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To buy pickaxe, you have to go to the neutral Bazaar of Freedom Town, and the nearest Bazaar of Freedom Town is in Winterfell City, Dungeon. Sherlock has to go from Eternal Kingdom to Winterfell City. Let ’s say that it takes a dozen days and the time is tight. He couldn’t wait to summon Goblin to build his great Dungeon, he decided to use the most luxurious travel method-Teleport Scroll!

Generally, only the big Magician can open the Teleport Portal to other cities at will. Sherlock is Devil, not Big Magician, but like most Worlds, if you have difficulties, you just do n’t have the money.

After tearing up the Teleport Scroll with heartache, Sherlock was teleported to a new place in a magic halo.

“Don’t stand stupid! Check it out and hurry out. There are also teleporters behind!”

The mad Orc at the Teleport Portal reception desk took a form on Sherlock’s chest quite rudely. It was not their rude work attitude, but the heavy work coupled with the mad Orc’s original character, which caused the immediate The situation, Sherlock comforted himself in his heart.

Holding the form down from the Teleport Portal, the rows of Teleport Portal behind it kept flashing rays of light, Sherlock filled the form while walking towards the door of the Teleport Portal reception, and there was a short Gnome at the door. , Saying this to Gnome on the side:

“… but I drank a little more wine. My wife fiercely choked me yesterday and saw that my ears were not cut off by my wife! Hey, I was also a Legendary Gladiator when I was young.”

The Gnome showed Sherlock’s form while stamping a bloody green head with a bandaged green seed on his left.

Even the dark Underworld has its own order. The neutral Freedom Town is better. As long as the city is established by businessmen, as long as you fill out a form and stamp, you can move freely and submit the form when you leave. It’s done, but other people’s Dungeon, but not just come and go, just like Sherlock’s Dungeon Eternal Kingdom. If someone of other dark races breaks in, Sherlock without the slightest hesitation Will kill him on the spot, if he can.

Holding the stamp, Sherlock headed directly to Bazaar in Winterfell City. Bazaar was in a hollowed-out huge cave. Can be seen everywhere. Stalls called Gnome or Goblin. Most of them were other Dungeon Lords. After paying a lot of rent in Freedom Town, I sent them here to do business. Most of them sell very ordinary things. From the perspective of a senior Devil like Sherlock, it is all garbage!

Huh! Why is that silverscale breastplate so shiny, and want to lie to me to spend money!

Of course, there are some Devils like Sherlock who lead 5-meter-tall giants carrying demonic beast’s corpses. They came to buy and sell.

Sherlock took a deep breath and raised his chest, his Dungeon Legendary started the First Step from here!

“How many magic stones did you bring?” Core “Bru” asked when Sherlock was in a spirited mood.

“1000! I’ve got everything! It’s all heavy!” Sherlock said as he looked for the iron goods shop.

Core “Bru” pondered for a moment and said, “You really … life is so simple and admirable!”

Regarding Bru’s words, Sherlock didn’t even hear it at all. The remaining 1000 were already left after he bargained with the little elder sister of the sales department. The prices have soared this year, and life is not easy!

The iron goods shop is not difficult to find. There are many in Bazaar. Sherlock went to a house that looked relatively humble and went in. The door of the shop read “No Most Expensive”.

The shopkeeper of the shop is a short and sturdy Stone Golem. He is banging with a hammer and ping-pong. When he sees someone coming in, he immediately drops the hammer and pours a bloody chrysanthemum tea for Sherlock, then asks eagerly: “Will the customer buy Depression Cream or Ash Emissary? Our shop is full of high imitations, and we promise to take them out for real!”

Sherlock shook the head, saying, “I’ll buy metal pickaxe, and make 100 of them.”

“No problem! 1000 magic stone! Free home delivery!”

That’s what Stone Golem said.

Sherlock took a breath, when metal pickaxe became so expensive! I can afford it, but I sold all the metal pickaxe. What about the Goblin food? is it possible that summon them all to starve to death?

Stone Golem didn’t seem surprised when he saw what Sherlock looked like. He asked enthusiastically: “You look like a very devil Lord. Are you here to buy pickaxe for your new Dungeon? Aiya Recently, many new Dungeons have begun to develop. The demand for pickaxe has increased sharply. It is normal for the recent price increase, but it does n’t matter. You do n’t have to buy so many pickaxe. We have a very honorable status here. Take a look at the discount package for your new lord! “

As he spoke, he took out a package and put it in front of Sherlock.

“The 100th anniversary of the shop: Just 800 magic stone, the new Blacksmith Shop takes home! Smelt, forge, and even cook and boil water, only you can’t think of it without it! What are you waiting for! 800 magic stone Bring home the new Blacksmith Shop! (Full payment on the day and 20 pickaxe free!)

