Game of the World Tree

Chapter 103 NPC Mission System

The NPC mission system is something Eve has been considering for a long time.

At present, the game tasks of "Even Kingdom" are basically issued and settled by Eve personally. Even the daily tasks issued by Alice are also auxiliary calculations by Eve behind the scenes.

Although reincarnating into a world tree, this amount of computation is as simple for Eve as eating and drinking in the previous life, but that is also because there are too few players now.

Two closed tests are enough.

For the next recruitment, Eve plans to officially start the public beta!

At that time, players will definitely pour in in large numbers, and the number of players is in the thousands.

And as the number of players increases, Eve will definitely not be able to do everything by himself. In fact, many things can be left to the native elves to do.

Eve's plan is to connect the game system he designed with his own belief channel, distribute part of the game management power to his followers, and bring believers into the game as NPCs!

This... is the NPC mission system!

Specifically, according to the belief level of their believers, they are assigned certain game permissions, and NPC templates are constructed, so that they have the power to independently issue tasks to players and issue rewards.

It's kind of like making Nation of the Elf a company.

Eve is the boss, the followers are the employees, and the players are their customers and leeks.

The higher the level of belief in Eve, the greater the power of the believer's mission NPC!

In Eve's plan, it is planned to give the saint purple npc template, the fanatic blue npc template, and the devout believer white npc template.

Shallow believers, who provide too little faith, will not be connected to the system.

If you want to have the ability to issue tasks to the Chosen One, try to praise the goddess and become a devout believer as soon as possible!

As for the only golden NPC, that is Eve herself.

The content of the mission is set by the believers themselves.

The content can be beneficial to the believers themselves, but must not harm or even help the interests of the mother goddess, and can play a positive feedback role in the development of elf civilization.

Of course, Eve would encourage followers to issue missions that would benefit him.

And if the tasks given by the believers can make outstanding contributions to him and civilization, Eve will also reward the believers!

Considering the temperament of the elves in the world of Seggs, Eve is not worried that someone will mess with this.

The rewards can be given by the believers themselves, or the experience points and contribution points that Eve assigns to them, or even the learning of some skills and career transfer!

Of course, the skill learning issued by NPCs and the "direct indoctrination" in career transfer and contribution malls are different.

Skills and job transfers obtained from NPCs require players to learn from scratch like natives.

This is another way for civilian players!

After all, not everyone has the money to invest in their contribution, and out of more than a thousand people, there is only one little Xianmiao who uses money as paper.

The detached status of the Contribution Mall will not change.

In addition, the amount of experience points and contribution points possessed by believers will also be linked to the level of belief.

The more devout your faith in Eve, the larger the amount allocated, and the larger the amount of one-time distribution!

The quota is refreshed every 24 hours and cannot be accumulated.

Of course, the amount of rewards allocated to NPCs is absolutely lower than the mainline.

The richest reward, as well as the most special reward, must be in Eve's own hands!

However, daily tasks are not in the limit.

Daily quests can be picked up repeatedly.

Generally speaking, the daily tasks of each period are Eve's development plan during this period.

For example, now, the daily task is to expand the elf town and restore the holy city emerald.

For daily tasks, Eve will specially design silver daily task npc templates, which are compatible with ordinary npc templates.

For example, Saint Alice can have both the daily task npc template and the purple npc template at the same time.

That is to say, while issuing daily tasks without restrictions, she can also issue NPC tasks that belong to her to players according to her own preferences.

And once this system is enabled, the gameplay of the entire game will be more diverse!

At the same time, Eve will also be liberated from the task distribution to a certain extent, and only needs to be in charge of the behind-the-scenes system operation and the main storyline.

For believers, it will once again stimulate their enthusiasm for faith, and at the same time deepen their communication with players.

Eve could vaguely foresee that all the players would turn into elves...especially the faithful licking dogs of the pious elves.

In addition, Eve plans to evaluate the mission "performance" of all believers every few months or a year.

Those believers who have made great contributions to the development of civilization, the spread of faith, and the increase of Eve's strength will be rewarded handsomely!

In this way, to stimulate the enthusiasm of the believers and guide them in the direction of the task.

Well, you are so smart!

Eve is very satisfied.

These plans, He has already had ideas.

But before the incarnation of the kingdom of God, Eve's control of belief was still very rough, and the two systems could not be well connected.

But now it can.

Thinking of this, Eve quickly started related preparations and officially established the NPC mission system!


The edge of the elf town.

The black dragon Merrell snorted while nibbling on the barbecue:

"It's so miserable! The elves are really miserable!"

"I've heard the name of the elf race, but unfortunately I have never seen this beautiful race, but I never thought that they who advocate peace would be so miserable..."

Just now, Xiao Xianmiao told Merrell the history of the elves over the past thousand years in the way of storytelling.

And in order to be even more sensational, Xiao Xianmiao searched the Internet for some tragic stories on Blue Star while telling the story, and specially picked the tragic stories, the worse the better.

However, considering that the black dragon had already been fooled by the orcs, she did not directly name orcs and humans who persecuted the elves, nor did she explain what the elves looked like.

This black dragon with incomplete inheritance... I don't even know that it was the elf who caught him!

And the final effect is that Merrell has completely sunk into the story...

"So... the evil forces must be wiped out! Hey, I don't know where the elves are now. If Merrell knew where they were, Merrell would definitely help them!"

Merrell swears while eating the barbecue.

After listening to it, Xiao Xianmiao smiled slightly.

She pointed to a few flame tribe elves who were visiting in the elf town in the distance, and said:

"They are elves."

After speaking, he pointed to himself again:

"I am also a special elf."

For a moment, Merrell's eyes widened:


It spit out the roasted meat in one mouthful, and the dragon's might on its body was instantly aroused, and roared angrily:

"Evil long ears, you are lying to me!"

Xiao Xianmiao was taken aback.

However, she still dared to say a few words:

"Your concept is just instilled by the orcs. What I haven't said is that the race that persecutes the elves in the story is the orcs!"

"These things, you can find out after a little inquiries in human society! Before the orcs drove you, they just wanted to capture elves and sell them to humans as slaves."

"And we are just resisting."

After listening to Xiao Xianmiao's words, Merrill was stunned.

It turned to look at the peaceful and lively atmosphere in the distant town, and its expression gradually became dazed.

Xiao Xianmiao wanted to say something, but a system prompt suddenly appeared in her field of vision, interrupting her thoughts.

[Announcement: "The Kingdom of the Spirits" will be updated at 00:00 the next day on Blue Star, players are advised to prepare for going offline in advance. 】

new version update?

Xiao Xianmiao is very curious.

She looked at the time, hesitated for a moment, and said to Merrill:

"Think about it for yourself! I'll go first."

After speaking, she got up and left.

Only the black dragon was left in a daze.

Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! ! Thank you Lyra for the 500-point tip from Frost! Thanks to the heartbroken passer-by for the 100-point reward!

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