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“Master Sherlock, it’s time.”

“What? The adventurer on the ground is coming so soon? My Treasure Room isn’t ready yet …”

Sherlock’s fingers flew fast, and he went crazy with his mouse.

“No, Lord Sherlock. I’m not talking about games, it’s time for those Gamer auction equipment.”

“Bru” finished, Sherlock looked startled:

“What? A day has passed?”

Sherlock looked at the time, and indeed the one-day spoils of war publicity period had passed, and it was close to noon at noon, and it was time for the auction.

Sherlock didn’t expect time to pass so fast.

Gamers outside have begun to gather outside the core lobby, waiting for auctions.

Of course, the auction will not be the screaming bids of Gamers, but “Bru” as the system, collecting the quotations of 100 Gamers, and auctioning six spoils of war at the same time in ten minutes. The Gamers gathered outside the core lobby, naturally they hope to see who can win the six pieces of wars of war outside the core lobby.

The attributes of each spoils of war are far superior to the top grade of today’s equipment, or the Legendary attribute. The unique shape, if you can hold the Dora wind, and this equipment can be soul bound! You can also use the equipment insurance to avoid falling!

The main thing is that these equipment are unique. The doghead leader Kramo has only one in Underworld, but there is no possibility to refresh the second one.

You do n’t need to know this auction, it will definitely consume most of the currency earned by Beta Gamer in the past month as a task for material exchange. Most of the currency will be consumed here. After receiving a 3% tax, it will be distributed to all participating BOSS based on the contribution. Fighting Gamers.

As for how to allocate according to the contribution, it is of course determined by Bru according to the actual situation. Gamers go to the core to collect bronze coin by themselves, and Sherlock does not need to manage it.

So many Gamers are gathered here, there is going to have a crazy chat, chirp chirp twitter twitter outside the entire Dungeon Core lobby is almost noisy.

Although the distant carpenter Mu Fasha has been here for 2 days, but for this Dungeon that is revealed crazy and incredible everywhere, Mu Fasha is still a bit unable to adapt, mainly those Goblin are crazy and incredible.

“Cousin, what are they doing outside the core lobby to gather and chat? Willn’t Lord Sherlock fire them?”

Mufasha is holding a spoon, and Blacksmith Simba on the side is putting soil in the soup pot. This food will be sold to Gamer for a high price after being dehydrated.

“Master Sherlock won’t fire them. Gathering chat is just one of their hobby. I told you before, don’t be surprised by what Goblin does, just remember that.”

Blacksmith Simba didn’t care to say that.

It will take some time for Mufasa to adapt to Eternal Kingdom Dungeon, and the Auction House of Gamers has begun to reach its climax.

There is only one last minute left, and the prices of the 6 pieces of equipment are all between 2 100 and 400 bronze coin. The bidders are also some of the internal testers who Sherlock has not heard of the name. .

It’s not that Gamers can’t afford the money, but because people who really want to buy these equipment will bid in the last time.

When the time entered the countdown, the price of 6 pieces of equipment began to refresh at the same time. From the original price of 100 bronze coin, it started to soar, and soon broke through 10000. At 30 seconds, the price of each piece of equipment Both broke through 50000 bronze coin, and still started to increase by several thousand to 1000.

In the last ten seconds, the price of each piece of equipment stabilized at a price close to the hundred thousand bronze coin, and then in the last three seconds, it began to rise at a rapid rate.

During this process, the Gamer kept the sound of high decibel yelling:

“Oh-oh!-Oh my god!”

“What the hell is this? A piece of online gaming equipment has fired to 1,000,000 Renminbi ?!”

“Did these tyrants buy all the game coins?”

“This is the first test that 100 people can be so expensive. Will it still be available after the public test?”

“I made it, I tested it, and I must make a studio to play game currency, and I will also work in fart class!”

Then in the chat of the chirp chirp twitter twitter of the Gamer, these 6 pieces of equipment were auctioned out at the price of around thousand.

The tyrants who have obtained the equipment have actually been determined from the very beginning. Among the 100 people who have competed for strength, as early as when they opened up the spider’s lair, there were 5 people who chose, [Arthur] [NotWearingPants] [burning chest hair] ] [Sylvanas] [Sakuranomiya Cat Monster], these 5 people are the 5 most sloppy people in Beta Gamer, these 5 people are divided into 5 pieces of equipment, and the last sword breastplate is also similarly [Asia Joseph] got the hand, and Arthur spent a total of nearly 25 10000 bronze coins.

