Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory

Chapter 284 A kind reminder

Looking at the young prince with handsome appearance but no brains in front of him, Linde smiled and said: "What is important to govern a country is not only blood and army, but also systems and regulations. This is how to build a stable country. "

"Prince Lynd, Joffrey..." Cersei's expression changed slightly, wanting to explain to Joffrey.

Lynde interrupted Cersei and said with a serious expression: "Your Majesty, Prince Joffrey is an adult and will become the king in the future. He needs to learn to think and make decisions on his own now instead of staying under a woman's skirt. Put down."

"I am not under a woman's skirt, I am the heir to the Iron Throne, the future king!" Joffrey stood up and shouted angrily.

His roar also frightened the noble ladies such as Myrcella and Sansa who were playing not far away.

"Very good." Linde nodded and said, "Now please answer my question and tell me. Which law states that subjects must dedicate their treasures to their master?"

Facing Lind's power, Joffrey had to lower his arrogant head and muttered: "I don't know, isn't it right for a subordinate to offer treasures to his lord?"

"Very good. Since you have questions, Your Highness, let us solve this question." Linde nodded, turned to the attendant on the side, and said: "Go and invite Archmaester Pycelle over, and let him and His assistant bachelor brought the entire set of kingdom laws." As he spoke, he said to the nervous ladies around him: "Ladies, you can sit down. Prince Joffrey and I are not arguing. It’s just a discussion of some views on the rule of law in the Kingdom.”

As Linde's words fell, everyone sat back on their chairs, but none of them had the same relaxed conversation as before, but drank tea to relieve their tension.

Prince Joffrey also stood there with an embarrassed look on his face, turned to look at Cersei, and wanted to ask his mother for help, but Cersei was now completely suppressed by Lind's momentum and had no way to speak. What's more, she was unwilling to bow to Linde, so she called her maid over and whispered a few instructions.

Lynd knew very well what Cersei ordered. He didn't pay attention. Instead, he turned to look at Sansa Stark who was nervous because of the surrounding atmosphere. He smiled and said, "Long time no see, Miss Sansa. Last time. I was just a little girl when I met you in Winterfell, and now you are an outstanding noblewoman.”

"Nice to meet you, Prince Lynd." Sansa saluted Lynd very appropriately.

Lind then turned to look at the little blond girl next to Sansa and said, "Your Highness Princess Myrcella, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, Prince Linde." Myrcella also saluted Linde, and then asked curiously: "Sir, is Prince Augustus not here this time?"

"No." Linde shook his head and smiled: "That little guy is now in Na Sa Star. He plays in the woods of Na Sa Star every day, or is carried by the old man in the river to fish on the river, following a wild man. Like a kid, I hope you won’t dislike that guy’s wildness after you get married.”

"No, Prince Augustus's lively personality should be very interesting." Myrcella responded with a smile, and then asked with a curious face: "Your Majesty, can you tell me what kind of place Na Sa Star is? And the old man in the river?"

"Of course." Linde smiled and told about Na Sa Xing and the old man in the river. By the way, he also talked about the city-states of Lorne. Everyone was soon fascinated by it, especially when he talked about Chayon. The stone people couldn't help but let out a sound of exclamation.

"Have the greyscale disease on those stone people been cured?" the kind-hearted Myrcella asked with great concern.

"No." Linde shook his head and said: "The drugs currently manufactured can only prevent the spread of greyscale, but cannot cure greyscale. The rumors that outsiders can cut off the infected areas of greyscale are completely wrong. Doing so will only make greyscale spread faster."

Myrcella asked again: "I remember that Uncle Stannis's daughter Shireen also suffered from greyscale. Can she use this medicine?"

Lind nodded and said: "It can be used. In fact, after the relief potion was made, Lord Stannis had already sent people to the Summer Hall to order a batch of potions. I heard that the effect of Miss Shireen's use was very good. The second batch of orders has been delivered soon.”

