Tormund, who was riding a horse, glanced back and smiled unconsciously.

He got off his horse and walked straight to the spacious wheel palace.

Rhaegar opened the door to the Wheel Palace and asked, "How is the situation at Harrenhal?"

"It's not bad. The construction is basically completed. Bachelor Tru went to Old Town with the letter of recommendation."

Tormund stepped on the low stool brought up by the coachman and answered neatly.

After entering the Wheel Palace, Tormund was surprised by the luxurious decoration inside. He looked around at the royal ministers and greeted politely: "I hope my appearance will not disturb your adults' mood."

"A polite young man." Lin Man nodded lightly and sipped some tea and chewed biscuits.

Tormund glanced sideways slightly, feeling a pair of dim old eyes constantly scrutinizing him.

To become a minister, even an old man with gray hair and beard does not have a fuel-efficient lamp.

This scene all fell in Rega's eyes, and he poured two glasses of sweet fruit wine.

Tormund was still standing at the door of the Wheel Palace, slightly bent due to the height limit, and kept smiling from beginning to end.

Leonor, Otto, and Jaspi each glanced at each other and sat upright with reserved faces.

They only regarded the other party as a close friend of the crown prince, and had not yet reached the level of direct communication with them.

The sound of pouring wine stopped, and one of the glasses was placed on Leonor's side with a bang.

The interior of the Wheel Palace is very large, and the seats of the imperial ministers are relatively casual.

Rhaegar sat slumped on the left, next to the right hand was the well-dressed Otto, and further back sat the nervous Jaspie.

Linman is a respected old man, sitting alone on the soft floor inside the wheel palace, next to Jaspi.

There was a huge soft spot on the right side of the Wheel Palace. Prime Minister Leonor was alone and happened to be face to face with Rhaegar.

The wine cup fell, and the sound attracted the attention of several imperial ministers.

Leonor, in particular, glanced at the wine cup a few feet away, his fat face with beards becoming serious.

Rhaegar looked at Tormund pretending to be surprised, pointed to the position beside Leonor, and instructed: "Why are you still standing there in a daze? Just sit next to Lord Leonor."

"Thank you, Prince."

Tormund's eyebrows were curved, and he sat down gracefully without refusing. He consciously picked up the wine cup in front of him and took a sip.

Rhaegar smiled and raised his own cup to drink.

The two young men sang in harmony, completely ignoring the opinions of several imperial ministers.

Leonor frowned slightly, moved his butt to the side, his eyes were indescribably solemn.

Let a young boy sit next to him, and the crown prince even toasted with him.

After a few actions, he wanted to express something, and the other party was on an equal footing with him, the King's Hand! ?

This profound move naturally cannot escape the political sensitivity of several imperial ministers.

Without Leonor speaking, Lin Man wiped the crumbs of biscuits around his mouth and asked knowingly: "Prince, you haven't introduced this... young man yet."

The king has just left, so the crown prince and regent must take action, and they have to distinguish the pros and cons.

Rhaegar put down his glass of wine, glanced around at the royal ministers, and chuckled: "Tormund, my friend since childhood, is the illegitimate son left behind by Count Bartimus of Crab Island, and he is also a shapeshifter. By."

"Illegitimate child, or a rare shapeshifter?"

Linman looked surprised and noticed the white falcon and black crow on Tormund's shoulders.

In the aristocratic and chivalrous continent of Westeros, illegitimate children are not welcomed, and shapechangers with supernatural powers are also considered a danger.

It is said that there are many shapechangers among the savages outside the Great Wall in the north.

The human king Jaehaerys also rode Vormythor to fight alongside the Night's Watch, defeating the wildling army composed of giants and skinchangers.

Tormund's eyes were clear and he said calmly: "Being an illegitimate child is not an honorable status, and my sowing father doesn't care whether I am alive or not. Just treat me as a commoner."

"I remember you only had one white falcon?" Leonor asked politely.

The two had known each other since the exchange of Harrenhal.

In recent years, Tormund has been managing the Mushroom Market, and when he was less than twenty years old, he interacted with various noble families in the Riverlands and was known as the white dove raised by the crown prince.

Rhaegar also looked at Tormund after hearing this, a little curious.

A skinchanger can usually channel only one animal, and the same goes for Tormund.

With his eyes focused on him, Tormund said half-knowingly: "The ravens that took over Maester Tru's captivity a few days ago unknowingly communicated with one of them."

"Good thing." Rega's eyes were deep.

He thought of the red meteor that caused the increase in magic power, and Tormund's situation was probably related to it.

At this time, Otto asked seriously: "Prince, as far as I know, this shapechanger is your spokesperson in the Riverlands. What are your plans to transfer him to King's Landing?"

With the pleasantries over, it’s time to get down to business.

Rhaegar did not hide anything and said bluntly: "The death of Lord Borros is too strange. However, neither the royal family nor Storm's End have been able to find any clues. I think the Iron Throne lacks information."

"Prince, the king manages King's Landing as far as intelligence spies are concerned, and it has never been outside the royal territory." Leonor said with a serious face.

In terms of intelligence, the king's hand has always been responsible for it. When the prince said that the intelligence was insufficient, he was also saying that his ability was insufficient.

