finding the perpetrator is that the other party can afford Lao Lin's high treatment costs.

But she also felt that the traffic police uncle handled so many accidents every day, and perhaps no one would seriously treat her father's "suspected" car accident, so she did not have much hope for the investigation.

But Chen Zhu’s father makes people feel a little different.

He first spent a lot of time comforting her, and then seriously asked the doctor Lao Lin's condition, and finally said that he will seriously investigate.

He did exactly that.

At that time, she kept working for Lao Lin’s treatment expenses. When Chen Zhu’s father was free, she would come to the hospital to see her. He told her about some investigation progress.

For example, how many traffic cameras have been recorded, how many passersby have been asked...

But in fact... basically equal to no progress.

The final investigation ended in vain, perhaps because the promise was not completed, or perhaps it was too pitiful to see her, and Chen Zhu’s father also privately stuffed 5,000 yuan for her. Lin Chaoxi was reluctant to accept charity, but she and the unconscious old forest did need money, so she did not know how to make money. She still accepted the money and wrote an owe.

On the day they finally met, it was a cold winter night.

She worked in a small restaurant on the edge of the hospital. Chen Zhu’s father took her to the next door and bought her two hot milk bags at the convenience store.

She was in a bad state at the time, and she knew that the investigation was over, so her bun was spinning around her eyes.

Chen Zhu’s father was distressed by her, and she was a little bit flustered and speeched to comfort her.

Telling life, telling inspirational stories, telling a lot of empty truth.

The uncle is really not good at words, but always works very hard to do things, even including comforting her.

Because she cried for a long time, Chen Zhu’s father also talked for a long time. Later, when he talked about it, he really had no topic, even talking about his son, with a kind of unspeakable sorry in his tone.

He said that he is divorced and has a son, 16 years old this year.

Because the work is busy, the guardianship of the son is not in his hands, he only has the right to visit.

The ex-wife remarried and married, and later gave birth to a daughter. Now she doesn’t care much about her son. She feels that she can give enough money every day. Anything can be done by her son.

And he, he and his ex-wife's family live too far, often overtime work day and night upside down, so the education of his son can not be inserted, can only let children develop freely.

Chen Zhu’s father said that his son is actually very clever and used the sentences that parents used to evaluate their children: if they work hard, his son can actually focus on high school. Although my son is now in a high school, there is still a desire to take a college degree and then upgrade to a higher level. If you can really study undergraduate, then it’s good...

Chen Zhu’s father also asked her how to treat the child’s addiction to the game.

She was a high school student at that time and it was difficult to tell any useful insights.

If she changes to the present, she will experience the prosperity of the future game industry. She can say with great confidence that if she likes, she encourages her children to do similar things...

But she was just twitching and saying: I don't know, but if you are addicted to the game, it seems to be not very good...

The intersection of her and Chen Zhu’s father ended.

Lin Xiangxi thought, perhaps they have an unspeakable regret about each other, which will eventually lead to this reunion.

Lin Zhaoxi thought of this, suddenly felt a slight noise on the top of his head.

She looked up and at the corner of the upper stairs, she saw two long legs squatting there. The hem of the trousers is distinct. Although I can't see my face, I can probably recognize who it is.

She went up a little, and some accidents, but not surprisingly, saw the sleeping brother and his sleepy face.

The story will always be like this, and people will be eavesdropped and the eavesdropper will be discovered.

When Chen Zhu’s father came and went, it was not a coincidence. When he came, he was discovered by his son. When he went, he was heard by his son to secretly ask other girls behind his back.

Chen Zhu yawned and pretended not to drag the bag, walked slowly down the stairs, passed her, and continued down.

"Where are you going?"

Chen Zhu looked at him boringly, his eyes were cool, and the meaning seemed to be obvious: he was only prepared to skip classes for a long time. Now that his father is coming, he is ready to skip classes for a whole day.

"Your father is very worried about you, or talk to him?" Lin Zhaoxi tried to ask, but Chen Zhu did not respond, just looked at her coldly.

Lin surrendered: "Well, I am wrong, you can't say anything 'have something about you', 'you don't understand anything', I will be jealous..." Although you seem to be really this means.

Chen Zhu turned around and said nothing.

In the same corridor, she watched the father and son, and could not help but sigh slightly.

