Full-time Lottery System

Chapter 508 Fierce Battle (Part 2)

"This, is this coercion?"

Chen Ze was very shocked, he felt it, felt that what the giant python sent to him just now was actually coercion. Although it is not exactly the same as his coercion of the beasts, the coercion of the myriad beasts relies entirely on domineering and domineering. This kind of coercion has a hint of insidiousness and coldness, but Chen Ze can be sure that this is coercion.

It is the same thing as his coercion of beasts, a coercion that can make creatures lose their ability to resist.

"A giant python actually has this kind of ability, this, how is this possible!"

Looking at the giant python in front of him, Chen Ze thought about it.

His coercion of beasts was obtained only by the system. Chen Ze used to think that such a thing could not exist on the earth.

But now, after seeing this giant python, he realized that this kind of coercion actually exists on Earth itself. The giant python in front of him actually possessed this ability.

And if it has it, then wouldn't it be possible for that deep-sea monster with a length of hundreds of meters to also have this ability?

Thinking of this, Chen Ze felt that he seemed to have underestimated that deep-sea monster in the past.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that the pressure around him had increased, and it even seemed that the space around him had become a little oppressed.

Sensing this, Chen Ze knew that this giant python had increased its strength and increased its pressure on him.

"The coercion of all beasts."

Chen Ze muttered silently. After feeling this, he immediately resorted to the coercion of the beasts. Suddenly, a majestic coercion with kingly and domineering power erupted from his body, colliding with the coercion of this big snake.

Immediately, the two forces offset each other, and the pressure around Chen Ze disappeared without a trace.


After realizing that the coercion exerted on him had disappeared, Chen Ze let out a sigh of relief.

On the other side, the doubts in the giant python's mind became deeper and deeper, because it also discovered this point. It discovered that the coercion it tried a hundred times in the past actually failed today.

It was imposed on the human in front of him, but not only did it not make him succumb, on the contrary, even the coercion he issued disappeared.

"What's going on?" the python thought to himself.

Suddenly, it heard the voice of the human being in front of it. That's right, it's the voice, and it actually understands what it says.

It's not that it hasn't seen human beings in the past, but it doesn't understand what those human beings say.

But now it is different, now, it actually understands the voice of the human being in front of him.

"Are you that giant python that ate brown bears and lions in our zoo within a month?" Chen Ze asked.

"It's me." The giant python snorted, looked at Chen Ze with eyes as big as lanterns, and stretched out its head towards Chen Ze, as if it was ready to attack Chen Ze at any moment.

"That's good."

Chen Ze nodded, and said that his foot stepped on the ground. Immediately, a force erupted from his body and hit the giant python.

The power in Chen Ze's body is the combination of his two abilities, one is the coercion of the beasts, and the other is the command of the beasts.

Both of these two abilities can easily subdue creatures like lions and tigers, and when the two are combined, even the ferocious brown bear before can't resist.

Therefore, Chen Zucai fused these two forces together, and then hit the giant python, hoping to subdue it.

With a bang, the giant python felt dizzy for a while, as if something had entered its mind, making it a little dizzy.

"Get down on the ground for me."

At this moment, Chen Ze's voice came again, ordering the giant python.

Hearing Chen Ze's words, the giant python subconsciously obeyed. Of course, it never listened to anyone in the past.

But it's different now, I don't know what's going on now, it just obeyed Chen Ze's words, and slowly got down on the ground.

However, just as it was about to lie down on the ground, it suddenly came to its senses, became furious, and bit Chen Ze.

However, Chen Ze seemed to have been prepared for a long time. After seeing it rushing towards him, he quickly dodged to the side, dodging its attack.

"Sure enough, even with the coercion of the beasts and the command of the beasts, there is no way to subdue it."

After dodging, Chen Ze muttered to himself.

In fact, the coercion of the beasts and the command of the beasts could not subdue this giant python, which was within his expectation. After all, this giant python can also send out coercion. In this case, Chen Ze knows that his ability may not be as effective as it is on creatures like tigers and lions.

Therefore, he has been on guard against this giant python, preventing it from taking a sudden bite. And sure enough, it rushed over just now.

However, although he knew that his coercion and command of all beasts could not subdue this giant python, Chen Ze also saw that it was not ineffective just now. Even, the effect is still notable, it can make this giant python temporarily confused.

And this confusion is enough.

"It's enough, we can get rid of this giant python." Chen Ze muttered to himself.

As he said that, he took out an electric shock baton from the thief's arsenal, and this was one of his carefully prepared weapons. This electric shock rod can emit tens of thousands of volts of high voltage electricity. Chen Ze believed that it was enough to subdue this giant python.

After taking it out, he immediately resorted to Ten Thousand Beast Coercion and Ten Thousand Beast Command, and hit the giant python.

Immediately, the giant python became confused again.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ze immediately hit him with the electric shock baton. In an instant, the electric shock rod hit the giant python, and Chen Ze could feel that the giant python was directly hit by his tens of thousands of volts of high-voltage electricity.

"It can be over."

After being hit, Chen Ze thought in his heart that he believed that even such a terrifying giant python would never be spared under such high voltage electricity.

This blow, even if it couldn't directly kill it, could at least stun it.

But at this moment, he discovered something was wrong. He saw, let alone the entire python being stunned. Even the body of the snake hit by him didn't change at all.

It seems that the high voltage of tens of thousands of volts has no effect on this giant python.

"This, how is this possible!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Ze was a little shocked.


At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a black thing attacking him, it was the tail of this giant python.

Not only did this giant python do nothing, but it even launched a counterattack and hit Chen Ze.

With this blow, Chen Ze was a little caught off guard, and was directly hit by the giant python's tail. With a bang, his whole body was sent flying.

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