Full-time BOSS

Chapter 293

Xiao Yu took the list and glanced at it, but found that he didn't recognize any of the names on it.

"These guys are screenwriters?"

Liu Weidao: "Yes, not only script writers but also professionals in making promotional videos, you can choose someone from here to work with you on the production of promotional videos, of course, you can also find someone to help write the plot and shoot, anyway, the time of the promotional film It's not long, more than three minutes and less than ten minutes, if you think you can do it yourself, you can do it yourself."

Xiao Yu thought to himself that it is better to find a professional. He is barely capable of writing scripts, but he has no experience with BGM and video editing. Some content related to the game's official NPC also needs someone to help contact.

After glancing at the list, Xiao Yu saw a familiar name, so she pointed, Xiao Yu casually, and clicked on the familiar name—Ma Xiaoyun.

When he first visited the game's official reception room, it was Ma Xiaoyun who received him. He was a member of the sixth team in his memory. I don't know why he was assigned as a screenwriter?

"Okay, then I will let her report to your space." Liu Wei discussed the time with Xiao Yu, and then Xiao Yu left the official reception room and returned to his office space.

The first thing he did after returning home was to open the game's official forum and enter the Demon King's Hall to check the leaderboard.

The leaderboard in the Demon King's Hall is currently divided into two groups, the Demon King's Power Ranking and the Monster Power Ranking. The top ten strongest bosses and the ten most powerful monster forces are respectively ranked.

Of course, according to the introduction of the leaderboard, this leaderboard is only an intuitive ranking based on data such as template levels, monster attributes, and talent abilities, and does not represent real strength.

After a few months of changes, the Devil King rankings have almost changed beyond recognition. Many monster forces and powerful bosses on the rankings were either killed by heroes or were not strong enough to maintain their status. Most of them disappeared and replaced them. All of them were names I hadn't heard before.

Xiao Yu first looked at the ranking list of the strength of the demon king, and after looking at the ranking, he was only ranked fourth.

(Damn it, it's not number one. I want to see who else can be better than me!)

The third place is the dracolich Samat.

Samat was once a powerful ancient blue dragon, not only had a strong body, but also possessed powerful magic talent. After he was tired of the dragon template fighting style, he turned into a human form and entered Dalaran to practice magic. , and there he successfully advanced to become an archmage, and learned a lot of forbidden magic spells. With the powerful magic power unique to dragon creatures, he can use all kinds of powerful magic almost unlimited.

However, such a powerful power still couldn't satisfy his desire. In order to obtain eternal life and immortal power, he secretly found the Cult of the Cursed God, and with the help of a great lich, he performed the lich conversion ceremony, but people Unexpectedly, due to his special identity as a blue dragon, there was an unexpected huge mutation in his lich conversion ceremony, and he became an unprecedented undead creature - a dracolich, possessing the power of a lich. In addition to the immortal death magic, it also has some special abilities of dragons and super high attribute bonuses.

The dracolich Sammat is an 8-skeleton-level boss, but due to his dual attributes of dragon/undead, his strength is considered to far exceed his own level.

According to the information he already has, his magical strength is equivalent to that of an eight-skull-level grand lich, and his melee strength is equivalent to that of an eight-skull-level frost bone dragon. At the same time, he has the body of a lich, an immortal soul, and a dragon clan. Majesty, resistant skin, and other powerful talents, once killed all seventeen adult dragons of the Bloody Dragon City Guild with his own power and transformed them into necromantic dragons, becoming his servants.

The dracolich Sammat established his own undead army on a frozen island in Northrend, and at the same time tried to convert more dragons to join his army of bone dragons. Because of this, he and all dragon forces are currently hostile.

In order to fight against the hostility of all dragon brethren, the dracolich Sammat found the ancient lost artifact Aurora Scythe in a frozen ancient ruin in Northrend. This artifact made his power further gained promote.

Records: Defeat the ancient black dragon Srod, kill the ancient golden dragon 24K, kill the ancient white dragon Ao Guang, kill the Kirin Tor Archmage Feldnan, kill the Kirin Tor Arcanist Rickon, kill the Great Beast of the North Sea King Clarkendall.

(Dragon Lich, it sounds really powerful, and there are artifacts in hand, but if you fight, you should be worthy of the opponent.) Xiao Yu thought, and continued to look down.

The second place is Abbas the Devourer. Abbas is a magical creature living in the Eastern and Western Plaguelands. Although its appearance has become extremely huge, it has become completely different from when he first entered the game, but It is still not difficult to see that he used to be a monster unique to the Eastern Plaguelands - carrion maggots, also known as carrion worms.