She didn't know at the time, why Chen Zhu's father always looked at his eyebrows, a very tired and anxious look.

Now I want to come, it must be related to Chen Zhu.

But the conversation that night was not deep enough, and the information she got was very limited. It was difficult for her to intervene in the relationship between their father and son, let alone help one of them.

Similarly, she calmed down. After seeing Chen Zhu’s father’s excitement dissipated, she suddenly realized that the other party had not found out the truth about the old forest car accident, and now the car accident did not happen, even if he found the future traffic police. What can change?

It seems that for the time being, she can't do anything.

Lin was a bit frustrated, but forced himself to find hope.

If she came here is a certain fate arrangement, and all the people and things she met, as well as the choices she made when facing these people and things, all have meaning.

That may be, under these arrangements and meanings, she can really change the car accident that Laolin suffered.

Since she is here, she can always change something. She still believes in this.


In the days after that, Lin had a hard time.

It’s obviously not easy to learn to upgrade in a noisy environment than simply going back and learning to upgrade.

From time to time, she will be shot by Zheng Matt in the window, and often it will be disturbed by the noisy environment in the classroom.

But often at this time, she will look back and see if there is no one reading next to Zheng Matt, and then she knows what to do.

And her sleeping brother at the same table has evolved from class to sleep less since she was last found in school.

Lin Chaoxi occasionally looks at the empty space next to her, always feels that she prefers to fill the place, even if it is sleeping, better than the empty seat.

Without knowing why, Bao Xiaomeng was transferred from her position in the back row by Teacher Li.

Lin Chaoxi feels that this is probably what Bao Xiaomen specifically requested.

During the period, she also looked for Bao Xiaomen twice.

When I was reading the class, it seemed to be a good opportunity to talk, and another time outside Bao Xiaomeng's favorite jewelry store.

It was on Sunday, she went to buy an exercise book and saw Bao Xiaomeng tally in the store.

The girl has been put on the clerk's pink apron and is happy to work, as if to prepare for work after graduation.

Lin Xixi could not help but want to tell her something.

Talking about the hardships of life and the possibility of the future, when I was 22 years old, she regretted that the tears of the strong man were desperately trying to comfort themselves. No way, who made you late...

But in the end, she still couldn't say anything. Because Bao Xiaomeng stood up directly, and passed her by, as she did not know her at all.

Lin Zhaoxi looked at her predecessor with a firm and optimistic face. It is very clear that she is now looking for the current Bao Xiaomeng and will not have any results.

Therefore, she can only check out silently.

Lin Chaoxi took the workbook and left the store.

I also tried to comfort myself. Maybe the 15-year-old Bao Xiaomeng really likes a life path that doesn't require too much effort to pass by.

But at the age of 18, she really believed that choosing a professional that sounded great and coming out as a teacher after graduation was what she wanted.

But in fact, not at all.


As the days passed, Lin Chaoxi always felt that he was too helpful to help others, so he was countered.

Although I want to change something, both Bao Xiaomeng and Chen Zhu are like offshore boats, drifting along with the water, as if they can only go to the direction they will definitely go.

Lin Xia still wants to do something for them, but she doesn't know what to do, or she doesn't know what she should do.

Many things she can't control, indirectly lead her to put more energy into things she can control, such as more focused learning.

During the day, most of her energy is placed in school. After completing the review of the junior high school three-year content, she went to buy a high school mathematics counseling book to continue learning. If the study progresses smoothly, probably after New Year's Day, she can begin to formally study the contents of university mathematics.

In the evening, the junior high school math league took up all of her time.

She and Lu Zhihao, together with them, went to Laolin’s Olympics tutoring class, and dragged Laolin to continue to open small stoves after class. Lao Lin often said that he would charge extra fees. When Lu Zhihao was so stupid that he handed the money to Lao Lin’s hand, he was pressed by Lao Lin on the table.

Everyday learning tasks are heavy, but every time she is free, she is trying to sort out all the events before and after the old forest car accident.

She wrote down the details, conversations, and memories that she could recall.

And constantly, constantly thinking, what path did Laolin take on the day, what did he did, or what influenced his choice that day.

In fact, Lao Lin’s car accident was not completed in the same year, and she did not have more information when she returned to her a year ago.

It is difficult for her to find a way to stop a car accident through those details.

