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An azure bluestone slab, resting on a pile of soil and stones.

The word densely packed on the bluestone slab, a group of Goblin surrounds the bluestone slab and is facing spiritedly against the content on the bluestone slab. The bluestone slab reads the following:

“This is emergency information from Eternal Kingdom Dungeon [non-existent intelligence agency]:

The evil abyss commander occupied the Undead Academy, where countless Lich and undead creatures were lingering. They accumulated their own power, and at any time might launch a fierce attack on Eternal Kingdom Dungeon and our beautiful Underworld.

Commissioned by Devil Lord Sherlock: Warriors of Eternal Kingdom, your home needs your guard, Underworld needs you to save, don’t be afraid of death, don’t be afraid of sacrifice, take up your weapons, fight bravely!

[Daily · Explore Undead Academy: Driving Range]

[Mission: Eternal Kingdom Dungeon requires you to go to [Undead Academy: Driving Range] to explore information and weaken the power of Undead Legion. Kill enough undead (010)]

[Quest reward: 100 reputation of Eternal Kingdom Dungeon, 50bronze coin] “

[Task Tip: [Undead Academy: Driving Range] The copy is a copy of 5 people, please confirm that after the team, a maximum of 5 people will go to the newly planned Teleport Portal lobby (next to the nursery), in the Teleport Portal mana sufficient conditions Next, you can wait for a while within the range of one meter around the Teleport Portal. After the Teleport Portal opens, you can enter. Each time the Teleport Portal opens, it only lasts 20 seconds. 】

[Conditions: Dungeon Reputation Level 2 or higher (30000), Melee (ranged) weapon proficiency Level 2 or higher] “

The content of the bluestone slab is very detailed. After reading the content, the Gamers have completely updated the previous plan, causing them to completely forget about the barbell mansion plan.

“Weapon proficiency level 2! Shortbow players don’t!”

“Equipment with more than 3 equipment! Speed! The first echelon opens up wasteland!”

“Shua spiders join the group! Brush up to upgrade the equipment and hurry up! Group 4 people left! The materials are all ROLL!”


A group of Gamer shouted, and the whole Dungeon Core lobby door was as lively as the market.

“Peng peng peng!” Simba, who was helping Gamer in the Blacksmith Shop to strengthen his equipment, listened to the deafening shout from the hall, the blue muscles on his forehead jumped, and his heart was instantly irritable.

“Blacksmith uncle, you must help me strengthen my success, otherwise I will lie to your Blacksmiths later …”

“Your chest is gone!”

“Do not–!”

With [Weeding] on his head, the two-word Gamer immediately held his head, squatting down in pain and sorrow, watching Simba smashed a huge hole in the breastplate, and threw it into the recycling stove relentlessly, feeling life hopeless.

The Gamers who lined up behind, saw the tragedy of [Weeding], and then looked at the other two gamers who were crouching and crouching. They walked away silently. Today it seems that it is not suitable for strengthening the equipment. what.


The combat proficiency level does not reach Level 2 Gamer, which accounts for about half of the Beta Gamer. When they see that the combat proficiency level is not enough to enter the copy, they immediately start to form the team at the fastest speed, and then kill. Over the spider’s lair.

The spiders in the spider’s nest are about to usher in a foul wind and bloody rain.

And when these Gamers began to move towards the Spider’s Lair, the remaining Gamers have already begun as a group of 5 5 and some Gamers have been teamed up and are preparing for the Raiders.

Five Goblin are sitting on the ground near the Teleport Portal in a circle.

The wind above your head should not bear [Arthur] [NotWearingPants] [Sylvanas] [burning chest hair] and [Weeding].

There are other Gamers on the side who are still shouting to open the group. Five of them have started discussing tactics.

“… That’s it, according to the way we played the skeleton soldiers when we had the plot BOSS before, do you understand?”

NotWearingPants pointed to the battle plan map drawn on the ground with his sword pointed to the people around him.

Sylvanas and Arthur hesitated for a moment, nodded, Arthur did not respond, looked at the burning chest hair for a while and then asked, holding his arms:

“Wait a minute, I didn’t understand. What do you plan for this battle plan, and behind the raid, I understand. What do you mean by shooting short bow ahead of time?”

“What’s the matter? Do you have any questions? Before you blame, remotely open blame, isn’t it the common sense of online game copies?” Sylvanas frowns, looking at the burning chest hair in front of him and asked: “Are you worried that my bow and arrow technology is not working? , Accidentally injured teammates? I am proficient in distance XNUMX! “

“No, no, no, I’m not worried that you might accidentally hurt your teammates. Before we started to blame, we were all hiding behind. It is impossible for you to shoot the arrows behind your head. You are not Wei God.” That burning chest hair He said, then spread his hands and said, “I mean, you think about that skeleton soldier, right?”

“Yeah, what’s wrong.” Sylvanas looked strangely towards the burning breasts.

“You use a bow and arrow to shoot a skeleton … where do you shoot?”

The burning chest hair said so, and the Gamers at the side also understood it. NotWearingPants slap, and then said:

“Mad, I forgot this problem, and all played this game as an online game before. Then, let’s blame it with a stone. The stone is better.”

“No, I said,” I ’m so strange, how can I change it, you do n’t believe me? “Sylvanas objected on the spot:” Even a skeleton, I can hit his head with an arrow, maybe it doesn’t matter. You fight, I’ll just brush your believing or not alone? “

“You think, the skeleton soldiers that many ribs, it’s empty, but no meat for you to poke, if you 10000 an arrow through the gap between the ribs, and then poke on the backbone of the skeleton soldier behind, pull 2 ​​in one breath, 10000 If it’s strong, aren’t we cold? Take a stone, raise your head slightly, and save your arrows. “Weeding advised from the side.

“Yeah, you shot Arthur’s head through the last time, did you forget it?” NotWearingPants said from the side.

“Lao Tzu said, the last time it was an accident, Arthur’s big brother didn’t say anything, what are you doing on your lips every day? And you do n’t even pull a monster to let me pull with a short bow, what is the meaning of my short bow Where is it? “Sylvanas stood up violently and shouted to NotWearingPants, and many Gamer also looked over.

“Stones,” said Arthur, sitting cross-legged.

“Oh, I agree, listen to Arthur’s big brother.” Sylvanas, who had just jumped into a thunderstorm, immediately sat down, a well-behaved look.

“No problem, let’s go!” Arthur said, patted his legs, and stood up.

(Starting today, 3 more a day, everybody adds one more every day, ask for a recommendation ticket)

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