Although rot-eating maggots have blood volume, survivability and combat ability that far exceed those of monsters of the same level, due to their disgusting shape, almost no one would choose this monster as a template, but Abbas is obviously not among them.

Not only did he choose rot-eating maggots as his game character, but he also played for three years. During these three years, he successfully upgraded a rot-eating maggot from an ordinary monster template to the level of 7 skeletons, and the even more miraculous But in these three years, he has hardly participated in any famous plot events. There is only one way for him to upgrade and advance, and that is to devour all the enemies he encounters.

Due to the special talent of rot-eating maggots - the transformation of the original substance, they can transfer part of the characteristics of the devoured monsters to themselves, and [endless appetite], through continuous devouring, they can increase their body size and life without limit. Our classmate Abbas has almost unlimited growth, and he has made good use of this growth. After more than 10,000 hours of game time, the current classmate Abbas is already a 300-meter-long dog. The long super monster, known as the devourer, has more than 100 million health points, and its health point recovery is amazingly high, reaching more than 100,000 per second. Once a person devoured a The Lich Lord and his 30,000 undead army, and in this battle, the damage done to him by the entire undead army couldn't even keep up with the speed of his blood recovery.

Abbas is undoubtedly the end of the food chain in the East and West Plaguelands.

Student Abbas has been lurking underground in the Eastern Plaguelands and Western Plaguelands all year round, devouring all creatures he encounters. Now the number of undead in the Eastern and Western Plaguelands has been greatly reduced, largely thanks to Abbas. blessing.

Records: Defeat the Grand Lich Flemous, kill the Lich's Lovely Bones, kill the Death Knight x7, kill the Bone Dragon x9, kill the Scarlet Crusade Commander Lark, kill

Scourge giant × 4.

Nima, there are people playing carrion maggots? This taste is really not as heavy as usual, Xiao Yu was shocked in his heart, he can understand playing with cats and dogs, even playing with tentacle monsters, and playing with carrion maggots, well, I am not as good as Abbas.

Don't talk about fighting, just thinking about it makes me feel sick.

But this guy is so awesome, if he really becomes the final boss of the expansion pack, it would be really funny. The picture of thousands of adventurers hacking around a super big bug appeared in Xiao Yu's mind. A chill.

The second one is so awesome, Xiao Yu couldn't imagine that there is a boss more powerful than the Devourer, so he clicked on the information of the first demon king out of curiosity.

First place: Nesser, King of Purgatory.

Nesser, the King of Purgatory, is said to have joined the game during the closed beta. Using his excellent skills and experience gained during the closed beta, he successfully created an unprecedented biological template. His appearance is similar to that of a human. But it has unprecedented power. Although he has always kept silent about his game experience, we still discovered his origin from some clues.

Nesser played the role of a succubus at the beginning of the game's beta. Since succubus only exists as a female character, it is one of the few special monster templates in the game for male players to play female characters, so Nesser is also in the form of a woman. Appearing in the game, using the game experience during the closed beta, he successfully advanced his character to become a skeleton-level boss in three months. Later, in a war between the abyss and the heavens, he successfully Seduced and had sex with an angel.

Then, Nesser killed his character, and when he chose to resurrect the story mission, he deliberately failed, so the game company had to allow him to be resurrected in the game as his descendant. This is the special character template of the King of Purgatory of origin.

Since the character background is a descendant of demons and angels, the new character of Nesser, who has the dual blood of angels and demons, has become a special biological template that is similar in appearance to humans, but possesses powerful attributes and talents. This special biological template should be a part of the game. A hidden easter egg designed by the creator.

Nesser used this new character to join the endless bloody battles in Abyss Hell. As we all know, the wars in Abyss Hell are the most frequent among all planes. Thousands of player characters fight every day. Die, but the same, those who survived can often gain huge experience points and reputation points.

In the three years of battle, Nesser has not died once, and because of this, he has become the most powerful BOSS in the game so far, a powerful demon with 9 skulls, and he is suspected to have obtained the power of Sargeras. The weapon Dark Ripper, although this item is not a divine weapon, but judging from the power of a weapon, it is even higher than the general divine weapon, making Nesser almost invincible.

Neisser's strongest point lies in his racial talent, although we still don't know anything about his specific talent attributes, just judging from his strong strength, he not only has the two races of angels and demons talent, and also has some unique mutation talents.

Records: Killing the Abyss Lord ×3, Killing the Dread Demon King ×5, Killing the Succubus Queen Felice, Killing the Balor Demon ×9, Killing the Serpent Demon ×17, Killing the former King of Purgatory, Kill Archangel Eland.

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