Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory

Chapter 304 Unusual Movement Outside the Great Wall

While the Seven Kingdoms were in civil war and the continent of Essos was attracted by the treasures in the ruins of Valyria, at the Great Wall in the far north, the Night's Watch were troubled by what was happening beyond the wall. All the Night's Watch teams were It has entered a state of war readiness. At the top of the Great Wall, there are people waiting all day long to monitor the movements in the north. The bonfires on the observatory are lit one after another, like a series of pearl necklaces, connecting from the east coast to the west coast. It looks great from a distance. Spectacular.

Old Bear Jeor Mormont nervously signed instructions one after another, asking the steward Jon Snow to send him to the crow's nest, and the assistant maester in charge of the crow's nest to send him to various castles.

Maester Aemon sat quietly next to the stove, ready to answer Mr. Xiong's questions and make suggestions.

Instructor Alliser Thorne walked around the room uneasily. After seeing Jon leave, he immediately said: "Lord Commander-in-Chief, you should not continue to let Jon Snow serve as your steward. This is what happened to him. Having the blood of a traitor will cause King's Landing to..."

Like a furious brown bear, Jeor Mormont stood up and yelled at Alliser Thorne: "Shut up! Alliser! Damn it, how many times have I told you not to turn the South Let those power struggles be brought to the Great Wall. We will not interfere in those matters. Our only task is to guard the Great Wall. All Night Watchmen, no matter who they were in the past or what blood they have, they are just Night Watchmen and our brothers. Remember Are you here? My Night Watch Master!"

Alliser did not back down. He looked directly at Jeor Mormont and said, "Compared to a Night's Watchman who has the blood of rebellion in his body, we need the support from King's Landing even more. Otherwise, troops, food, etc... …”

Mr. Xiong retorted directly: "Enough! Alliser, you know very well that even in the past, King's Landing could not give us much support. The only people who supported us the most were the South and Summer Hall. It is the same now. King's Landing has no support for us. It doesn’t matter if we are unhappy, it won’t affect us at all.”

Alliser fell silent, because he knew very well that Mr. Xiong was right. Nearly half of the Night Watchmen on the entire Great Wall were supported by the Summer Hall, and food and grass were also supplied by the Summer Hall. As long as there was support from the Summer Hall, King's Landing City was a It doesn't matter what the attitude is.

The old bear walked up to Alliser, glared at him, and said: "I know why you are so disgusted with Jon. You just transferred all your hatred of Duke Eddard to his illegitimate son. You hated Duke Eddard for letting him go." King Robert sent you here to serve as the Night's Watch."

Allisa didn't admit it, but she didn't deny it either. She just turned her head to the other side, not looking at the old bear.

Mr. Xiong continued: "In fact, you should be grateful to Duke Ed, because without Duke Ed, your head would have been chopped off more than ten years ago and turned into a pile of withered bones!"

"I would rather have my head chopped off!" Allisa said through gritted teeth.

Mr. Xiong frowned, knowing that his persuasion was of no use. He was too lazy to say any more. He sighed and waved: "A group of newcomers will be sent over later. They should be the last batch of newcomers sent over this year." Come on, take over and train them. My request is to enable them to pick up weapons and slash when facing the enemy, instead of cowering in the grass like the fat guy last time. By the way, what happened to the fat guy last time. How are you doing?”

There was a look of embarrassment on Allisa's face after hearing this. The fat guy that Old Bear said was definitely the biggest shame in his life. If it weren't for the Night's Watch laws that prohibited brothers from killing each other, he might have chopped that guy into pieces.

"His name is Samwell Tarly, and he has been assigned to me as steward." Maester Aemon, who had been sitting next to him silently, said.

Mr. Xiong was stunned for a moment and said, "Tali? He belongs to Randyll Tarly, Earl of Horn Hill in the Reach..."

"The eldest son is the eldest son of Earl Tully." Bachelor Aemon introduced.

Old Xiong couldn't help but muttered: "Such a brave warrior would have such an eldest son. No wonder he was sent here to be a night watchman." Perhaps he felt that it was inappropriate to speak ill of people behind their backs, so he coughed in embarrassment. Twice, and then signaled that Allisa could leave.

