Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory

Chapter 261 Seven Gods Redemption

The final result did not change. Although Volantis was not willing to have their loot taken away, they had no way to change it. They could not even break off diplomatic relations with Linde, because once they broke off diplomatic relations with Linde, then They are not entitled to a share of the benefits contained in the mineral deposits in the disputed area.

Moreover, they no longer have the energy to deal with this matter now, because the plague that appeared in the disputed land suddenly broke out in Volantis again.

The Volantis people blamed this incident on the Wind Blowing Group and the Golden Group, which happened to be resting in Volantis, and expelled the Wind Blowing Group and the Golden Group. However, they did not want to fight with two powerful mercenary groups. They were completely hostile, so while expelling them, they also provided enough food and grass for the two mercenary groups.

The two mercenary groups stayed for a while in the town of Velonthes, which had been looted and turned into ruins by the Dothraki, and then parted ways. The Wind Blowing Group headed east, intending to take the Devil's Road to Slaver's Bay, while the Golden Group headed north. See if you can find work in places like Na Sa, Gor Dohor, Qohor, and Norvos.

Although the two major mercenary groups left, the plague in Volantis did not stop, but intensified. As a result, people in the city began to believe in the god of natural disasters, and hoped that the consul would allow a piece of land to be set aside in the city to build a The Temple of the God of Natural Disasters also sought help from the priests who were building the Holy City of Natural Disasters in the disputed area.

It is not difficult for the rulers of Volantis to set aside a piece of land to build the temple of the God of Scourge. Although Volantis is mainly a place of worship for R'hllor, the Lord of Light, the native Volantis people Both the people and the dignitaries are almost all believers of the King of Light, but that does not mean that they cannot tolerate other religions.

In fact, religions such as the Night Lion, the Moonsinger, and the God of Many Faces have all built corresponding temples in Volantis. The believers of these religions and the followers of the Lord of Light can barely live in peace, and one more natural disaster It’s not difficult for God either.

But the problem is that inviting the priests of the God of Scourge is embarrassing for the dignitaries of Volantis, because it is not difficult to see from Lind’s military operation to capture Myr that the Church of the God of Scourge is completely under Lind’s orders. It is said that the God of Scourge is It is said that the statues of gods were all designed by Linde. This statue has no specific appearance, only one symbol, and that symbol is the word "Li" on the top of the hilt of the long sword in the Linde clan emblem.

Lind's close relationship with the Church of the God of Scourge made Volantis worry. They were worried that Lind would use the Church of the God of Scourge to infiltrate Volantis, and then annex Tyrosh and Myr like he did. Volantis was also annexed without any effort.

However, before Volantis could decide whether to invite the priests of the God of Scourge, plague broke out in all three cities of Slaver's Bay and the Free Trade City-states except Norvos and Qohor. There are even rumors that plague broke out among many Kals tribes on the Dothraki sea.

This is not all, Linde's Miracleport, Dorne's Sunspear and Plank Town, Oldtown in the River Bend, Lannisport in the West, King's Landing in the Crown Land, Seagull Town in the Vale, and the North In White Harbor, all cities that had trade relations with the Free Trade City-State were plagued by plague without exception.

At this moment, everyone realized that the plague originated from the Dothraki.

When the Dothraki left the disputed land, plagues had already occurred, but those plagues were spread among slaves and captives, and the Dothraki ignored them at all.

After arriving in Slaver's Bay, the Dothraki sold the infected slaves to slave owners in Slaver's Bay, and then spread the plague to Slaver's Bay.

Likewise, the plague first broke out among the slaves. The slave owners did not care about the life and death of the slaves and did not take it seriously. Some infected slaves were transported to Volantis, Lys, Tyrosh, Myr and other places for sale. The plague spread to these city-states, and people who came into contact with the infected slaves went to other trading cities, and then spread the plague throughout the coastal trading cities on both sides of the Narrow Sea.

Faced with this great plague that was completely out of control, Linde reacted the fastest, establishing an isolation area in the city, arranging medicines, establishing a quarantine zone at the dock, etc. Although he wanted to move Reese, Tyrosi, and Mi... Er and Miracle Port, including the Stepped Stone Islands, are all sealed off, but this is obviously impossible, no matter how high his prestige and power are, he cannot do it.

Because of the magical anti-epidemic drug artemisinin, as well as its quick discovery and prompt treatment, the plague in his territory only lasted less than half a month and was extinguished.