Rhaegar glanced at him and smiled: "Lord Leonor, I am not questioning your ability. Your contribution to the kingdom is obvious to all."

"Then you mean to re-lay the spies?" Leonor's expression softened slightly.


Rhaegar shook his head and said calmly: "I want to re-activate the position of intelligence chief, specifically to provide intelligence information to the Iron Throne."

Leonor said in surprise: "Prince, the intelligence chief is on the imperial council. This is an ominous position."

"The accumulation of too much disturbing information will only corrupt the justice of the king of a country." Lin Man objected with resistance.

The post of intelligence chief last appeared more than 70 years ago.

The cruel King Maegor I, whose Pentos mistress Tyanna was the first Master of Intelligence, committed heinous crimes.

Rega's face was solemn, and he could not refuse: "Father will hand over the power of regency to me, and the intelligence manager must be activated. This matter does not need to be discussed, I will make a decision in one word."

"Prince..." Lin Man frowned with half-white brows, still wanting to persuade.

"Lord Linman, you don't need to persuade me anymore. The intelligence chief is here to monitor dangerous people."

Rhaegar interrupted directly, pointed at Tormund with one finger, and said loudly: "I now declare that Tormund will take over the position of Chief Intelligence Officer and be placed on the Royal Council."

As soon as these words came out, several imperial ministers looked at each other in stunned silence.

Just one day after the king left, the crown prince insisted on adding a royal seat, which made them feel at a loss.

Obviously the king would convene a royal meeting to consult with them on anything before.

Tormund looked back and forth and said sheepishly: "My lords, from now on we will all be colleagues."


There was a moment of dead silence.

Otto shook his head and laughed, and took the initiative to talk: "I have heard of you and participated in the Second Battle of the Stepped Islands."

"Yes, people always have to find ways to serve the country."

Tormund recognized him frankly, then stretched out a hand and said with a smile: "Lord Otto, you are also a loyal minister and good minister. I have been friends with you for a long time."

Interestingly, he stretched out his left hand, and his right hand gently touched the white falcon on his shoulder.

Otto narrowed his eyes and the smile disappeared from his mouth.

He is right-handed and usually writes and works with his right hand.

But few people know that when he was a boy, he developed the ability to be ambidextrous for the convenience of reading widely.

"What's wrong?" Tormund's face was soft and his smile was innocent and harmless.

Otto treated him coldly and completely lost interest in talking.

The so-called godly friend has been with him for a long time, so maybe he has been monitored by the other party's shapeshifter talent for a long time.

The scene was frozen for a moment, and the new minister and the old minister did not get along well for the first time.

Rhaegar didn't care and ordered to the coachman outside: "Go back to the Red Keep!"

He always remembered Rhaenyra's words that he had no roots in the council.

As he grew older and expanded his power, he gradually reversed this situation.

Sea Minister Tyrannzin is the most thoughtful, no less scheming than Otto.

In the Battle of the Stone Steps Islands, Tai Lan was greedy for power and broke away from the Imperial Council, leaving him to hone his skills for three years.

Academician Melos is a cancerous man who is accustomed to changing the situation, and when he finds an opportunity, he kills him with a sword.

In order to share the power of the Royal Council, he also added the position of Dragon Prince to strengthen Targaryen's sense of family.

Now that I am the regent, I must take care of myself.

Installing an intelligence chief is just an appetizer.

About half an hour later, the Wheel Palace drove into the gate of the Red Fort.

Three Kingsguards in silver armor and white robes stood in a row and greeted him respectfully.

Rega took the lead to walk out of the Wheel Palace and looked towards the gate.

In addition to the two young knights on war horses, there were also Gray Worm with a solemn face and ten tall and straight Unsullied ones.


The two knights dismounted and took off their helmets, revealing two familiar faces.

Robb Rivers, Baron of Stonemill.

Lord of Raventree City, Samwell Blackwood.

Rhaegar greeted the two and said to Gray Worm: "How many Unsullied captains are left in the army?"

"Ten." Gray Worm cherished the word like gold.

Rhaegar thought for a moment and nodded.

He has a total of more than 400 Unsullied people, who are usually his personal guards, and a small number are sent to serve as junior officers in the Fearless Legion.

Ten Unsullied Ones are enough to manage a thousand fearless ones.

Gray Worm paused and reported: "There are three hundred Unsullied and two thousand Dauntless left at Harrenhal, managed by my two lieutenants, Fander and Red Tide."

Rhaegar patted him on the shoulder and turned towards the three Kingsguard.

The Unsullied's loyalty is unquestionable, and Gray Worm can use him with confidence.

Several imperial ministers walked down from the Wheel Palace and walked to their residences without anything else. Rega said softly: "Lord Leonor, please wait for a moment. I have something to discuss with you privately."

Leonor was slightly startled, and he stood aside with Tormund and waited.

Three Kingsguards stepped forward and greeted respectfully: "Prince."

Rhaegar smiled and nodded, looking at each one.

The Kingsguard is the personal guard directly under the king and enjoys the highest honor.

Alec Kargel was promoted to Commander of the Kingsguard, and his brother Alec Kargel was tasked with guarding Queen Allison.

The king was traveling to Maiden Springs, and the Cargall brothers led the honor guard to set off two days in advance and were not at the Red Castle at this time.

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