And after so many days of finishing, she always couldn't help but think of the lecture of Yan's translation.

If the p/np problem is solved, then there is such a super algorithm. It is probably not so difficult for her to estimate the future action track of Laolin.

Most of the things are incompetent, and for Lin Xixi, the only interesting person who can let her relax a little during this time, except for Comrade Lao Lin who has always lived and lived, only the Yongchuan Middle School is a four-person group.

They and Yongchuan Middle School are far from the shackles. With the last year's full-scale frightening experience, Hanamaki really did not dare to put a play on the Yongchuan Middle School four-person group.

I am afraid that these four people will go crazy again, and they are responsive to Yongchuan Middle School.

About to do the paper together (via qq), the next five chess, and even forced to promise that if there is a chance, they will definitely go to Yongchuan Middle School to find them to play.

"Looking for a ghost, I still want to live a few more years."

Hua Juan students are so vomiting.


In 20xx, on the 1st of December of her high school year, Lao Lin was comatose in a car accident.

And a year ago, she was still on the 1st of December, and they took the midterm exam.

On Monday, Chinese mathematics English, political and physical chemistry on Tuesday, and on the afternoon of Wednesday afternoon, the school arranged a parent meeting and publicly executed.

I don't know if I want to open a parent meeting.

In the days before the mid-term exam, the whole class fell into an unprecedented crazy learning attitude.

There is definitely a difference between the "fanaticism" of their class and the normal learning state of a class, but Lin can also be asked more than a dozen questions a day, and the students who have answered questions must once again become the hottest person in the class. .

Zheng Matt’s physical education class did not go to basketball, but it became a follower of the cockroach.

Whether it's eating, attending classes, or going to the men's restroom, he is pleading for the mathematics quick-fixing rule all day long. Whenever he answered "No", he cried and said "If my grandmother knows that I will fail to pass the test, I will kill me with a clothes hanger".

Even more frightening is that Lin Daixi also encountered a boy who threatened him. She and the other party have never spoken. The boy was informed that after the mid-term examination and her in the same examination room, she asked her to secretly hand the answer to cheating, otherwise she would go to school to beat her.

At that time, the group leader passed by, directly licking the boy's leg and pushing the person to the ground.

The group leader stepped on the boy's calf and said coolly, "So I am going to fight now?"

The boy rushed to resist, but was directly pressed by the **** the wall.

Lin is standing next to him, and he will only applaud silently.

It is in this atmosphere of chicken flying dogs that they finally ushered in the first mid-term exam in the third grade.

Lin Chaoxi sat in the re-drilled examination room.

It was already cold, she was wrapped in a thick cotton coat and rubbed her hand.

There was a layer of water vapor on the window, and there was a sound of endorsement around the examination room. The whole classroom was like a small pot of porridge.

She and Chen Zhu are very close, and they are divided into a test room.

The sleeping brother who had not come to school finally came to take the test. He almost walked into the examination room with the ringing of the test, and turned a deaf ear to the education of the invigilator. Lin looked at the thin back of the boy and the head that was pulled down. Wrinkled.

She knew that something happened to Chen Zhu. Because he is now like a kind of seesaw that drifts in the wind and waves, completely self-exiled, how can it be, even the hull is completely okay.

But Chen Zhu did not appear, and even did not speak. She did not have any chance to talk to him at all.

It may be before the language exam, so she used some inexplicable metaphor.

However, when the exam rings and tries to curl, she never thinks about anything else.

The examination process is very bland, and the only math exam that makes Lin’s accidents seem to be super difficult.

After the completion of the examination, the entire examination room has a few seconds of silence.

Later, the students began to complain wildly.

"How is it so difficult?"

"You will not do it?"

"I won't be the last two big questions."

"I still make one by you, I won't do it all three ways."

Lin Chaoxi packed up the stationery and found that Lu Zhihao blocked her directly at the entrance of the examination room.

"Are you making it?" Lu Zhihao asked.



"I can prove it wrong." Lin Xixi comforted him.

"I believe you have a ghost!" Lu Zhihao was very depressed. "Even you have made it..."

"I have any questions? I, Lin Zhaoxi, has always been okay." Lin Zhaoxi took a shot of Lu Zhihao's shoulder, modest and authentic.

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