Chapter 390 Reese—Tower System

Soon, hundreds of elite cavalry were galloping, holding high the banner of a crowned stag.

Batt's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he raised his arms to signal waiting.

He was waiting for the dragon to appear.

A total of 20,000 Dornish soldiers were dispatched in this invasion of the Stormlands.

The strategy is divided into two general directions.

Attack Stonehelm City and seize the strategic base.

Harass Crow's Nest City and Eagle's Nest Castle, and intercept the reinforcements of Storm's End Castle.

He sent teams to plunder the mills and villages within the territory of the two castles, and were attacked by the dragon knights of the Velaryon family.

Hundreds of soldiers died in vain.


There was a roar in the sky, and the light silver dragon shadow flashed past.


Bart opened his eyes wide and stared directly at the giant dragon above his head.

The sea smoke does not fly high, and the vertical pupils overlook the surrounding environment.

Blocked by lush trees, the Dornish soldiers were hidden from sight.


The crossbowman's heart was beating wildly as he controlled the scorpion crossbow to aim at the dragon, sweat dripping from his fingers.

Dragons are unattainable magical creatures that symbolize power and conquest.

During the Conqueror period, Dorne shot a dragon and repelled the Targaryen invasion.


The sea smoke rose in vain and moved sideways into the distance.

Batt's expression changed slightly and he couldn't wait to say: "Listen to my order and shoot!"

Shoot the dragon and his name will be passed down through the ages.

With an order, two thousand crossbowmen loosened their bowstrings, and arrows rained down like raindrops.

The scorpion crossbows were launched at the same time, locking onto the light silver dragon in mid-air.

Suddenly, the march of hundreds of storm knights slowed down, and their arrows hit the hard armor with crackling sounds.


The horses of a few unlucky ones were shot, fell to the ground screaming, and were trampled to pulp by the large army.

"There's an ambush, raise your shield!"

The knight captain shouted loudly and raised his oaken shield half as high as a man to resist.

Storm Knights are the elite of the elite. They quickly adjust their formation upon receiving orders to form an impenetrable shield wall.


In mid-air, Hai Yan screamed and moved nimbly to avoid the steel spear.

The young dragon's scales couldn't stop the scorpion crossbow, but it was smaller and faster.

Lanino turned his head in surprise and stared at the forest where the crossbow bolts were fired.

There are open areas for more than ten miles around, and the wide roads are smooth.

Only the dense jungle grows on the east side, and there are lush shrubs on the outside.

In the forest, Bart stomped the ground angrily, grabbed a scorpion crossbow, and shouted angrily: "Crossbowmen cover, infantry surrounds Storm Riders!"

"As you command!"

The crossbowmen hid behind trees and suppressed them from a distance, while the remaining three thousand melee infantrymen armed with spears launched a charge.

Bart stared at the giant dragon, stirred the roulette wheel vigorously, gritted his teeth and said: "Watch me shoot you into the sky!"


The fine steel spear shot out like a command arrow.

Dornish soldiers swarmed out and marched forward in unison with the hail of arrows.

The sea smoke roared angrily and hovered high in the sky, avoiding the shots of the stainless steel spears.

At first glance, Storm's End appears to be at a stalemate.


Suddenly, a sharp roar sounded, alarming the birds in the dense forest.

An ugly dragon with a mud-colored body and brown wings swooped over.

"Dragon Flame!"

The young man shouted passionately, with a big smile on his face.

Suddenly, dragon flames like mud dots fell from the sky, smashing through the dense forest.

Bart raised his head in panic when he heard the sound, and only had time to see hail-like brown mud-colored flames hitting his head.


The dragon flame was like a hard stone, instantly smashing the person's head and bleeding, and then the flames with a muddy smell were wrapped around him.

Both the man and the ballista were killed in the fire at the same time.


Aemond cheered for joy, leaned on the dragon's back and shouted: "Add more fire!"


The sheep thief's erect pupils showed pride, his dive speed increased, and he spit out a wide range of dragon flames one after another.

"Aemond, be careful of the scorpion crossbow!"

Lannino shouted from afar, riding on Sea Smoke to attack the Dornish infantry who ran out of the forest.

Eamond was so excited that he shouted: "Don't worry, the sheep thief will protect me!"

The sheep thief neighed, and his thick scales ignored the crossbow bolts of the fine steel arrows, gliding unscrupulously at low altitude.

The vertical pupils were aligned with the threatening giant ballista, and the mud-like dragon flames were sprayed for precise bombing.

After two consecutive dives, all five Scorpion Crossbows were scrapped.

"Run away, we can't stop the two dragons!"

"Run to the rainforest!"

