Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 243 In exchange for Harrenhal


A sharp dragon roar came, and orange-yellow mixed with sea-blue dragon flames pierced the night sky, spraying diagonally towards the soldiers of the Bracken family.


"There's an ambush, run away..."

The power of the dragon flame is not weak, and the scalding high temperature and huge impact are beyond the ability of humans to withstand.

Knock the already weak Bracken family soldiers into dust.

On the ground, Samwell led his army and rushed into the enemy's army.

"Quick victory, don't let anyone go!"

The long sword slashed, killing the soldiers who dared to resist, and the emaciated figures ran rampant.

In the night sky, two dragons circled around, overlooking the one-sided carnage below.

Two thousand versus three hundred, it's hard to lose.

Twenty minutes later, the melee ended.

All the Bracken family soldiers were killed, and each one was stabbed to check whether he was pretending to be dead.

"Let me go, Blackwood's lackey."

Without the protection of the soldiers, Amos collapsed in a pool of blood like a dead dog, struggling to resist the enemy's dragging.

"Amos, we meet again!"

Samwell was so angry that he kicked the opponent in the abdomen and dragged him to the ground.

"Ah! Damn Blackwood."

Amos screamed and rolled on the ground holding his stomach.

Samwell gasped, stretched out his hand to grab the other man's hair, put his sword across his neck, and said sarcastically: "Amos, I killed your brother, and you can't run away!"

Amos's brother was the previous Earl of the Bracken family.

In order to flatter and favor in front of Rhaenyra, he took the initiative to provoke several children of the Blackwood family.

He was stabbed to death by the young Samwell in a sword fight.

"You little bastard, if you dare, kill me."

When death was imminent, Amos held on to the idea of ​​begging for mercy, hoping to save himself some dignity.

"You thought you had a chance to live."

Samwell tried hard with his hands, intending to chop off his head.

"Wait, leave him to the prince."

Robb hurriedly spoke out and snatched away Amos, who was restlessly waiting for death.

Speaking of Rhaegar, Samwell regained his senses and sneered: "I killed him with one sword. It was too easy for him."

As he said that, he kicked Amos hard in anger.

It is not only a feud between the Blackwood and Bracken families, but also a personal feud between the two parties.

The soldiers cleaned up the battlefield, tied Amos to the flagpole, and marched towards the burning stone fence city.

the other side.

Tru summoned more than a hundred civilians from nowhere and rushed into the Bracken family's castle.

After a chaotic period of beating, smashing, and looting, a dozen noble men and women in fine clothes were escorted out.

"Come on, asshole."

The common people would vent their insults, and you would hit them with punches and kicks.

They were farmers who were forced into the city, filled with fear and resentment towards the Bracken family.

I wish I could burn the castle down.

The members of the Bracken family were gagged and could only whine and beg for mercy in exchange for more beatings.

At this point, the Bracken family has completely fallen.

Rhaegar drove the glutton to hover over the castle, closing his eyes against the night wind.

A Targaryen is true to his word.

If I say I will cut off your bloodline, I will cut off your bloodline.

Time flies, half a month later.

King's Landing, Flea Bottom.

In the crowded vegetable market, a high platform was built.

Leonor hung one hand on his chest, pointed with the other to the large group of people kneeling in front of him, and declared passionately.

"The Blackwood family went to war privately and disobeyed the king's order..."

He talked a lot.

At the front of the crowd, kneeling was a strong black-haired man, it was Earl Blackwood.

After the accusation proceedings were completed, Leonor announced the verdict: "Kyles Blackwood will be deprived of his earldom and sentenced to death by hanging!"

As he spoke, he asked Kells loudly: "Prisoner, do you accept the sentence?"

"Yes, Prime Minister."

Kelce closed his eyes and spoke in a low voice: "But I don't want to die immediately. Please allow me to put on a black robe and guard the Great Wall."

A dense crowd of people watched the excitement below, looking forward to the fate of the Earl.

Leonor nodded and said: "Your Majesty approves your request."

The Kingsguard on the side took out a black robe, draped it on Kells, and led him away from the execution ground.

No one stopped, no accidents happened.

This is the result that has been discussed by both parties long ago.

Kells pleads guilty and the Blackwoods cede a territory near the Red Fork River.

In exchange for Kells's life, his eldest son Samwell would inherit the title and territory.

After dealing with the Blackwood family, the next step is the Bracken family.

Leonor announced the Bracken family's guilt as usual.

Starting a war privately, disobeying the king's orders, and murdering the lord Duke Glover and the king's hand Leonor Strong...

This blood sacrifice violates the widow's law...

In the end, the entire Bracken family was sentenced to be executed.

All men, women and children, old and young, were beheaded one by one and stuck in the moat with spears.

The culprit, Amos Bracken, is unpardonable.

He was deprived of his title and territory, stripped of his clothes, and whipped all the way to the dragon's lair.

Along the way, ordinary people were allowed to curse and throw feces...

When it arrived at the dragon's lair covered in filth, the glutton waited for a long time.

A breath of dragon flame burned it into dregs.

Through intentional spreading, the people of King's Landing are aware of the Bracken family's evil deeds of rebellion, blood sacrifice, and betrayal of faith.

He was shaped into a typical traitor of Mingzheng.

Prince Rhaegar, who successfully countered the rebellion, became a hero praised by everyone.

Red Fort.