Myrcella prayed sincerely: "Bless the seven gods. I hope that the healing potion can be produced as soon as possible to save these poor people."

Lind was very satisfied with the kind-hearted Myrcella. Although in the struggle for power, kindness will only become the prey of the strong, this did not matter to Lind, because when Augustus took over, he controlled The region should have been stable, and there is no need for an overly tough ruler. Among the two people at the top of the hierarchy, one is tough and the other is kind, and they can assist each other very well and make up for each other's shortcomings.

While they were talking, Grand Maester Pycelle led his assistant maesters into the courtyard, each holding a thick tome in their hands.

After saluting Linde and others, Archmaester Pycelle asked: "Prince Linde, why did you summon me here?"

"It's nothing serious. It's just that Prince Joffrey and I have some different views on the kingdom's legal system and we are discussing with each other." Lind motioned Pycelle to sit down, and then recounted the conversation he had just had with Prince Joffrey. Said: "I would like to ask the Grand Master, is there a law in the kingdom that stipulates that subjects must dedicate their treasures to their master?"

"No, of course not." Pycelle shook his head quickly.

"Very good." Linde nodded and said: "Obviously His Highness the Prince is not familiar with the laws of the Kingdom, which is why he has this wrong idea. As subjects of the Kingdom, we should correct this mistake. Grand Maester Pycelle, Please explain all the important laws of the kingdom to Prince Joffrey. It doesn’t matter even if the prince has not learned them at all. As long as he has an impression, he will not make the same misunderstanding in public. "

Pycelle looked completely stunned. He had no idea that calling him here was for such a thing.

He was about to say something to Linde, but when he dismissed the matter, Linde urged him to hurry up. Then he looked at Queen Cersei and felt that Cersei, who had always been arrogant, was suppressed at this time. , he stopped thinking about it, honestly opened the tome in his hand, and explained the various laws and regulations of the kingdom in a scientific manner to the confused Prince Joffrey.

The surrounding atmosphere immediately became a little weird. Even the most talkative lady had a solemn look on her face. After all, laws and regulations are a serious matter in the eyes of everyone. They felt that joking and playing around in this situation was very serious. It was too much, and Myrcella and Sansa, who had been playing just now, also sat quietly on the grass, not daring to make too many moves. The only thing that could be heard in the entire courtyard was Pycelle's old voice.

"What's going on? Did I come to the tomb under the Great Sept of Baelor? Why is the atmosphere here so weird?" After a while, Jaime Lannister's voice suddenly came out from the courtyard.

Lind turned to look at James, not surprised by his arrival.

James showed a surprised expression and said to Lind: "I happened to have something to do with you, but I didn't expect you to be here. Come on, let's go outside and talk."

After hearing what James said, Lind did not refuse, stood up, apologized to everyone, and then followed James out of the courtyard.

The moment Lind disappeared from the courtyard, Archmaester Pycelle's voice of reciting the laws of the kingdom also stopped, and then everyone could be heard taking a breath, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from their bodies at the same time. A relaxed look.

On the other side, after Lind followed James out of the courtyard, the two came to the front hall of the Red Castle.

"Okay! No need to leave anymore!" Lind smiled and said, "You have already rescued Queen Cersei and Prince Joffrey. There is no need to discuss anything with me out of thin air."

James stopped, looking a little embarrassed, and said, "Joffrey is just curious about the legendary treasure Dragon's Horn. He doesn't really want that thing."

Linde smiled, noncommittal, and then said: "Speaking of the horn, how did the Horn of Winter that was stored in the Red Castle get lost? This thing should be very well protected, right? How could it be lost?"

James also looked confused and said: "I don't know the specific things. King Robert lost interest in it after seeing it twice. After that, Jon Arryn has been keeping it. Jon ·After Aylin’s death, when we checked the Prime Minister’s Tower, we found that the box containing the Horn of Winter was empty, so we only knew that it was lost, but we didn’t know when it was lost.”

After hearing James' words, two people came to Lind's mind, one was Lysa Tully, and the other was Littlefinger Petyr Baelish.