What is completely different from the situation in Summer Hall is that other cities with plague outbreaks are getting worse. For example, in King's Landing, a large number of people became sick and died. In places like Flea Bottom, one-third of the people died. The situation in other cities They're all pretty much the same.

Linde, who had returned to Summer Hall Castle, carefully checked the various documents submitted by his officials, with a serious expression on his face.

When he closed the last page of information, a look of exhaustion appeared on his face. He had not slept well since the outbreak of the plague.

Although the plague was caused by the Dothraki, he had anticipated it in advance and allowed it to happen, thinking that he could control the plague in the disputed area. But the current situation slapped him hard in the face. Let him recover from his arrogant and haughty state.

Ever since he got back the magic armor and showed his god-like power in Qohor, subduing a city-state with one person, Lind has become a little arrogant in his heart, thinking that everything is under his control. , and even fainted in the praises of monks and priests from the Church of the God of Natural Disasters, the Church of the God of Storms, the Church of the God of Magic, etc.

Now that he has sobered up, he thinks back on what he did before. It is really hard to understand why he thought that he could control even the plague that could not be controlled by various high technologies in the previous life. The only explanation is that he really Think of yourself as a god.

Linde smiled self-deprecatingly, turned to the Bishop of the Redemption Church and the Bishop of the Miracle Church who were waiting nearby and asked: "Bishop Hulen, Bishop Zanqi, have you completed all the preparations I asked you to make?"

"The personnel and materials are ready and ready to go at any time." The two people quickly replied.

"Then don't say any more, let's go now!" Linde nodded and reminded: "If anything happens that cannot be solved, remember to send someone to report it immediately, and remember to remind the monks below that they are rescuing and protecting people. To take care of yourself, you must protect yourself first.”

After the two responded, they took an authorization letter for material allocation from Linde and left the room.

Lind turned to the waiting side, Archbishop Liga of the Storm God who had just arrived from Braavos, and said: "Go back to Braavos immediately, and take the medicine back with you when you go back. I will also send If you send several shipments of medicine, you must follow the epidemic prevention rules I gave you without any slack. If the medicine is insufficient, remember to send someone to deliver it in advance, and don’t wait until it is used up before reporting it.”

"I will obey your will." Li Ga responded quickly.

After Liga left, Linde said to Malphas, the chief priest of the God of Disaster: "You should know how to deal with the affairs of Pentos and Volantis, right?"

Malfas responded: "I already know what to do, my lord." Then he hesitated again and said: "Do you want to go over to Slaver's Bay..."

Lind interrupted Malphas and said, "Wait until the plague in Pentos and Volantis is resolved before considering Slaver's Bay."

After hearing this, Mafas didn't say anything more. He took the authorization letter and hurriedly left the study.

Lind asked the Redemption Sister who had just arrived from Na Sa Star: "How is the situation on Nymeria's side?"

Sister Redemption explained: "The situation is normal. There is no sign of the plague for the time being. The medicinal materials you ordered to be sent are also very sufficient."

"Did she say when she would be back?" Linde asked in a deep voice.

Sister Redemption shook her head and said: "The Countess hopes to allow Augustus to live on Na Sa Star for a period of time."

After hearing this, Linde couldn't help but laugh at himself and said: "What is this, separation?" After saying that, he sighed, nodded and said: "When you go back later, take Augustus with you. Come on! By the way, I will also send some bachelors of architecture."

After saying that, Linde stood up, led Sister Redemption out of the study, and came to the specially built dragon's nest on the side of the castle.

When Linde arrived at the dragon's nest, whether it was the long-winged dragon flying in the air or the long-winged dragon resting on the dragon's nest platform, they all gathered towards him and gently touched Linde's body with their heads. Show closeness.

Although they are only a few months old, the long-winged dragons are growing very fast. The first batch have already begun to fly in the air. Linde has also completed the domestication of these long-winged dragons. The wild nature of these long-winged dragons has been well protected. They have restrained themselves. From the fact that they have been flying in Redemption Town for so many days but have never attacked the people or livestock in the town, it can be judged that the training has been successful.

The cooperation between the Son of God and the Winged Dragon has also become increasingly perfect. They have been able to distinguish the instructions given to them by the Son of God through special whistle sounds, and they are very loyal to their respective riders. Only the whistle instructions given by the rider can Command them, and they won't eat food from non-riders, except Lind.

