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According to the rules of the Dungeon Lord Experience Sharing Conference, Sherlock can only take 3 servants, but the slime steward belongs to the staff, and of course it is not a servant of Sherlock.

“The development of Dungeon has continued to be hot in recent years, and there are more and more Devils who choose to buy Dungeon to work hard and start a business. Therefore, it is not because of the Sherlock, your Dungeon Level is too low, your position is too poor, and resources The comprehensive reason such as too few, but because there are too many people. With the strength and identity of Lord Sherlock, it is entirely possible to conduct business negotiations with the big group! “The slime monster Steward put the handy sign in his body and continued Says:

“The above is a message from Zhao 4 Baron to Lord Sherlock, and Zhao 4 Baron has also carefully selected for you Sherlock, Dungeon Early-Stage development, some buildings that are in urgent need of improvement, and some special talents recruited. This is the big group Checklist. “

The slime monster Steward said, “vomiting” a piece of paper full of characters out of his body, and then passed it to Sherlock in a slimy way.

Sherlock took the sticky paper with two fingers and looked at it:

“[Dagang Group Business Negotiation Zone]

Underground forest planted forest area, 10000 magic stone.

Magic Stone Mine Refinery, 10000 magic stone.

Teleport Portal reception hall, 10000 magic stone.

Magic item refining table, 10000 magic stone.

demonic beast transfer processing institute, 50000 magic stone.

underworld dwellers Institute for Intensification, 50000 magic stone.

The latest and most complete magic skill book underworld dwellers crash course, 50000 magic stone.

……………… “

“Master Sherlock, let ’s go and see what is needed to build Dungeon. Let ’s start with the Teleport Portal exhibition hall. There is the best and most complete Teleport Portal supplier in the entire North Underworld. A fully functional and promising Dungeon, it must be There is good traffic. Although the Teleport Portal has many restrictions, using the Teleport Portal is still the best and fastest way of transportation before the fast-moving traffic lines are built. As for the Mengxin group business negotiations, we do n’t need … … “Steward said as he walked, but when he turned around, Sherlock, who was behind him, and 3 Goblins were gone.

“Master Sherlock?”

The cowardly and helpless slime steward made such a tiny sound.

When the slime monster Steward was still looking for Sherlock in 4 places, Sherlock had already taken 3 Gamer to bypass other places and head straight to the free afternoon tea food area.

The spider gnawed the earth, fried earth cakes, earthen meatballs, earthen pot earth, earthen rice that all Dungeon loved, and the child next door wailed …

“Can we all eat these?”

Sylvanas looked at the “delicious” in front of her, and could not bear it anymore:

“Can I take it back for sale? I have never seen any of these foods. Are there any special BUFF after eating?”

“What to eat, I think we should look at things, new scenes! Whether they can come in the future are all questions, haven’t played RPG?”

NotWearingPants said, and just reached out to see the bottles and jars on the side.

It was just that he reached out and was stopped by Arthur:

“Forgot the mission requirements? Talk less and don’t touch things. If your mission is suspended and you can’t complete this hidden mission, will you lose me?”

“I’m kidding.” NotWearingPants said with a smile, but seeing Arthur’s serious look, he no longer wanted to touch the bottles and cans, and by the way apologize sincerely: “Sorry, my brother, next I dare not. “

Sherlock watched as the three Gamers behind him settled down, leaving them alone.

Of course, he didn’t come to the food area for free afternoon tea. He took away a piece of hell tentacle bread and matched it with a cup of fragrant bloody chrysanthemum tea. Sherlock glanced around and quickly found the area he was looking for.

[Dungeon Lord Experience Sharing Conference · Mengxin Group Business Zone]

“Arthur, NotWearingPants, Sylvanas.”

Sherlock shouted, and the 3 Gamers behind him immediately shook their spirits.


NotWearingPants immediately took out his pen and showed it.

“Private stamp.”

Sylvanas also took out her private stamp and showed it.


Arthur lifted a small briefcase.

“Okay, everything is ready, and the next big moment for Eternal Kingdom Dungeon is coming. Be smart and show that you should have the momentum to defeat the leader of the dog world, Kramer, and save the heroic identity of the entire Underworld. Keep your focus, okay? “

Sherlock made the final mobilization, then confirmed the remaining balance of more than 3000 in the magic stone card he was carrying, and then took 3 gamers into it.

[Big discounts, the latest 100th anniversary Blacksmith Shop specials …]

[Want to be a good and cheap carpenter’s house in the kitchen? Come on …]

[Simple and easy to plant weeds, cure wounds? Weeds are enough! Let your dinner also include miscellaneous Fuck …】

[Easy to learn gymnastic exercises, even Goblin can practice sphincter …]

[Don’t be discouraged, don’t be disappointed, the latest street textbook “Poor Ghost Dungeon Development Law” guarantees you from entry to the ground …]


Sherlock walked through the slightly desolate hallway. In front of the shop information desk of each and everyone, there was a slogan like this. The blogger ’s eyeballs were good. The real situation, but the price is definitely suitable for the new one. But there are not many people consulting.