It is not difficult to tell from James' words that the box where Jon Arryn kept the Horn of Winter should be kept very tightly and protected by a dedicated person. It should not be taken away silently, unless that person has something unusual. With his identity, he could take away anything in the Duke's treasury in full view of the public, and there was only one person with such an identity in the entire Red Keep, and that was Lysa Tully.

Recalling that he had received news some time ago that Littlefinger had had close contact with people from the Church of Doomsday Faith, he had reason to suspect that Littlefinger had secretly directed Lysa Tully to steal the Horn of Winter.

Although the Horn of Winter is damaged and Willas has no way to repair it, this does not mean that no one in this world can really repair it. Maybe the White Walkers beyond the wall have a way to repair this artifact, and then use this artifact to , let the Great Wall collapse, and remove the biggest obstacle blocking the White Walker army from moving south.

"That thing is just a shabby antique. Is it worthy of your attention?" James said disapprovingly.

"Don't you feel it?" Lind turned to look at James and said, "The temperature has been rising in the past few years. There was no snow in the north the winter before last. Even the Great Wall of Despair said that the temperature on the Great Wall was Some of the ice is melting."

James said in confusion: "Isn't this great? The long summer weather prevents the White Walkers from going south."

Linde said solemnly: "I received news this year that the White Walkers began to operate in the Haunted Forest near the Great Wall. A group of rangers were attacked by the White Walkers and the entire army was wiped out."

James questioned: "It's not a savage attack, is it deliberately said to be a White Walker attack?"

Linde did not refute, but continued: "In addition, news came from the savage tribes on the Frozen Coast, and it was discovered that there were strange ghosts leading the corpses in the upper reaches of the Frozen River towards the Fang of Frost and Snow outside the Great Wall. All signs indicate that The White Walkers are starting to move south, which also indicates that this long summer is coming to an end.”

James shook his head and said: "Impossible! The school city sent a notice not long ago that summer will continue this time..."

"I can tell you clearly that the long summer will end this year, and the weather will get colder and colder. The long winter will come, and this long winter may be very long. This is also the reason why the White Walkers went south." Lin De interrupted James and said seriously: "I guess the Horn of Winter has been sent to the White Walkers beyond the wall. I hope those White Walkers can't repair the artifact, otherwise, we will be in trouble. ”

"Being sent to the hands of the White Walkers outside the Wall?" James looked shocked and said, "How could anyone come into contact with the White Walkers? Don't the White Walkers hate all life?"

Linde said solemnly: "There are always some people among humans who worship White Walkers, just like Custer back then. The doomsday belief that is secretly circulating in the Seven Kingdoms is a group of people who believe in White Walkers and believe that White Walkers are the kind of life. The state is a higher life. They hope that they can become the White Walkers, so they want to help the White Walkers go south and bring this world to the end. "

"Does the Doomsday Belief believe in the White Walkers?" James was completely stunned and said: "Doesn't the Doomsday Belief come from the God of Natural Disasters? How did it become a belief in the White Walkers?"

"The preachers of the Doomsday Faith just deliberately put on a shell of the belief in the God of Natural Disasters. They used the disguise to avoid being investigated by the Church of the Seven Gods. Judging from their spread among the people at the bottom of the Seven Kingdoms, it is obvious that they have done this. Very successful." Lind explained, and then said: "However, the Church of the Seven Gods will soon issue an excommunication order that the doomsday belief is a heresy, and they will arrest the believers of the doomsday belief throughout the Seven Kingdoms. The people in the kingdom should be cleared out soon."

James said solemnly: "I will tell my father about this, and he should help the Church of the Seven Gods to clean up these cultists."

Regarding James' decision, Linde was noncommittal. He just looked at James with a deep look and said, "I'm not telling you this just to cooperate in eliminating doomsday beliefs, but I want to tell you that winter is coming. , prepare well!”

After saying that, he turned and walked towards the outside of the Red Castle.

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