Full-time BOSS

Chapter 298 The Scene of Doomsday

Three hours later, on a small island near the great whirlpool of the endless sea, the great chief of the tribe, the famous orc prophet—Saar, was standing on the reef, facing the whirlpool in front of him, constantly trying to get along with him. The elements are communicating, his mind is immersed in the ritual of communicating with the elements, his whole soul, as well as his spiritual world, seem to be integrated with the surrounding elements, in a wonderful state of out-of-body state Among them, this is an ability unique to shamans. "

But after a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes. The ceremony failed, and the elemental spirits still did not respond to him. They remained silent, as if restrained by a huge force, preventing them from responding to him.

But Thrall could feel the restlessness of the elements, anger, fanaticism, fear, and all kinds of negative emotions, which made it impossible for people to ignore. He had never seen this kind of situation in his life.

Behind him, the figure of an orc priest appeared there. Draka, Thrall's mentor, was also a powerful shaman priest, and it was he who taught Thrall the way of shamanism.

Thrall (tribal chief): "The elements are still silent on Draka, they don't talk to me, what should I do?"

Drake (Prophet): "You must take a break, Warchief, everyone has a limit, and you are no exception."

Thrall (Horde Chief): "Look around you, the elements are restless, I can feel that a terrible storm is coming, but now we have no idea where this storm will come from, I must have an answer."

While Saar said firmly, he sat down cross-legged again, closed his eyes, and he soon entered the state of the soul out of his body again.

Thrall (tribal chief): "The great elemental spirit, please talk to me! Please guide me in the direction, and please clear my doubts."

Looking at Thrall who was in a trance state, Draka sighed and shook his head, and was about to leave when suddenly he felt a powerful force descending on this area, and looking at Thrall's face, his face was tightly closed. The double-eyed Thrall's face was full of struggling expressions.

At the same time, in Thrall's spiritual world, the originally peaceful vortex suddenly started to move, and then a torrent of elements rose into the sky. The four elements of wind, fire, water, and earth converged in the air, forming a huge black space. It seems to be an elemental lord, but it is more powerful, and its appearance looks completely different from the general elemental lord. The distorted appearance looks full of evil oppression,

Azathoth (King of Elements): "Are you calling me, little shaman, the King of Elements answers your call, tell me your purpose."

(This—what kind of element is this?) Thrall thought in shock that he had never seen this kind of element before, and he could clearly feel the power of destruction emanating from the other party. what is it He was instinctively afraid, but he could feel that the other party seemed to have the answer he wanted, so he asked——

Thrall (Horde chief): "Great king of the elements, I want to know the answer, why the elements are restless, and will the world face threats again?"

Azathoth (King of Elements): "If you want to know the answer, I will give you the answer."

Azathoth suddenly pointed at him, Salton felt unable to move, his soul received a violent shock, Thrall seemed to be in the torrent of elements, a picture appeared in front of his eyes, some seemed to come from the future of the image.

Azathoth (King of Elements): "You and your arrogant race think that the power of elements can be controlled by mortals. It is really naive and overconfident. However, the truth is far beyond your imagination. And I'm going to show you all of it."

The King of Elements said loudly, his voice roaring and deafening.

Azathoth (King of Elements): "The strong wind is ready to go. Soon, the storm will sweep the world."

In the picture, the wind element covers the sky and the sun, causing sandstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes, destroying trees and houses, and making the sky dark.

Azathoth (King of Elements): "The flames have long been burning, and this world will be reduced to ashes in the flames.

In the picture, the fire element ignited a raging fire, and the forest and grassland turned into a sea of ​​flames, and even the world tree was burning in flames.

Azathoth (King of the Elements): "The sea is already furious, and the raging tide will flood the cities and villages to cleanse the filth brought by your flesh and blood."

In the picture, the tide swept up, submerging the port, bridges, and all, and the people of the Alliance and the Horde cried and were submerged in the sea.

Azathoth (King of the Elements): "The earth, too, will tremble with my wrath, and the walls and fortresses will collapse and be torn apart, and you will have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

In the picture, the city walls and towering towers of Stormwind City collapsed and turned into ruins in a strong earthquake. Orgrimmar even cracked a huge gap, and the earth overturned, burying the homeland of the orcs in a piece of soil and under the rock.

Azathoth (King of Elements): "The power of the elements is unstoppable. Under the guidance of my will, you and your small groups will be destroyed in front of the tide of elements. The end of mortals has come to Durotan Son of God, and you, or any flesh and blood, will be powerless to stop its coming."

In the picture, all kinds of elemental creatures emerge from the elemental cracks, flooding the entire world like a tide.

Azathoth (King of Elements): "See, this is the answer you want, and this is the future that is coming. Muhahaha! Muhahahahahaha!!!"

Amidst a burst of wild laughter, Thrall felt that the whole person was plunged into endless despair.

"Ah!!!!" He let out a scream, and suddenly woke up from the spiritual world. In front of him was the peaceful scene of the maelstrom, but he had already seen clearly the crisis hidden under this peaceful scene. At this moment, he felt that his whole body was soaked in sweat.

Draka (Prophet): "Great Chief, I heard your screams, what happened?"

Thrall (tribal chief): "Endless anger, endless anger, endless desire, the king of elements has controlled everything in the elemental world, and the army of elements is about to invade our world. The tide of elements with the power to destroy everything is about to It's coming!"

Draka (Prophet): "What! What can we do, the Horde cannot resist such a powerful enemy alone!"

Thrall (tribal chief): "If the alliance is added, it may be possible. In the face of such a huge crisis, we must abandon the contradictions of the past and face all this together. It is time, it is time to let go of the hatred of the past , let us unite and gather the strength of the Alliance and the Horde to fight against the coming of this doomsday."

As he spoke, he looked at the great vortex in the distance. Amidst a burst of dull thunder, dark clouds were quietly covering the sky. Only in the very far horizon could there be a ray of sunlight, which seemed to come from some kind of meaning foreshadows what.


In his virtual office building, Xiao Yu replayed the promotional video he had already filmed, and the more he watched it, the more he felt better, (haha, I’m so handsome, the chief of the tribe was scared to pee by me , Seeing how dare those adventurers not choose me now.)

And these words are different from Thrall's mouth. No matter how you look at it, Azathoth, the king of elements, is a few floors higher than Prince Spencer and Abbas the Devourer.

Ma Xiaoyun said from the side: "How about it, what do you think of this promotional video?"

"Not bad, I'm very satisfied, but when will this film be released?"

Ma Xiaoyun pinched his fingers and calculated, "On April 1st, all promotional videos will be released together."

Xiao Yu couldn't help frowning, "What? Wouldn't it be a car crash? Although he's not worried that his promotional video won't be able to catch others, but in this way, it will definitely distract some attention."

"It will crash. Of course, you can also release it in advance, but the promotional video is time-sensitive. If it is released too early, and you will be forgotten by the time the Demon King Contest starts, it will not be good."

Xiao Yu thought for a while, "That's right, let's post it together on April 1."

While talking, Xiao Yu rubbed his hands, he couldn't wait to see the expressions of those players when they saw this promotional video.

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