Full-time BOSS

Chapter 330

In the picture, the first thing that comes into view is a huge tentacle monster with a strange black body, which looks like a creature in a nightmare, and under this huge monster, there are plasma, minced meat and internal organs everywhere, and the entire shallow pit is full of blood. It was as terrifying as a slaughterhouse, and around this pool of blood, there were many scattered corpses and broken limbs, as well as adventurers who ran away crying.

The whole picture is so impactful, at first glance, those who didn't know it thought they saw a poster of a horror movie.

In fact, in the past, there were bloody and violent scenes in this game. Because the game was made too realistically, it is not uncommon for players to see blood splashing when they are killed, and scenes of severed limbs and even being beheaded are unavoidable. Yes, but in previous games, such screens appeared alone, and would be refreshed soon, so even if it was a battle with tens of millions of people, the number of corpses on the screen at the same time was very limited. There won't be much gore, either.

But this time, thousands of adventurers were killed at once, and it was still done in an extremely cruel way - directly crushed into meat paste, and the bloody feeling rendered by the blood plasma that flowed out almost exploded.

Look at the title of this video again.

"The Scariest Boss in History - The Birth of Azathoth"

Video introduction: Although the final result of the Demon King Contest has not yet appeared, there is no doubt that the most evil and terrifying BOSS is none other than the elemental king Azathoth. Let everyone know the terrifying power that the BOSS that wants to destroy the world can release. This is the real horror villain. The previous BOSS are all weak, okay? What can be better than a one-shot? Is it more evil to grind thousands of people into meat paste?

Click on the video, and the content inside is the video of his match today, without any narration, and without any editing, it is just a direct interception of the video of his last combo, and then accompanied by a spooky music.

With the gradual climax of the music, the final picture even showed the perspective of an adventurer, half of his body was crushed by a monster falling from the sky, and he screamed for a long time while dragging out the internal organs, and finally the screen turned blood red ——THEEND.

After watching the introduction and content of the video, Xiao Yu couldn't help but couldn't help crying and laughing. When he did it before, he really didn't feel the bloody feeling of killing. Although he knew that the picture afterward would not be good, he didn't expect such a terrible picture and such The big response made him a little unexpected.

At this time, he felt a little weird in his heart, a feeling of pride, but on the other hand he was a little uneasy, as if he had really done some heinous thing.

Xiao Yu tried his best to put this anxiety to the back of his mind, this is just a game, and those people are not really dead, he comforted himself like this.

Continue reading, however, this video is only the tip of the iceberg of the incident he detonated this time. There are countless posts talking about that bloody feast, but fortunately most of them are discussing this Azathoth. How creative the skill combination is, whether the elemental creatures need to be weakened, whether other BOSS can use different skills to achieve similar effects, whether the adventurers will be destroyed miserably when they download dungeons in the future, and so on.

Some people are even imagining how to gather the power of the entire world to defeat Azathoth if it becomes the final boss of the next expansion.

However, there are also a few people talking about whether the game is too bloody, whether these pictures are too much, and whether such realistic game special effects are necessary.

Not only were the game forums talking about it, Xiao Yu soon discovered that his posts also appeared on the homepages of major virtual communities.

These virtual communities can be said to be the gathering and distributing centers of public opinion in this era. Almost the news of the whole world is read and watched by people here. I didn’t expect that my video could be recorded as world-class news, which made Xiao Yu feel a little proud disturbed.

Among these incendiary posts, there is one that has received particularly high attention

A post called "Bloody violence and ****, what's wrong with the current game".

The content of the post is very simple.

[The current games are no longer purely for entertainment as before, but have become a place for some people to vent their violent and sexual desires, so some games have begun to use some bloody violence and sexual gimmicks, To attract players, there is such a game recently, which is not only extremely discordant, but even shows such a picture to audiences all over the world. Below is the picture of a game in this game. 】

What first appeared in this post was the scene where the Succubus Queen appeared, and a mosaic was very "intentionally" placed on the key parts of the Succubus Queen.

As a result, it feels as if the succubus queen didn't wear anything—although she didn't wear much at first, but this mosaic turned the original sexy and alluring image of the succubus queen into a naked The feeling of a **** female star.

When playing this video, there is also a narration.

[The current game has become so **** and uses women's bodies as a selling point, which is really morally depraved. Not only that, the bloody violence of the game is even more heinous. 】

The next thing that appeared was the scene of Xiao Yu's angry grass and thousands of adventurers, and there was also a narration when this scene was played.

[The game screen has become so bloody and violent, it is inevitable that people will imitate and learn from it in reality. Moreover, this kind of wanton killing game can easily induce negative emotions in people's hearts. I think this kind of game should be banned , it should not appear in the player's selection at all. 】

However, the comments below this post are a bit ironic, because there are not many people who support this post, but there are some unexpected comments.

[Very adult: Damn, what kind of game is this, so stupid? I will also download one later. 】

[Secondly serious: What is the age of the poster, what age is this and you are still talking about ****, so many adult games can't get along with a role-playing game. 】

[Little pig is cute: Upstairs, what kind of game is this? Is that tentacle monster a player? It feels so good! 】

Xiao Yu turned off the browser, thinking that things were fermenting too quickly, and it felt a little wrong. After finishing the game this morning, so many posts came out in the afternoon, which is abnormal, too abnormal, and not normal. Do you know what the official response will be?

He opened the game's official website, only to find an announcement.

[Game Announcement: 1.31 Patch Release Announcement. 】

[The company deeply regrets the scene that happened in the game this morning. In order to pursue the realistic effect of the game, it ignored the psychological impact on people. The company is deeply sorry for this and immediately took remedial measures.

In "Sky World Patch 1.31", we added a harmony system to the game. After the player activates the harmony system, all bleeding effects in the game will be removed.

At the same time, the mosaic harmony system is added. For too violent scenes, such as beheading, mutilation, dismemberment, etc., the system will automatically generate a mosaic to cover the picture, preventing the too bloody picture from causing negative effects on the player's heart.

Players can choose whether to enable the harmony system.

Players can also use coupons to purchase the Advanced Harmony Pack in the game store. The Advanced Harmony Pack can transform the bleeding effect into jam, ink, popcorn, rose petals, Lego blocks, and other interesting effects.

The Advanced Harmony Pack can also harmonize broken limbs into fruit, bread, ceramic shards, puppets and a variety of fun special appearances.

The Advanced Harmony Package is priced at 199 coupons. During the Demon King Contest, it will be sold at half price with a special discount, and only 99 coupons will be sold.

At the same time, in the future, the company will withdraw from the Deluxe Harmony Package and Supreme Harmony Package, so stay tuned]

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