Without the general's command, the Dornish soldiers were like a piece of scattered sand and immediately collapsed into an army.

This is not to blame for their poor organizational skills.

As soon as the vanguard troops rushed out of the forest, they were burned through the formation by a puff of dragon flame from the sea smoke, turning into headless flies scurrying around.

The Storm Rider charged forward on horseback, easily punching through several enemies.


The sheep thief was as excited as the driver, setting fire to the forest like an arsonist, and the smoke spread for miles.

The Dornish soldiers hiding in the forest were brutally attacked and fled in panic.

The style of the painting changed and it turned into an arson scene of an ugly evil dragon.

It lasted for a long time, and the sky gradually became dusk.

"Clean the battlefield and don't let anyone live!"

The forest was ablaze, and the hillsides and roads were strewn with charred corpses.

The sun-piercing spear flag symbolizing the Martell family fell into the mud, burning holes.

Led by Royce Cullen, hundreds of Storm Knights rode their horses and stabbed their lances into the chests of the corpses one by one.


The sheep thief flew over the smoke-filled forest and landed arrogantly in front of the cavalry.

On the dragon's back, Aemond was excited and sweat broke out on his forehead.

The sea smoke circled twice and landed steadily with the driver.

Lanino took off his helmet and said excitedly: "We have repelled the ambush. It's time to mobilize a large number of troops to rescue the besieged Stonehelm."

The Dornish harassment of Crow's Nest and Griffin's Roost had long been reported to Storm's End.

There was no fortress between the two castles, and the Dornish would ambush on the road adjacent to the forest.

This counter-annihilation war was personally planned by Earl Cullen to implement.

Lord Carron rode on his horse and pondered, "These soldiers are only half of the blocking force. Let's open up the main road between Crow's Nest and Stonehelm first." It takes time to mobilize troops. Storm's End temporarily recruited thousands of soldiers and armor. It is easy to suffer heavy losses if attacked halfway. Aemond agreed with what he said and reported, "The sheep thieves burned many people, but more people got into the woods." These fleeing troops will form small guerrillas again. When fighting with the Dornish, you must not underestimate the insignificant small scattered soldiers. Otherwise, you will suffer a great loss. Lord Carron hesitated for a moment and made a judgment: "Then let's go to Crow's Nest to station and wait for the follow-up troops to arrive." Stonehelm is a strong city and should be able to withstand the attack. Lanino nodded and approved the plan. "Good idea, I will ride the sheep thieves to help patrol every day." Aemond agreed immediately. But when he heard about Stonehelm, a dark flash flashed in the boy's eyes. ...

Late at night, Rees.

In the courtyard of the Governor's Mansion, a pitch-black dragon crouched on the ground, its towering back comparable to the attic.

Under the moonlight, the green vertical pupils quietly opened, and a scarlet dragon flew in the night sky.

The dragon was extremely fast and landed on the other side of the courtyard.

At this time, the attic of the Governor's Mansion was brightly lit, and dense crowds of people could be vaguely seen.

On the open-air terrace, several pots of bonfires were illuminated.

Rhaegar covered his forehead with his hand and leaned back on a golden chair.

In front of him, the sea snake and the Tathrius of Volantis stood on both sides.


The door of the rooftop was pushed open, and then the voice of Rhaenys came:

"Rhaegar, I received the news and rushed over overnight."

Rhaenys looked solemn and hurried over.

"Aunt, you are here."

Rhaegar put down his palm and smiled.

Daemon captured Tyrosh, heralding the end of the Narrow Sea War.

Although the three city-states have not been completely controlled, the actual control has fallen into the hands of Targaryen.

The three women's kingdoms that are rampant in the disputed land are completely destroyed!

Rhaenys glanced at everyone present and said thankfully: "I will go to Tyrosh to see how Laena is doing first. Fortunately, she is fine. Gods bless her."

As soon as Rhaegar returned to Lys, he passed the news of Daemon's capture of Tyrosh to King's Landing and Myr.

The three women's kingdoms were broken, and reconstruction and the emerging order were a big challenge.

The sea snake Corliss looked tense and asked: "Daemon attacked the city privately, how is the situation in Tyrosh?"

He and Daemon are allies and are committed to plundering the three women's kingdoms.

Now Daemon disobeyed the king's order and attacked the city behind his back, which made him feel offended and threatened.

Rhaenys looked at her nephew and said seriously: "Tyrosh is still in the war. Daemon led his army to suppress it. It will probably take a few days."

"Wilful bastard."

The sea snake cursed secretly.

Everyone knows that once Daemon enters the city-state, he will never withdraw.

