Full-time BOSS

Chapter 474 Spell Slots and Biological Specialties

When he set the character's occupation during his lifetime, he had carefully studied the occupations. They were all occupations such as soldiers, blacksmiths, farmers, and tramps. There were no occupations related to mages and priests at all.

You fell into the sword of an angel and said: "Hey, there are indeed no mages and priests, but there is a job of a tramp, do you remember?"

Xiao Yu thought for a while, "Nodded, there is such a choice—could it be that the tramp is actually a mage?"

"No, it should be said that tramps have the possibility to advance to skeleton mages. In order to find a way to advance to skeleton mages, I tried all the professions more than once during the internal test. I have tried all options.

I shouldn't talk about this method, but considering that there should be a guide on the Internet in the near future, and my game is now in public beta, I have already grabbed the early advantage, so I will tell you about it.

First of all, you must choose a tramp as a career, and you must choose the city-state of Qatar as the country background. Qatar is a famous magic city, and the ruler is a group of mages.

After the selection, you will appear on the streets of the city-state of Qatar. The opening plot of the homeless man is the most complicated, and you can take many branches, but the ending of all branches is a dead end. The only problem is how to die.

One of the branch lines is to go to the mage tower to steal things, and then be caught by the mage, use the materials for magic experiments, and then die during the magic experiment, those mages will let you throw the body collectors into the wilderness outside the city In the middle, and after the resurrection, because the body was injected with magic power during the magic test, the option of the skeleton mage can be turned on when it is advanced. "

Xiao Yu nodded, and said in his heart that this is the case, such a method can indeed only be found by the internal beta players through continuous trials, or else they are so lucky that they just choose one and choose this line, and then buy it. The lottery is about the same.

"It's really amazing. This kind of skill is beyond the reach of ordinary people. It seems that you are very talented as a professional player." Xiao Yu exaggerated. This is a professional player's admiration for another professional player's game skills, but it is sincere of.

Fallen Angel Sword felt a little embarrassed when he saw Xiao Yu say that. "Hehe, it's nothing, it's still far behind my idol."

"Idol? Who is your idol?"

"Azathos, or Xiao Yu, have you heard of the firmament world? He is the number one master in the firmament world, but I don't know if he also plays the battle of the gods."

Xiao Yu was taken aback when he heard this, (Your sister, isn't that just me? Didn't expect me to be so awesome?)

But thinking about it, the title of No. 1 master in the sky world is really not bragging. Being able to become the No. 1 master among hundreds of millions of people can indeed be regarded as an idol for others.

But when this kind of thing falls on me, I always feel a little unreal.

Xiao Yu wondered if he should tell him his identity? After thinking about it, I decided to forget it, even if I said it, the other party probably wouldn't believe it, and there was no need to do so.

"Actually, when I created the character, I thought it was Azathoth, but I didn't expect it to be taken."

Xiao Yu shook his head, "It's not that it's occupied, it's that it's not allowed to use."

"Isn't that a meaning?"

Xiao Yu shook his head and said: "There is a difference between the two. Being occupied means that a player named this name, and it is not allowed to use it. Accidentally, this name is a sensitive word or there is an NPC with the same name in the game, so it is not allowed to be used."

Sword of the Fallen Angel was startled: "What, doesn't that mean that there is an Azathoth in this game?"

Xiao Yu nodded, "Indeed."

In fact, he is very strange. Azathoth is the name in the Cthulhu Mythology. If there is Azathoth in this game, is it related to the Cthulhu Mythology? But looking at the content of the game Clash of the Gods, it is obviously a system like Dungeons and Dragons.

"By the way, what do you mean your skills are biological specialties?"

Sword of Fallen Angels: "There are two types of skill atmosphere in the game: biological specialties and spells. For example, your chain sword strike is a biological speciality. It does not consume spell slots and can be used indefinitely, as long as you have enough strength. My The same goes for flame missiles."

Spell slot? Xiao Yuxin said, so in this game, do spells use spell slots? This needs to be researched.

"Wait a minute, let me study the magic first."

Xiao Yu was really curious. Before, he only focused on studying the monster system, but he didn't have much research on the adventurer system. He thought it was just like the adventurers in the past games. Warriors use anger, mages use mana, but now But it seems to be completely different, the biggest difference lies in this spell slot.

The power of spells in this game is too great. Just a dead person returns to death, which almost makes him completely incomprehensible as an undead. If it is mana value, it is almost a misunderstanding.

Now that you know that you are using spell slots, you must figure out how the adventurer's spells work.

After finding the information and looking it over, Xiao Yu immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

I see.

In the battle of the gods, all spellcasting professions such as mages, priests, and druids do not use mana points, but spell slots.

Taking a mage as an example, a level 1 mage only has one spell slot, and then gets an additional spell slot for each level up, that is to say, a level 20 mage only has 20 spell slots.

Of course, it’s not just about leveling up to get spell slots, because there is also the initial talent for adding spell slots, and the growth of spell slots will also increase after advanced to high-level occupations, such as archmage and arcanist. Level rewards, spell slots attached to magic items, etc. Basically, a tenth-level mage can have twenty or even three or four spell slots.

Both the mage's spells and the priest's divine spells are graded 1-10.

Level 1 spells consume 1 spell slot, level 2 spells consume 2 spell slots, and so on.

Once the spell slots are depleted, one must sit and meditate to recover.

Therefore, although the magic power of mages and priests is very powerful, the number is actually very limited, and once the spells are used up, they can only go up and fight.

Therefore, it is still difficult to upgrade spellcasting professions in the early stage. For example, mages only have one spell slot at the first level.

That's why priests wear heavy armor and take maces, because they have to fight melee after casting their spells.

A mage usually carries a long-range weapon such as a crossbow, and can shoot two arrows after casting the spell. Of course, the combat power is definitely not as good as that of a professional archer or warrior.

It's like the group I met before killed the priest and mage in their team. The mage had a greasy spell, a burning hand, and a fire missile, so he probably had no spell slots.

The pastor put an evil detection and evil weapon, and the dead return to death, so there are probably no spell slots left.

So if there were more of them at that time, such as fifteen or twenty undead, they should be able to push each other away.

It seems that as a monster, you still have to win with more, or the attack speed can be so fast that the opponent can't read the spell.

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