The Gamers are generous about the shots of these tyrants, and they are wondering what is covering their eyes.

Those five first test tyrants received their five pieces of equipment in the envious eyes of Gamers, and then NotWearingPants changed hands and stunned:

“Who wants leg armor! Renminbi deals!”

With such a shudder, nearly ten people on the side started to bargain again.

The whole scene was caught in a new round of auctions.

Sherlock didn’t have time to watch the careful thinking of NotWearingPants. How much money this transfer can help him, and did not care about how rich those Gamer can be in otherworld, he was thinking about very realistic issues.

A total of 60 to 10000 bronze coins are mostly settled with bronze coins engraved with the number 100, that is, an equivalent to 1 face value bronze coin, as well as silver coin and other currencies.

But just like this, a small hill was piled up in front of Sherlock. Sherlock couldn’t help having nodded pain. Only 100 people, in less than a month, had accumulated so much currency. In the future, if the so-called 2 test 3 test, according to Bru, 800 million Gamer is waiting.

Of course, not 800 million Gamer can come in, and the server built by Dungeon Core is not so large. You have to upgrade Dungeon Core to continue to increase the number of connections. When you think about increasing the number of people in the future, the consumption of metal currency is once again Increase.

It’s not that Sherlock can’t afford this metal currency, but because Sherlock finds it very troublesome. These metal currency Sherlock also intends to seduce the adventurer on the surface, and then use those adventurers to make magic stones, all of which are held in the arms of these gamers. What would it be if I went there.

Sherlock looked towards his magic stone card and thought about it:

“Bru, can you build a banking system?”

“What?” Bru was surprised.

“Just like a magic stone card, when trading, you can use the card to directly assign the magic stone to the other party. This type of system can also be taken out when the magic stone is needed.” Sherlock continued: “These gamers use these metal currencies In my arms, even the death and loss have been lost a lot. In the future, there will be more people. Hundred thousand and several million gamers will flow in. How much currency do I have to prepare for them? “

“It’s true. If this problem is not solved, these currencies alone will need a large area of ​​warehouses to store it. 100 Gamers have already accumulated so much wealth in a month. If the number of Gamers increases in the future, the wealth they have will There must be more, “said Bru.” Master Sherlock, although the workload is a bit heavy, I will work overtime to complete this banking system, and I will need your more mana support during this period. “

As long as the problem that can be solved with mana is not a big problem, Sherlock allows “Bru” to hurry up and start working, and during this time, there is no need to do anything, just make this banking system hurry up and go online earlier to improve Gamer game quality, perfect game mechanism, the most important thing is to save money for yourself!

The currency of 100 people has already spent more than ten magic stones. How many magic stones would it cost if there were 10000 or thousands of gamers?

The Gamers from outside watched the tyrants happily, sharing their game currency after the auction, and Sherlock transferred most of the mana on his body to “Bru” for recharging to develop the banking system.

Left and right, Sherlock turned on the computer and said to himself:

“I’ll play for another half an hour …”


The time for the Dungeon Lord Experience Sharing Conference is coming soon. Although it is only a short period of 3 days, Sherlock has been called out many times by Gamers to help resurrect, help to repair the corpse, and buy private land, buy beds, etc. Wait

After completing the auction, those Gamers did not relax. In order to be selected to perform hidden tasks, do crazy tasks, kill spiders, and exchange materials for reputation, some casualties are inevitable.

It used to be indifferent, but now, it’s uncomfortable to keep interrupting his research on Dungeon.

Sherlock once vowed to find a wizard who can repair the corpse, but then thought about it. Sherlock still dismissed the idea, let alone say that the matter of resurrecting the corpse must be given to someone who fully trusts. The wizard ’s monthly salary is just beautiful. Figure, how can this money be wasted for playing games?

Sherlock is a Devil Lord with an ideal. How can he lose his ideal because of the game? What is a game? I don’t like it at all.

“Master Sherlock, it looks like you have cleared Dungeon, have you cleared it twice?”

Bru said congratulatingly from the side.

“Oh, just a game, let’s not talk about this. Are you looking for the servants of the Dungeon Lord Experience Sharing Conference with me?” Sherlock asked with a sip of strong tea elegantly.

“It’s been selected, Lord Sherlock.” Bru said, and there were already 3 excited Goblin waiting outside Dungeon:

“You can go now.”

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