Full-time BOSS

Chapter 481: Victor the Faithless

What he wants most is actually the equipment that adds spell slots. With so many spell slots, it is definitely not due to his own strength. He must have a top-grade magic weapon by his side, maybe it is a divine weapon (although it feels unlikely) .

Even if you can't use it yourself, it's fine to trade it.

Now only one piece of soul fire is dropped, can the priest's soul fire be used by himself? No matter how you look at it, it's unreliable. Even if it's related to skills, it's still a divine art. I don't have a god I believe in, so how can I learn it.

Xiao Yu was a little strange at this time, this priest didn't wear a holy emblem, and he couldn't tell which god's priest he was. This kind of situation is not common.

However, some drops are better than no drops. As the saying goes, thieves don’t go empty-handed, so if you finally download a dungeon, you can’t just get nothing.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu said: "Well, is there anyone who needs this soul fire? I will roll first."

After speaking, directly use the ROLL point command - 14 o'clock.

Oh, it's really pitiful.

But fortunately, although there are a few other people who want to roll, but because they have needed things before, they can only stare blankly at this meeting. Bo Yuntian's team leader wanted to grab things from him, which made no sense at all.

So no one talks at all.

Xiao Yu then shrugged his shoulders, "I'll take it if no one wants it." After speaking, he was not polite, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, the shards of the soul fire fell into his body.

There was an additional skill [Soul Fire Fragment (inactive)] in his skill bar.

This is somewhat similar to memory fragments, which need to be activated to know the specific content.

However, he was not in a hurry to activate it, he was going to wait until the dungeon was released, but unfortunately this church exuded a sacred atmosphere, so he couldn't enter at all, otherwise he could go in and collect it for a while.

Everyone searched around Polly Village again, but found no hidden bosses or treasures, so they had no choice but to return to the entrance of the village, and went to the necromancer Isaac to receive the dungeon reward.

The reward given by Isaac is the extra experience value. In the previous battle, everyone has gained a lot of experience. After getting the reward experience of the dungeon clearance, they immediately upgraded one after another.

With a flash of golden light, Xiao Yu found himself promoted to the third level.

I looked at my attributes.

Character Name: The Return of the King

Character Class: Skeleton Swordsman/Undead.

Level: Level 3 Skeleton Swordsman.

Health: 15/15.

Traits: Negative energy affinity, fear of holy light, fear of fire, immune to mind control, immune to curse, immune to bleeding, immune to poison, undead induction, darkvision, dispellable, transcendent, purifyable, underwater breathing, fear Blunt weapon, 50% chance to be immune to piercing attack.

Skills/Talents: Unyielding Will (Passive), Loyal Dog Master, Chain Sword Fighting, Parry Counter, Weapon Master (Sword Specialization +1), Soul Fire Fragment (Inactive).

Challenge Level: Level 2.

Drop value: 105/20.

Monster experience: 30 points.

(The challenge level is different from the monster level. The challenge level means the level that the adventurer needs to challenge the monster.)

Generally speaking, this trip to the dungeon is considered to be rewarding, but it is not very huge. Now let's see what this soul fire fragment is.

Everyone left the dungeon, and then the team disbanded, because it was already late at night, and some team members were about to get off the plane, and everyone was a little tired after the dungeon.

Even Dashuikou was about to go offline, so he quit the game after telling Xiao Yu.

Only Orange Red Jasmine and Xiao Yu were left together, because they were together.

"By the way, what happened to your soul fire shard?" Xiao Yu asked curiously about the orange-red jasmine.

"It's just a boring memory." Orange Red Jasmine shook her head and said, "I'm going to level up myself first, so please contact me if you have anything to do."

After finishing speaking, he walked away without waiting for Xiao Yu's answer. Xiao Yu didn't care, but he could feel that the memory that Orange Red Jasmine obtained must not be that simple. What about the secret?

Thinking in his heart, he chose to activate the fragment of the soul fire in his hand.

The next second after choosing to activate, Xiao Yu found himself in a trance, and the surrounding scene completely changed. He seemed to be falling into an abyss, like falling into a dream.

This feeling is completely different from when the memory fragment is activated, because the memory fragment itself is a part of his past memory, after activation, it seems as if something suddenly came to mind, and there is not much reaction.

But because this fragment of the soul fire is someone else's memory, there must be a process of absorption, and during this absorption process, he will completely re-experience this memory from the perspective of the owner of the soul fire.

After the feeling of falling disappeared, at this moment, he found himself standing in the ruins surrounded by burning house wreckage. Looking down, Xiao Yu found that he was wearing a very worn-out clothes. The shape of a down and out wanderer.

There are still many corpses on the surrounding ground, and it seems that the owner of this memory belongs to the same village.

He can't control his body, but like a bystander, watching this memory.

And the owner of this memory is naturally that pastor, but now this pastor is not a pastor, just an ordinary person, his name is Victor.

He could feel the anger in Victor's heart, it seemed that when the orc bandits destroyed and slaughtered their village, the gods worshiped in their village did not respond at all, and this Victor was full of hatred for the gods.

Then Xiao Yu noticed that Victor was walking, and the surrounding scenery was constantly changing. Sometimes it was daytime, sometimes night, sometimes it was a country road, sometimes it was wilderness, and sometimes it was a city again.

He could feel this Viktor's exhaustion and pain.

From time to time, there will be scenes of Victor begging from people, but there will also be voices of villagers cursing him.

From these conversations, he discovered that this Victor had another identity—a faithless man.

Victor doesn't believe in any gods, it's not that he hasn't found his own belief, but he doesn't believe in gods at all, and he is a person who resists gods.

Due to the lack of reverence for the gods in their hearts, and even full of doubt and contempt, unbelievers cannot become believers of the gods, and because of this, people like them are very important in the Lost Continent, a domain ruled by the gods. An existence hated by the world.

However, Xiao Yu became curious at this moment. Since Victor is an unbeliever, how did he become a priest in the end?

With this curiosity, he continued to observe Victor's experience.

The screen is still switching constantly. This memory seems to be composed of countless fragments. On this day, Victor came to the wilderness tired and hungry. There was only a wooden staff left, and his whole body was covered with wounds. At this moment, he was lying in a pile of wild grass, as if he was about to die at any moment.

Of course, this guy must not have died, otherwise there would be no future priest Victor.

At this time, a faint voice suddenly came from a distance.

"Victor, come here, Victor, come to us."

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