"Where's the little guy?" Linde asked a chosen son of God.

The chosen son of God seemed to be performing silent asceticism and did not speak. He just saluted Linde and pointed to the egg hatching room of the Dragon Nest.

Linde walked in. The bachelor who was in charge of taking care of the pterosaur egg in the room was carefully lifting the quilt covering the egg to check and record the situation inside.

During this period, the Miracle Chamber of Commerce collected another batch of long-winged dragon eggs, more than thirty of them. Unfortunately, nine of these dragon eggs were dead eggs. The rest of the long-winged dragon eggs can be passed through Lost Homeland. The knight's dragon rune nourishes.

After a while, a new batch of long-winged dragons will be born. In this way, he will have almost forty long-winged dragons, which can be regarded as a group of long-winged dragons. After hatching a few more batches, it should be There is no need to purchase them from outside, you can let these long-winged dragons reproduce on their own.

Lind walked through the incubation room of the long-winged dragon and came to the incubation room of the real giant dragon eggs at the back. Several silent monks and nuns of salvation who were responsible for protecting Augustus stood next to the incubation table of the dragon eggs. Augustus They were all lying on the table holding the dragon eggs, sleeping soundly.

During the time when Linde went to the Stepstone Islands and commanded all parties to capture the disputed land, Augustus was left in the castle. For some unknown reason, he liked to stay in the egg hatching room of the Dragon's Nest. , especially likes to sleep with giant dragon eggs in his arms. Even though Linde came back and corrected him several times, he never changed.

Linde initially thought that there might be some connection between Augustus and the gestating dragon, but after repeated inspections, he discovered some bullshit connection. This little guy just liked giants because the weather was a little cold. The warm shell of dragon eggs.

After arriving at the egg hatching room, Lind walked directly over, lifted the little guy from the dragon egg, handed it to the Sister of Redemption, and then ordered the Silent Monk and Sister of Redemption who were responsible for protecting the little guy to go to Na Sa Star together.

The little guy woke up slightly when he was lifted up, but after being held in the arms of the Redemption Sister, he fell asleep again, not realizing that he had been abandoned by his father to his mother.

As the monks and priests of the Temple of Redemption and the Temple of Miracles brought medicine to cities such as King's Landing, the plague in major cities in Westeros also began to be controlled.

Old Town was the first to completely eliminate the plague, because before Linde sent his troops, Old Town's bachelors had already controlled all the infected people, and together with the Hightowers, blocked the ships coming and going from Old Town.

Although the drugs used in the school city are not comparable to artemisinin in terms of effectiveness, they have also inhibited the spread of the plague to a certain extent. After Linde's people have passed, only those patients who have been controlled need to be treated.

Compared with Old Town, the situation in other cities is much worse, and among these cities, King's Landing is particularly serious. A large number of people die every day, and everyone is confined to their homes. Doctors, monks and Maesters would draw symbols on the doors of sick families, and corpse collectors would transport corpses that died of illness to the dragon's lair for burning. The smell and disgust of burning corpses always enveloped King's Landing, and the walls of houses were already covered with a layer of corpse oil.

This scene reminds people of the great spring plague a hundred years ago. The situation then is so similar to now.

When the plague broke out, the king, queen and other important officials of the court left King's Landing and went to Harrenhal. The Red Keep was only guarded by a few soldiers, and the entire King's Landing was blocked by soldiers, with no entry or exit allowed.

When the Redemption Temple came to King's Landing with a large amount of supplies and medicinal materials, everyone who saw them shouted the slogan of Seven Gods Supreme, God's Choice to Save the World, especially when the monks of the Redemption Temple took over In terms of treatment, when a critically ill patient was brought back from the hands of a stranger, the entire city of King's Landing fell into the fanatical belief in the Seven Gods. Even some foreigners with other beliefs converted to the Seven Gods.

Similar things are happening in Sunspear City, Seagull Town, White Harbor, and even Lannisport. As the plague is gradually controlled, the faith of the Seven Gods also reaches a peak throughout Westeros, and the gods The idea of ​​choosing to savior has also become the mainstream in the Seven Gods' faith. Linde's reputation has surpassed everyone else. It is no exaggeration to say that the reputation of the guardian dukes of the seven kingdoms put together is probably not as high as that of Linde at the moment. High reputation.

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