Sherlock is a little bit of a sudden, if you have a Blacksmith Shop in your Dungeon, can you make your own pickaxe? I saved it to buy, 800 magic stone to build a Blacksmith Shop, and send 20 pickaxe, it is a great deal!

“What do you think? Bru?”

“Okay, if you have the Blacksmith Shop, we just need to find a Blacksmith to make iron. Not only can we make pickaxe, we can even make weapon armors and sell them to those Gamer! It’s those Goblin!”

“Why, what, aren’t these things assigned to them by Dungeon Lord himself? Can they be sold to them?”

“Of course! Those who have the gold will buy it directly. Those who have no gold will work hard to do the task, and they will be rewarded as much as possible. Not only that, but also the food, not for them. otherworld is like this. “

Sherlock listened to Bru ’s words, did n’t he save a lot of money for himself, maybe he could use it to make a fortune, and I ’ve never heard of Dungeon Lord spending money to support people. Why does it sound like this? Thanks to those Gamers who came from a different world to support themselves! Can not help but a little excited.

Sherlock immediately clapped the board, handed in 800 magic stone on the spot, settled the sale, and then the shopkeeper said: It will be done in half a day, and the construction team will be ready in half an hour! Just wait for you to take it home!

With the Blacksmith Shop, professional Blacksmith is naturally needed. Although Gamer can be dispatched to learn Blacksmith knowledge and skills in the future, that is the future. Sherlock also hired a Blacksmith from the “No Most Expensive” Blacksmith Shop, with a monthly salary of 100 magic stone, skilled and exquisite, the main thing is to cook, and part-time chef. It will be perfect to report tomorrow.

The remaining 2 100 models go to buy some foods that Goblin usually eats, what is the large intestine, various insects and the like. 2 100 magic stone takes a while to walk around.

Sherlock didn’t dare to stay long, and hurried back to the “no expensive” Blacksmith Shop to bring those ready Stone Golem construction teams back together.

Returning to Dungeon from the Teleport Portal reception, Sherlock returned to the side of Dungeon Core with a few Stone Golem workers. Those Stone Golems chose the construction site under Sherlock’s command and soon began to build the Blacksmith Shop.

Sherlock used magic to move all the food prepared for Goblin to a corner. At present, there are no workers to mine and open rooms. It can only be left open in the open, and it will not break in a day anyway.

Everything is ready. Sherlock returns to the core. On Bru’s suggestion, open the official website and skim through a lot of Gamer messages that are questioning or touting will beg or be angry. Sherlock restarted editing an Announcement: [Dungeon: Eternal Kingdom will be tested tomorrow! 100 lucky Gamer qualified for the first test! 】

Its content is mainly to announce the identity information of 100 Gamers, and then remind them to sign for the express delivery tonight, use the virtual reality gaming capsule correctly, and so on.

Although Sherlock is curious about what this “courier” “virtual reality gaming capsule” is, Core “Bru” is sure to say that there is no need to worry about otherworld, everything is already arranged. Since Dungeon Core said so, Then Sherlock is no longer paying attention to this aspect, anyway, it is a small matter, why bother?

Not long after the new announcement was released, almost immediately, many people started leaving messages.

[Casual look, mundane things: Registered only this morning, and finished the test in the afternoon? From the announcement to the first test, the fastest test game ever! 】

[Weeding: Happy! (~ ^ ㉨ ^) ~ Successfully qualified for the first test! 】

[Kilbon Hard: Only a long time ago, this game is hot all over the network. My QQ group is all discussing this game, and there are still 50000 people who want to buy the first test qualification! 】

[OneTwo Mountain: Only 50000, I have someone who buys thousands of them! 】

[Dragon.Breaking Custom: Dragon clan online games are settled in strong, ten 50000 a first test qualification, how many come! You can contact 139XXXXX by phone and 4506XXXX by QQ. 】


Sherlock was watching other people ’s replies while pressing F5 to refresh, to be honest, watching these people speak Interesting, unconsciously the time passed, although Sherlock could n’t understand a lot of content, in addition to those messages in his posts, There are other topic posts posted by Gamer, from what to ask for guides, to buying test qualifications at high prices, selling test qualifications, to various family income posts, of course, more of a variety of non-marginal content, Bru said For-water stickers!

While Sherlock was browsing various posts, the Stone Golem construction team outside had completed the construction of the Blacksmith Shop, which was not very large, but it was all 5 well-built, and by the way, 20 pickaxe were donated to stay. After the signing was completed, the Stone Golems left with the Teleport Scroll.

Sherlock looked around all around and breathed a sigh of relief, then, waiting for those Otherworld Goblin to come here to sweat!

“By the way, we should discuss the newbie mission!”

Core “Bru” said so.

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