I can only see a few Devil consulting there, and occasionally even see non-Devil underworld dwellers, such as Lich, Vampire and so on.

Really desolate cute new group …

“Don’t the steward of Zhao 4’s family just say that we Dungeon have been assigned to the Mengxin group too recently?” NotWearingPants obviously means that not at all how much Dungeon Lord came here to consult business cooperation.

“It’s generally like this in the game, but it’s called crowd crowd, but the crowd that really made it is just a few people. It’s normal.” Arthur didn’t find it strange, so said.

“But we were invited because we defeated Cramer? Would you let us say a word and so on?” Sylvanas asked.

The Gamers were still mumbling that Sherlock had found the business cooperation he was looking for.

[Ultra-low interest rates sprout new loans, the comfort of the loans is also sad]

Sherlock tidy up his collar, his dream is to build the greatest Dungeon ever, but building Dungeon alone can not be manpower, it also needs a lot of various resources, convenient transportation, forming a self-sufficient industry circle, and even Need a lot of magic talent, and which one does not require a lot of magic stone?

Just like the list of Gangster Business Group you just saw, everything is Sherlock’s goal!

Not to mention, let’s borrow a 100 800,000 magic stone first.

But before he touched the doorknob, the door opened, and a Devil, which looked like a fly, was dragged out of it.

“Wait, wait! I know my Dungeon is a little close to the surface for 3 days. There is only a small piece of magic stone on the edge, and a small piece of forest resources. Will I mortgage Goblin for you? 3000 magic stone is too few! I want all the cooperation projects of the big business team! Hey! Listen to me! “

The Devil was dragged away.

“Do you have anything? Do you want a loan?”

When Devil, who looked like a fly, was towed away, a look pale vampire walked out of the loan processing room, and looked towards Sherlock politely.

“Just passing by.”

Sherlock said casually and left with his hands on his back.

“Fuck, at that moment I thought I was going to witness Old Xia go to take a loan, and my screenshots were all ready.”

NotWearingPants didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“How is it possible that the main city, Dungeon Lord, is an online loan from Gamer, and this game operation is too rude.” Sylvanas said as if he was talking about something funny.

Only Arthur said nothing, followed Sherlock behind him, and looked around.

Sherlock has no time to manage the rumours of the Gamers behind him. He is now thinking about how to get money. In the scene just now, he wanted to borrow for a 100 800,000 magic stone, and the fantasy of taking off directly has been shattered.

But how can you make money without borrowing money? Be a dog?

No no no, if you bet on dogs, even Devil does n’t want to touch them. Although I have thought about letting Gamers participate in gladiatorial games to get rich, but that ’s just thinking about it, at least because they are strong enough to rely on Goblin’s fleshhy Body quality before going to the championship.

Sherlock suddenly got into a dilemma and wanted to find someone to invest in, but after a lap, this experience sharing exchange meeting, selling everything, just didn’t let him empty the investment department of White Wolf. feeling bad.

Sherlock thought he had left almost empty-handed, but walked unconsciously to the door of a room that read [Special Talent Recruitment Center].

He is frowned and wants to speed up and leave.

But in front I saw a slime monster wearing a wet tuxedo moved towards here, shouting while walking:

“Master Sherlock! Where are you, I have already completed the letter of intent agreement for the Teleport Portal lobby. Today, 8% off the full price, 8000magic stone will be fine! Master Sherlock!”

Sherlock was hesitant to walk back, and the door to the [Special Talent Recruitment Center] opened suddenly. A succubus stepped out of the door, looked up and saw Sherlock, and froze.

Sherlock froze.

2 people big eyes staring at small eyes looking at each other.

However, in the eyes of the three Gamers, it is almost the same as when the male and female protagonists of the youth idol drama at 3 o’clock in the evening meet, or the picture frame with a bit of starlight powder.

NotWearingPants frowned, and whispered to Arthur:

“I thought it was a realistic online game of horrible Cthulhu style. Didn’t expect that there is still a youth love comedy element. Look at this succubus and look at our Old Xia. I’m afraid it’s not love at first sight. The plot is stereotypical. However, the official sugar can really gather the popularity of the NPC. In this picture, I will post a new book of Old Xia on the forum. Are you believing or not? “

It’s just that Arthur hasn’t answered yet, the succubus already grabbed Sherlock’s cloak with a crying cry:

“Also, still … woo!”

The succubus hasn’t finished speaking yet, Sherlock has covered his mouth and pushed it into the room, and then left a sentence “The door waits for me” to the 3 Gamer, then closed the door, leaving 3 Gamer to face the door peep.

“What do you mean?”

Sylvanas didn’t respond.

“Ten 8 forbidden plot … probably.”

NotWearingPants is also a bit embarrassing.

“Let’s just wait like this? Or is, is there a hidden story hidden task that can be triggered?”

Arthur frowns, looked all around.

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