Rhaegar waved his hand and interrupted, "Everyone, Tyrosh has fallen, the Three Kingdoms of Women and the Disputed Lands have all fallen into our pockets. We should first discuss maintaining the waterway and restoring trade."

At the beginning of the Narrow Sea War, the main factor was the captured Mogul.

Morghur is dead, and the only goal left is to destroy the Three Kingdoms of Women.

Now that the Three Kingdoms of Women have been destroyed, three city-states that are crying for food are in our hands, and all kinds of talents are urgently needed to manage them.

He always remembers one thing.

The Iron Throne conquered the Three Kingdoms of Women, and the blood of Targaryen set foot on the land of Essos again.

"Prince, before that, I think it is more valuable to discuss the harvest first."

Tesrio's voice was rough, and his eyes were shrewd.

The sea snake's eyes were deep, and he suggested: "Daemon has occupied Tyrosh. This matter should be reported to His Majesty and he should be brought into the royal meeting for discussion."

Rhaegar didn't even bother to raise his eyelids, and said lightly: "Let's talk about Daemon's problem later. I will only talk about the above two points tonight."

He didn't understand the intentions of the two people, but just wanted to divide the benefits.

The chaos in Myr has not yet subsided, Lys has a lot of things to be rebuilt, and Tyrosh is in the midst of war.

Before Targaryen has taken the initiative in the three city-states, the vultures want to get a piece of the pie?

Rhaegar only said one sentence: "Impossible!"


The sea snake was very unwilling and was eager to share the benefits.


A sharp hissing sounded, and a gray fire flashed across the night sky.

Everyone looked up.

Thrax flew in the air, staggered and landed on Rhaegar's shoulder, and his vertical pupils screamed at several people.

The sea snake was stunned for a moment and took a step back for no reason.

Tethrio's face tightened, and his left hand was on the scimitar behind him.

Rhaegar stroked Thrax's dragon head and smiled: "Don't be nervous, the little guy is just a little undisciplined."

As he said, he glanced at the two people.

I don’t know if I’m talking about a young dragon or an individual person.


Thrax lay down obediently, purring comfortably from his big dragon kiss.

It seems to express that it is very submissive.

Rhaenys looked natural and praised: "This is the baby dragon hatched from Mogul's dragon egg. It is indeed a unique species."

"It can promote the ductility of the family's dragon bloodline."

Rhaegar smiled, called Johanna, and said seriously: "The chaos in the three city-states continues. I decided to use Lis as an example to implement the tower system alone."

Johanna walked over and handed several sample drawings to several people.

Rhaegar continued: "The Kingdom of the Three Women used to have an electoral system, which is contrary to the system of Westeros. I plan to establish the position of a prince, with two or more members under his jurisdiction, and a tower parliament with one master and many followers."

Rhaenys read through it carefully and wondered: "Is this a parody of the Iron Throne and the Royal Council?"

"Not entirely. Members of Parliament have greater rights than ministers."

Rhaegar answered casually, glancing at the sea serpent and Thethrio.

The sea snake didn't notice it, looked at the plan carefully, and gradually frowned.

As a senior politician, he saw at a glance that the "Tower Parliament" was unusual.

A master refers to a prince, or to a Targaryen bloodline.

Duocong refers to members of parliament, that is, the power is equally shared, which controls the power of the prince.

The parliamentary system has existed since ancient times, the most typical one being the Free Fortress Empire of ancient Valyria.

Led by the forty Dragon King families, all free people in the empire voted to form a large parliamentary group.

Mill's many governors' conferences were also free from the conference system.

This kind of parliament is all about decentralization of power.

In the High Tower Parliament, a prince with greater power was placed over the heads of the members.

To ensure that the Targaryen bloodline continues to rule.

The sea serpent looked from beginning to end, raised his head and asked: "Prince, do you intend to extend the tower system to Myr and Tyrosh?"

When he said this, he unconsciously glanced at his wife, his eyes twinkling.

"No!" Rhaegar denied directly and said, "The tower only exists in Lys."

Among the three free trade cities, Tyrosh basically belongs to Daemon, and he will not interfere casually.

Myr is a valuable land city-state, and he plans to build it into a complete colony and completely put it under the direct jurisdiction of the royal family.

Lys is a multi-element city-state with a bright future.

He only thought of the meeting in the tower due to the prying eyes of the Velaryon family, Pentos, and Volantis allies.

Inherited by the Targaryen bloodline, the rights are distributed to the three members of the parliament, and they jointly share the profits and bear the good or bad of the city-state.

Although the prince is at risk of being sidelined, this only further highlights the importance of having the Iron Throne behind him.

To prevent future generations from inheriting the city-state and turning their backs to attack the Iron Throne.

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