In the bedroom, Rhaegar sat at the table, lowering his head and writing furiously.

Dong Dong...

There was a knock on the door and Rhaenyra's voice came.

"Rhaegar, I'm coming in."

With that said, he pushed the door open and entered.

Rhaenyra was even more radiant than she was half a month ago.

The long silver-gold hair is smooth and spread, braided into slender braids.

She wore a black skirt with a waist that exposed her ankles, and she wore a pair of exquisite red-soled high heels.

Rega raised his head upon hearing the sound, revealing a pair of thick dark circles under his eyes.

Looking at the beautiful Rhaenyra, one person split into three in a trance.

He held up the side of his face with one hand and said confusedly: "Rhaenyra, I seem to be a little dizzy."

"You are too tired, you should pay attention to rest."

Rhaenyra reluctantly dragged her brother to the bed and laid him down, massaging his head.

Rhaegar closed his eyes obediently, resting his head on his sister's white thighs, enjoying the moment.

After conquering Shili City, he didn't stop for a day.

Appease the people in the city, disperse the residents at the city gate, and detain the remaining forces of Bracken...

For three days, the fire in Wengcheng was extinguished, and people had to be sent to clear the ruins and open up a road.

This is not over yet.

As an earl family, Bracken has certain secondary families and knight families under its command.

These people kill some and conquer others.

The Bracken family's treasury, granaries, tax bills...

As long as it was related to money, Rega had to go through everything and confirm the details.

He almost died from exhaustion!

"Rhaenayla, if being a king means doing this kind of thing every day, I would like to abdicate in favor of you."

Rhaegar was as motionless as a salted fish, complaining pitifully.

too tired!

It’s more tiring than receiving cramming education as a child.

He kind of missed the two bastard bachelors who had a bunch of questions in their minds.

"Hmph, stingy Bala, only you can be so tired."

Rhaenyra felt distressed and amused, and tapped the tip of his nose.

As the crown prince, Rhaegar does not need to do this kind of thing.

Naturally, there will be corresponding ministers to deal with it.

But the Bracken family is a large family with ancient heritage and a profound foundation.

Rhaegar was worried about taking advantage of others.

Transport money and food, and manage the ownerless Shili City.

Rhaegar didn't watch these things, the local nobles could get involved in everything and make a lot of money.

Verify money and register it.

These matters should have been the job of Lord Linman Bisbury, the Finance Minister.

However, Earl Linman is old and frail, his energy is not as good as before, and his efficiency is really low.

Rhaegar was useful to Stonehedge City and could only take over the matter.

There are still assistant ministers to help here. If I work alone, I will really die young.

After resting for a while, Rhaegar's headache eased a lot, and he rubbed his face comfortably against his smooth thighs.

This is how a prince should be treated.

The corners of Rhaenyra's mouth raised, and her eyes flashed with satisfaction.

It's not easy to handle a brat.

It's not a waste of time to dress up.

Rhaegar knew this well and cooperated to enjoy the tenderness.

He was tired and dizzy, but not stupid.

Time passes quietly.

Rhaenyra's eyes sparkled, and she asked softly: "Rhaegar, do you have any thoughts on why you are so interested in Stonehedge City?"

Compared to the Blackwood family, which lost a piece of territory, the Bracken family has been completely destroyed.

All direct bloodlines were put to death, and titles, castles, and territories were all restored to the royal family.

Rega turned sideways, hugged his white thighs, and said feebly: "Yes, I want to find a territory for myself."

"You are the prince, and the prince's palace is still under construction."

Rhaenyra wondered.

Rhaegar shook his head and said no more.

The Prince's Palace is just a palace, with very little territory, population, and resources.

Even if it means breaking the sky, it is just a palace for the prince to live in.

He is the crown prince, and his real fiefdom should be Dragonstone.

Now that Dragonstone is sealed to Rhaenyra, he thinks it should be right.

However, one still has to find a fertile land as a fiefdom.

The territory in the Riverlands is pretty good.

It is close to the royal territory, has fertile land and is densely populated.

Seeing that he didn't want to say anything, Rhaenyra pinched his cheek and kissed his forehead gently.

"Get some rest, there will be a celebration party tonight."

At night.

The Red Fort was brightly lit and there was an endless stream of guests.

Viserys sat on the throne, laughing and accepting the flattery and toasts of his courtiers.

The long-dormant royal family destroyed an ancient family in the riverlands with one move.

No matter how the nobles despised the young king in the past.

Seeing that someone has a hard-line heir, he must put away his petty thoughts and show him full respect.

After the toasting, it’s time to eat and drink.

The next positions on Viserys's left and right are Rhaegar and Leonor respectively.

Rega was the first to speak: "Lord Leonor, I have something to discuss with you."

"Speak, prince."

Leonor held the wine glass in one hand and looked serious for a second.

Rhaegar hesitated and looked at his father.

Viserys smiled and nodded.

The father and son had discussed the matter before, so there was no problem.

With his father's support, Rhaegar said sternly: "Lord Leonor, the Strong family served the country, but Harrenhal was burned down by the mob."

Leonor took a sip of wine and was also troubled by this.

Harrenhal was burned so badly that repairs would cost a lot of money.

He was considering whether to borrow money from the Iron Bank.

Seeing this, Rhaegar had a rough idea of ​​the Prime Minister's psychology, and smiled: "The castle in Shili City is still intact, what do you think?"

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