Two days later.

The salty sea breeze blows, and the thick smoke of Rees gradually dissipates.

Chengdong District, port.

Countless slaves swarmed, wearing tattered clothes, kneeling and worshiping on both sides of the streets.

In the crowd, there were men, old people, and women, all with sad faces, gathered together invariably.

Looking around, it seemed like all the slaves in the city were coming.

The smell of sweat mixed with the strong smell of perfume and the smell of smoke after burning city-states turned the port into a slum.

Living a lowly life is the main theme of their lives.

Today, a subtle difference occurs.

A group of male slaves crowded in front of them and knelt down in front of them. Their necks were bruised by a circle of shackles, and their feet were free of heavy shackles.

The female slaves huddled in the back huddled together for warmth, and their normally exposed skin had an extra layer of linen to block the men's gaze.

The old man prayed silently, while the child looked timidly.

Tens of thousands of low-level slaves are waiting for one person or a signal.


An elephant's roar suddenly sounded, followed by a hundred elite men in armor opening the way.

The slaves raised their heads and clasped their hands in prayer.

At the end of the port, a gray war elephant several meters tall walked towards it with four hooves, swinging its nose that sprayed water leisurely.

Under the spotlight, Rhaegar rode on a war elephant, with a young and handsome face.

He took off his wartime black robe and casually wore a white shirt and a black horse-faced skirt embroidered with three red dragons.

There is no deep meaning, he is just expressing an attitude.

The war in Lys is over and Targaryen rule is about to begin.


A high-pitched neighing sound came from my ears, and a cool breeze blew over my shoulders.

A silver-black baby dragon the size of a domestic cat stands on its right shoulder, its chest straightened proudly, its mist-colored wings stretched out in demonstration.

Rhaegar glanced sideways and said with a smile: "Thlax, be quiet."

He has silver hair and purple eyes, speaks High Valyrian, and has a lively young dragon on his shoulder.

The purest Targaryen roams the streets of Lys.


The young dragon raised its head and squatted down staggeringly with a mouth full of sharp teeth.

Its head is a bit large and does not match its body shape, so it is difficult to adapt to it during its newborn period.

Rhaegar touched the horned head and stopped paying attention to the little guy.

"Thlax" is the name of the ancient Valyrian god who symbolizes exuberance, vitality, and brings the dead.

It comes from the same belief system as "Mogul" and is one of the minority beliefs.

Rhaegar hatched it, chose a name for it, and kept it by his side temporarily.

He considered that if his children or Daemon's children could not hatch dragon eggs, they could tame this "unique bloodline" young dragon.

The war elephant walked slowly into the alley, escorted back and forth by the elite of the Second Son Regiment, allowing the slaves to pay homage to the winner of this war.

"Prince, please help us..."

"Dragon King Targaryen, do not allow slave masters to return to Lys..."

"His Royal Highness Prince……"

Rhaegar rode the war elephant and walked halfway across the distance. The slaves kowtowed and prayed pitifully with tears.

Lys's side was defeated, most of the dignitaries and slave owners were captured, and all slaves were liberated.

For several days, the slaves remained uneasy.

The hope is to keep the masters of the dragons behind and ensure that they are not re-enslaved.

The streets became noisy, and the slaves' accumulated emotions could no longer be suppressed.

Rhaegar looked around, already knowing something in his heart, and raised his arms and shouted: "I! Rhaegar of Targaryen, I will break your shackles, the dragon will not allow slavery and oppression!"

Bang! Bang!

Behind the team, several Rees officials beat gongs, attracting everyone's attention.

It turned out that another team was hanging in the rear and was late.

A group of roving groups, all composed of slaves, held up a wooden stake every few meters, with living people or corpses inlaid with iron nails.

Judging by their attire, they all look like local rich and powerful people.

They all raised hundreds of slaves, enslaved men to work day and night, and bought and sold women at will and sent them to brothels.

The most critical point is that they are unwilling to submit to Targaryen's management.

"Long live the Targaryens..."

"Long live the Dragon King..."

Seeing the former majestic "adults" fall to the bottom, the slaves cheered and couldn't wait to defecate and throw their feces on the adults on the spot.

Rhaegar glanced roughly and rode out of the alley on the war elephant.

All the powerful people in Reese have fled, and the rest are scum who are stubbornly resisting.

Divide the political groups in Reese into roughly the following: rich people, commoners, and slaves.

The rich have been dealt with and the surrendered have been appeased.

The civilian population base is large, most are hostile to Targaryens, and soldiers are needed to patrol the streets for supervision.

Slaves were an oppressed group. Even though thousands of people were killed and injured in the burning of the city, they still chose to give freedom to the "invaders".

At noon, the team returned to the Governor's Palace.

The city was simply cleaned up, corpses were removed from most areas, and the ruins of collapsed buildings blocked the passages.

Across the charred streets, white stone high-rise buildings emerge before our eyes.

Johanna was wearing a gauze skirt and looking forward to it.

The Sea Serpent is leading the army to repair the port and prepare for the capture of Tyrosh.

The men of Volantis burst into the Perfume Garden, looting and enjoying themselves without restraint.

When Rhaegar walked in, Johanna bowed and said with a smile: "Prince, are you satisfied with my masterpiece?"

The graceful figure turned sideways, and a dozen Lis officials stood in a row with their heads hanging down.

