Full-time BOSS

Chapter 174: The Horde Appears

The army set off, mighty and mighty, and drove all the way in the direction of the Lost Temple. However, unlike the previous times when they scrambled to take the lead every time, Xiao Yu found that the team of adventurers fell behind the army today. It made him feel a little bad.

Although he is the commander in chief of the army above the name, Xiao Yu has no real control over the adventurers, and it is a situation of listening to the announcement and not listening to the tune, so in order to avoid accidents, he always pays special attention to the movements of these adventurers.

When distributing the spoils yesterday, he noticed that the three guilds, Spirit of Glory, Kingdom of Heaven, and High Heaven Pavilion, almost fought because of the uneven distribution of spoils, but afterward the bosses of the three guilds negotiated with each other, but in the end it was nothing. , It seems that they have reached some kind of agreement, not only about the distribution of yesterday's loot, but also about today's Lost Temple, which Xiao Yu doesn't want to see. It is easier to use. If they condense into a rope, not only the Naga who lost the temple will be in danger, but even himself will become dangerous. This is like the ancient emperor, who would not want his ministers to The generals are all harmonious and friendly.

Moreover, Xiao Yu always felt that the eyes of the three presidents looking at him were a bit malicious, and it was not difficult for him to figure out why he felt this way. The money is touching, and the treasures in the Lost Temple are extremely rich. If I still ignore the prestige and give it to me and equipment to you like yesterday, then it’s okay, but if I go to get the treasure, I will definitely violate the interests of the three guilds, which is not easy to handle, like yesterday’s situation He can let it go, but today he absolutely can't let it go, he is bound to get the seed of elements and the magic water of life.

But he is not completely without advantages. His biggest advantage now is that the other party doesn't know that he is a player, and they don't know that they and the mermaid forces are in collusion with each other, and they don't know that they can fully control the dynamics of the tribe.

(Hehe, fortunately, I have a plan. Then we will see who wins. But for now, let's attack the Lost Temple first.) Xiao Yu thought to himself.

An hour later—the Lost City, the east gate of the Lost Temple.

Azathoth (Lord of Water Elements): "Go forward Immortals, let our enemies be terrified, use the flesh and blood of our enemies to forge our victory!"

Xiao Yu yelled loudly, watching the water elements under his hands bombarding desperately towards the gate of the Lost Temple.

There is no suspense in the battle to attack the Lost City. With the help of adventurers, the three city walls guarded by the Naga were broken in a row. Now, they have come outside the east gate of the Lost Temple. As long as they break through this last With one gate, the army can enter the treasure-hiding place of the Naga clan.

However, Xiao Yu was not in a hurry to break through the door, and while shouting slogans, he observed the durability of the city gate.

38%, 37%, 36%.

Xiao Yu muttered in his heart, and at the same time cut out the game and sent a message to Qin Shiyue.

Xiao Yu: What's going on with you.

Qin Shiyue: Ximen still has 45% durability.

Xiao Yu: Understood.

Switching back to the game, Xiao Yu immediately lowered the strength of the water elemental attack secretly.

The Lost Temple has two gates, facing the city of Alves and Arlat respectively. Now the Alliance and the Horde are attacking the east and west gates respectively. He must ensure that the Alliance and the Horde attack the interior of the Lost Temple at the same time. As long as the coordination is effective, It's not hard to do.

While paying attention to the durability of the city gate, he communicated with Qin Shiyue about the progress. Finally, the durability of the city gate finally returned to zero.

boom! The stone gate made of huge boulders shattered suddenly, and adventurers from the Water Elemental Corps and the Alliance immediately poured in like a tide. The treasures in the temple have already made them salivate. It can be said that the gods blocked and killed the gods and Buddhas.

Naturally, Xiao Yu would not compete with this gang of wolf-like adventurers, and secretly ordered his water elemental army to deliberately lag behind. He knew what kind of piss these adventurers were. In their way, Xiao Yu would never feel any doubt that the other party would kill him.

"Kill, steal money, food, girls!"

"The bitch is yours, the baby is mine!"

"Don't grab, everyone follow me, keep the formation!"

While uttering all kinds of excited shouts, the adventurers of the Alliance bravely chopped down all the Naga who blocked the way. Driven by the desire for equipment, the Chop Vegetable and Gua Bund easily defeated the Naga behind the door. The Jia army rushed into the square of the Lost Temple in the blink of an eye, and then they saw that just opposite the square, the gate on the other side of the Lost Temple was also broken, and a group of tribal adventurers bravely He rushed in, with the same aggressiveness and the same recklessness.

The two groups of people immediately confronted each other in the square.

"Damn, what's the situation? The tribe even rushed in, how could it be such a coincidence?" The King of Battle Soul instinctively felt that something was wrong. He glanced at the Man in the Iron Mask and Wei Zun Ling Xiao not far away. Respect the three.

The three of them had already reached an agreement when they shared the spoils. This time, the treasures of the Lost Temple were shared equally among the three guilds. The other scattered adventurers could at most give them some soup. As for the NPCs, that was over there. Where to stay cool, I will help you fight to death, those two pieces of equipment are nothing.

They have already negotiated, as long as they enter the Lost Temple, they will grab all the treasures in their hands. If the NPC doesn't give it to them, they will turn their backs. It's just a 1-skeleton-level boss. Let's rush later.

It's just that the tribe that appeared in front of them disrupted the previous plans of the three guilds.

The Soul King hastily turned on the voice system.

King of Battle Soul: Speaking of the situation, why do I feel that something is wrong, do you want to start a fight?

Wei Zun Ling Xiao: Make a woolen yarn, if you fight, do you need treasures!

Man in the Iron Mask: If you can't fight, you can't fight. If there is a fight, regardless of whether you win or lose, both of us will definitely suffer heavy casualties. When the time comes, the treasure will be taken by the NPC.

King of War Soul: I also think that I can't fight, maybe I should communicate with the other side, hey, I know that tauren warrior, the Great Sage Pingtian, who belongs to the Huaguo Mountain Guild, I will go and talk to it.

Just as he was about to speak, an orc warrior had already stepped out from the crowd of the tribe on the opposite side. Judging by the equipment on his body, he seemed to have a lot of background.

"Friends from the opposite alliance, I am King Beamon, the president of the Beast Blood Boiling Guild, let's discuss how to discuss it."

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