Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 188 Conflict between Tailan and Sea Serpent

The next day, it was bright and clear.

Bloodstone Island.

The ruins of broken ships drifted on the sea, filled with smoke.

After the war, corpses piled up on the beach, and blood flowed into the sea, attracting countless fish and shrimps to eat.


A scream echoed nearby, accompanied by the sound of hammering nails.

Rows of wooden pillars were buried on the beach, and the captured pirates of the Three Women Kingdom were tied up and allowed to be swallowed by the tide, fish and shrimp.


The light silver-gray dragon shadow flew from a distance, hovering and landing on the island.

"Father, all the remaining pirates have escaped and are hiding on Gray Gallows Island."

Lanino, who was dressed in silver-gray armor, jumped off the dragon's back and ran quickly towards the bloody sea snake.

After a night of hard work, Sea Snake could not hide his exhaustion and said in a numb voice: "Send a fleet to patrol, don't act rashly."

The pirates of the Three Women Kingdom are best at guerrilla tactics.

Regardless of sacrifice, they harassed the kingdom's troops and built fortifications, but refused to fight to the death.

During this period, it was already the sixth night attack.

"Father, the White Harbor fleet will arrive tomorrow, and we will be out of trouble soon."

Lanino handed over a note, looking a little excited.

Since the last battle on the Stepstone Islands came to an end, he has been longing for a vigorous war to bring honor to himself and his family.

After all, his sexual orientation is looked down upon by others, and there are many rumors from the outside world.

Sea Snake took the note and looked at it, his serious face softening.

A person quickly walked over to the island, leading a group of guards.

Tailan's face was eager and he spoke quickly: "Lord Corliss, I must talk to you about the loss issue."

He is the Minister of the Sea, specializing in the logistics and supply of the Stepstone Islands.

Sea Snake glanced at him sideways and said calmly: "Lord Tailan, war is a waste of money and food. I don't think there is anything to talk about."

In three days, the other party called him five times.

Each time, he gave a long speech based on war losses and the progress of fortifications, which was nauseating to listen to.

"Lord Corliss, the defenses were destroyed again last night, and countless soldiers were injured or killed."

Tailan pointed to the ruins of warships drifting on the sea and said angrily: "Building defenses under the harassment of the Three Women Kingdom will only increase the financial burden on the kingdom."

"We should deal with the pirates in the Three Women's Kingdom and then build fortifications instead of waiting for someone to destroy them half-finished!"

The sea snake is the commander of the navy and is responsible for war matters.

Tailan is the logistics manager. He not only has to supervise the battle, but also is responsible for the progress of the fortifications.

Seeing the gold coins being spent like water, Bloodstone Island only built a few watchtowers, which he couldn't accept.

"Lord Tailan, please don't get excited. We are not the only ones who have been harmed."

The atmosphere was a bit tense. Lanino quickly smoothed things over and said: "The pirates of the Three Women's Kingdom suffered heavy casualties and destroyed nearly ten warships. We have the advantage."

"Behind the Three Women's Kingdom are three extremely wealthy trading city-states. They have no shortage of warships and a lot of gold to hire mercenaries."

Tailan said helplessly: "And we only have a limited treasury, and the cost of bearing the price is basically different between the two parties."

As an elite member of the Lannister family, he has an innate talent for settling accounts.

The reason why pirates are rampant in the Three Women's Kingdom is that the three trading city-states behind it are very wealthy.

When the Three Female Kingdoms occupy the Stepped Stone Islands, they will benefit from collecting high shipping taxes and intercepting ships, which will bring more wealth.

"That's enough, Lord Tyran."

Sea Snake interrupted impatiently and said in a deep voice: "There is no such thing as fairness in war. We are in such a situation that we can only wait for the kingdom's support."

"Please stop worrying about battle losses. As a naval commander, I am more sensitive to losses than you!"

After that, he threw away the note and walked away.

After being rebutted, Tailan's face turned green and red, picked up the note and turned to leave.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Lanino was speechless for a moment, standing there in a dilemma.


Sighed deeply.

Runestone City.

Rhaegar got up early, woke up and opened his eyes in confusion.

In front of the dressing table, Rhaenyra looked in the mirror, adjusting her skirt and admiring the Valyrian steel necklace around her neck.

After receiving this necklace, Rhaenyra was reluctant to take it off for a moment.

"You're awake, Rhaegar."

Reflected in the mirror, Rhaenyra greeted happily.

"Good morning, Rhaenyra."

Rhaegar sat up and rubbed his messy long hair.

"Get up quickly. I'll tell Jenny not to prepare a farewell party. Let's set off immediately."

Rhaenyra walked to the bed, pulled him up, and put on his clothes haphazardly.

"I'll do it myself, I'm not a child anymore."

Rhaegar said helplessly as his collar got stuck in his ears.

"Oh, you don't ask for milk, sir?"

Rhaenyra raised the corners of her lips and said teasingly.


Lei Jia coughed to hide his embarrassment and accepted the manipulation obediently.

After one hour.

After a quick breakfast, the siblings said goodbye to their vassals and rode on the back of the dragon.


Two dragon roars, one large and one small, rang out, and Gluttony and Syrax flew away from Runestone City.

In the front yard of the castle, Jenny, Jero, Old Green and others watched the two of them off.

"Mrs. Jenny, it's time for us to set off."

Ilic, dressed in silver armor and white robes, spoke respectfully.

The rebellion is over, and it's time for Jenny to return to the Eagle's Nest.

At Jeyne's request, Rhaegar left Ilic and five hundred dragon guards to serve as her bodyguards.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, they can also sell the transported goods and open up the trade route from the king to the valley.

"No problem, Jazz."

Jenny smiled slightly, took out a letter from her sleeve and handed it to Jero.

Under Jello's questioning eyes, he said: "Send a raven to deliver the letter to King's Landing."

Zero nodded and turned to look for the maester.

"Come on, Jazz."

After being told to deliver the message, Jenny's smile became even brighter.

In the letter, she wrote her gratitude to the royal family and set a date to visit King's Landing.

There is also hope of gaining the honorary qualification to make Rhaegar a knight.

Having benefited from relying on the royal family, Janey knew exactly what attitude she should show.

In the evening, the king comes.


A jet-black dragon shadow flew over King's Landing like a shooting star, hovering and roaring.

The sound spread throughout King's Landing, attracting the attention of countless people.

Looking up at the huge black dragon, no matter the nobles or commoners, they all learned a piece of news.

The crown prince is back!


The glutton circled twice in the sky above King's Landing, spitting out green dragon flames, showing the majesty of the Wild Dragon King.

After a while, the glutton flew to the Red Keep and landed in the spacious back garden.

Rhaegar jumped off the dragon's back and said with a smile: "Jump down boldly and I will catch you."

"You better catch me."

Rhaenyra stood up from the saddle and nervously jumped off the dragon's back.

Rhaegar opened his arms, caught her body, and circled her waist twice.

Syrax flies too slowly.

After leaving the valley, Rhaegar suggested that the two of them ride Gluttony to shorten the distance.

"Haha, you scratched my itch."

Rhaenyra slapped Rhaegar on the shoulder, laughing uncontrollably.

"Okay, let's go quickly, my father is impatient."

Rhaegar pulled her toward the castle.


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