These are the people who surrendered to restore the management of people's livelihood in Rees.

Rhaegar turned over and jumped off the war elephant, and said with a smile: "Well done, many people are willing to surrender to the Iron Throne."

The scenes of patrolling and punishing the powerful were done by Johanna, which is simple and crude but very effective.

It has gathered a lot of people's hearts to a great extent.

The two of them walked into the Governor's Mansion one after another, talking continuously on the way.

Johanna pointed to a mural of the goddess of lust on the wall and suggested: "Prince, faith is the best means of governance. Supporting the spread of a faith will win the confidence of the common people."

Rhaegar raised his eyebrows and quickened his pace.

Reese's beliefs are very mixed. Except for the default goddess of lust, it is almost a hodgepodge.

The Faith of the Seven Gods is a native faith in Westeros and is not too popular here.

And he didn't want the Faith of the Seven to cross the Narrow Sea and benefit the group of missionaries who restricted the Targaryens.

After thinking for a while, he said calmly: "We will wait and see it first. We will consider it after conquering Tyrosh."

Myr and Lys in the Three Women's Kingdom fell, and two of the three Free Trade Cities were gone.

Tyrosh had been under siege for several days, and the decisive battle was approaching.

Rhaegar pursed his lips and cursed secretly: "It's very strange that Dorne and Braavos haven't sent out troops yet."

While thinking about it, I walked back to the attic to eat.


The guard opened the door, and a red-robed figure stood in the room.

Rhaegar glanced at it, sizing it up secretly.

A tall man with pale skin, blue eyes, and a shaved head.

What is more attractive is his pair of deep eyes, which seem to be full of wisdom and can see through people's hearts.

There are various tattoos on his face, the largest one being a twisted black dragon on the left side of his face.

"Who is he?" Rhaegar asked displeased.

He doesn't like some fanatical believers, especially those who know evil witchcraft.

Johanna was one step behind and said respectfully: "Varys, an abandoned disciple of R'hllor Temple, is a genuine blood witch."

Rhaegar stared at Varys and asked politely: "Are you from Volantis?"

"I lived there for a while."

Varys forced a smile, twisted the tattoos on his face, and continued: "I was born in Braavos, lived in the Temple of R'hllor in Lys and became a believer, and now I am kicked out again."

Lys has complex beliefs, and there is also a temple of R'hllor, but the area is far less grand than the temple in Volantis.

Rega strode towards the dining table and said calmly: "What do you want, and what can you do for me?"

The attitude he displayed was so cold that he could repel people thousands of miles away.

Varys didn't care, and said in a crooked voice: "I heard that your sister is pregnant. I have some skills as a blood witch and a fire warlock, and I want to be your heir's teacher."

Rega's eyes sharpened and he said warily: "Do you think I would let a stranger get close to my child?"

"Prince, many of the dragon kings in ancient Valyria were blood witches and fire sorcerers. This is not a secret."

Varys turned around and looked at him, pretending to be pitiful and said: "I'm sorry, I don't purely believe in the King of Light or other gods. I can only swear by my own skills. There is no malice in my appearance."

"I can't believe you."

Rhaegar remained unmoved and turned to look at Johanna at the door.

Johanna smiled apologetically and stood obediently.

Rhaegar narrowed his eyes slightly and kept thinking in his mind.

Johanna is known as the "Black Swan" and has extremely high control over people's hearts and political skills.

She handled Reese's affairs for Rhaegar, and introduced "Varys" who was full of faith.

"Eager to seek power." Rhaegar saw through the key point at a glance.


Thrax neighed, flapped his wings and jumped on the dining table, biting into a piece of barbecue.

Varys looked at it unabashedly and recommended himself: "Prince, you can foresee the future from the fire. The tide of magic is rising sharply. You need someone who understands magic by your side."

It was obvious that he was very interested in the young dragon.

Rhaegar touched Thrax's head and muttered: "Prove me your ability, and I will consider it as appropriate."

There was something the other party said that touched him.

Magic Tide is the key.

He didn't feel much before, but he just felt that the magic in the air had increased.

His bloodline transformed into a Dragonborn, making him more sensitive to magic.

The magic power seemed to be gathered together, one wave higher than the other, surging continuously.

Coupled with the conquest of the Three Women's Kingdom, the dragon's footprints once again set foot on the continent of Essos.

Rhaegar believed that it was time for the family to get in touch with the concept of magic and better protect their lives.

"Prince, most of my abilities have never been used. I hope you will not be disappointed."

Varys took out his hands folded in his sleeves, with strange symbols tattooed on all ten fingers.

His hands shook violently, and wisps of flames emerged.

Varys squinted his eyes, picked up the half-gnawed and discarded cooked meat, and smeared the saliva on a porcelain plate.

Crush the porcelain plate into pieces with your big hands and rub the crumbs in your palms.

After a few seconds, Varys opened his hands, holding a stone sculpture of a baby dragon solidified in black dragonstone.

Rega's eyes flashed and he confirmed: "You are truly a blood witch."

"Just kidding, I learned this blood witchcraft secretly from the Temple of R'hllor in Braavos. I only remembered it after hearing the news about the Twin Citadel."

Varys pushed the dragonstone sculpture towards Thrax, who was jumping around, and said sincerely: "Prince, if you are willing to hire me, I can also help you build a flat-topped tower where the dragon kings of ancient Valyria live."

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