After Allisa left, Mr. Xiong returned to the desk, picked up a document, looked at it briefly, and said: "Our current manpower gap is at least 5,000 people, and the food storage is only enough for two months. Things are a bit tricky!" As he said this, he looked at Maester Aemon and asked, "What's going on over at Bear Island and the Iron Islands?"

"Lord Daisy Mormont has joined the Northern Alliance. The food and grass on Bear Island are now supplied there, and not much food and grass can be transferred here. As for the Iron Islands, there is no news yet. It is rumored that the three sea monsters have taken over. Prince Linde's secret mission is temporarily unavailable to support us." Maester Aemon quickly told what he knew. Although he was a centenarian, his mind was still clear. "I have already written to the Summer Hall. Yes, Prince Linde should be able to find a solution."

"I hope so!" Jeor Mormont muttered and sighed. Although they were talking about the Great Wall, what he was thinking about was the current situation of his niece Daisy. He hoped that Daisy West can survive this war safely.

At this moment, there were some messy footsteps outside the door, followed by another knock on the door, and then they saw Benjen Stark, covered in snow, hurried in and said impatiently: "I Traces of a large number of ghouls were seen near the Fangs of Frost. The wildling tribes beyond the wall have united under the call of Mance Rayder, the king beyond the wall, to form a coalition. The main camps of the coalition are on the south bank of the Antler River and Hardship Village, we can reach Baishu Village by tomorrow at the latest.”

"What?" Jeor Mormont's face changed suddenly, and he said angrily: "Are the rangers you patrolled before blind? Can't you see so many people gathered together? Now they have formed a coalition, and they are still far away from the Great Wall. Found it so close!”

"It's not the fault of those rangers," Benjen Stark said solemnly: "Mance Rayder is very cunning and deliberately used a small group of men to attract our attention. All our people are staring at those who are trying to climb over. The savages on the Great Wall didn't have the extra manpower to patrol further north, so I didn't notice the movement of other savage tribes. This time, if I hadn't just received the mission from Lord Linde, I would have helped him verify the Fang of Frost and Snow. Even if there are groups of corpses wandering around, we may not be able to detect the movements of these savage tribes.”

As he spoke, he paused and said: "I think the situation in the north may be earlier. White ghosts and corpses have become very active and frequently appear on the edge of the land of eternal winter. Groups of corpses have even gone south to frost. Snowfang, those savage tribes were most likely driven here by the ghouls and forced to unite, so they would most likely attack the Great Wall before the White Walkers fully moved south, in order to escape over the Great Wall. disaster."

"Approximately how many people are there?" Mr. Xiong asked in a deep voice.

"At least a hundred thousand," said Bunyan.

"One hundred thousand?" Mr. Xiong was stunned, a little unbelievable.

Bunyan said solemnly: "One hundred thousand is just the minimum number, the actual number will only be more, not less."

Elder Xiong looked gloomy and asked Maester Aemon: "What should we do? Should we inform the Summer Hall?"

"No, not yet!" Bachelor Aemon shook his head and said, "Let's solve it ourselves first. If we really can't solve it, then we can ask for help from Summer Hall. Before that, Commander-in-Chief, you should summon the commanders of each castle. Develop a complete defense plan to avoid fighting independently and allowing the other party to find the weak points of the castle. "

"Yes, yes! The commander should be summoned." Jeor Mormont nodded repeatedly, turned around and sat at the desk, quickly wrote down a summons order, stamped it with the commander-in-chief's seal, and did not use the messenger raven, but sent Out rangers deliver messages.

After signing the order, Mr. Xiong remembered a very important thing. He handed a communique from King's Landing in the drawer to Benyan, who was drying clothes by the stove, and said, "You Look! Something happened to Lord Eddard in King's Landing."

Benyan was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart, because in his memory, his father and eldest brother seemed to have had trouble after going south to King's Landing.

He quickly took the communiqué and read it carefully. After reading it, his face suddenly turned extremely pale. He did not expect that he was just on a mission and such a big thing happened.

King Robert died, and his brother was arrested for treason and usurping the throne. His sister-in-law arrested the heir to the Duke of Casterly Rock. Lord Tywin, the Warden of the West, attacked the Riverlands. The Riverlands and the Stormlands united to resist the Iron Throne.

All these things made Bunyan feel like he had been away for several years rather than a few months.

Although he was shocked, Bunyan said without hesitation: "My brother loves His Majesty Robert as he loves his own brother, and there is absolutely no way he would usurp the throne."

"The content in the communiqué is true. Prince Lynde has confirmed this. Duke Eddard has indeed modified King Robert's will and changed the heir from Prince Joffrey to Duke Stannis." Aemon said the maester, breaking Benjen's illusions.

If someone else confirmed this, Bunyan might still have doubts about whether the other party had received benefits from certain people, but the person who confirmed this was Lind Terra, and he could not have any doubts at all.

Benyan looked down at the communiqué in his hand again and asked: "My brother was in trouble. What about the two nieces who followed my brother to King's Landing? How are they?"

Jeor Mormont replied: "Miss Arya Stark disappeared on the day Lord Eddard was captured, and Miss Sansa Stark was with Prince Lynd. It is said that Lord Eddard asked him to The prince took care of it.”

A trace of worry appeared in Bunyan's eyes, but he still suppressed the impulse in his heart. Then he looked at Mr. Xiong and Maester Aemon and said, "Don't worry, you two. I won't mess around. Since I have Since he is a Ranger of the Night Watch, he will not do anything harmful to the Night Watch."

Jeor Mormont said: "We are relieved about you, but we are a little worried about Jon."

"Don't Jon know about this yet?" Benyan was stunned and asked.

"I don't know!" Mr. Xiong shook his head and said, "We deliberately hid it from him and ordered others not to reveal any information. We just want to wait for you to come back and let you tell him about it. As his It should be easier for my uncle to persuade him."

Bunyan looked at the communique in his hand, nodded, turned and walked out of the room. In the square, he stopped a person and asked where Jon was now, and then came to the library transformed from the Tower of Silence.

This library was originally placed in an underground warehouse with other food reserves. However, because of Linde, Mr. Xiong realized the value of these ancient books, so he specially repaired the Tower of Silence and transformed the top of the tower into The library is where all the books are stored, and the bottom of the Tower of Silence has become the residence and office of the maester. The residence of Maester Aemon has also been moved here from under the crow's nest.

Jon was reading an ancient book in the library at the moment. At this time every day, Mr. Bear specially allowed him to read here for a while. The book he read today was a book about Valery that Samwell Tarly found specially for him. Books by Leah the Dragon.

Recently, he always felt that people around him were looking at him strangely, but he didn't know why, so he would stay in the library when he had time to avoid people with strange looks.

"Uncle Benyan, you're back!" After seeing Benyan open the door and walk in, Jon immediately put down the book in his hand, stood up, and walked towards Benyan.

Benyan also opened his arms to hold Jon in his arms, then touched his hair and said with a smile: "It's only been a few months since I last saw you, and you have grown a lot taller and your body has become much stronger."

"Can I become a ranger?" Jon asked expectantly.

Bunyan said seriously: "Jon, whether you can become a ranger is not something I can arrange. It is appointed by the Commander-in-Chief. Since you have become a steward, then be a steward well and don't think about other things. ”

Jon said dissatisfied: "Why can't I become a ranger? My swordsmanship is unmatched by anyone in Castle Black. Even Coach Alliser is not as good as me. Why should I..."

Benyan interrupted Jon and said seriously: "Jon, do you remember what I said?"

"Obey, the Night's Watch must obey." Jon lowered his head in frustration and said listlessly.

"Yes, obey! You must obey the rules of the Night's Watch, which are thousands of years of tradition. I told you when you became a Night's Watch on the first day." Benyan looked at Jon seriously. said.

"I understand, Uncle Benjen," Jon said, lowering his head.

"It's not enough to know, you must do it. Before doing anything, you must first think about yourself as a night watchman, and then other things." Bunyan continued.

Jon sensitively noticed something strange and looked at Benyan.

Bunyan said to Jon in an unprecedented serious tone: "You must listen carefully to what I am going to say next, and think carefully about what you should do and what you should not do."

Afterwards, Benyan told Jon about Lord Eddard.

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