From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 382: Something that's meant to be

Old Master Tang choked on his saliva. His jaw ticked as he snarled, "What girlfriend?! She was your fling. I was drunk that night. She seduced me. What are you blaming for? Humph! Humph!"

Old Master Tang choked on his saliva. His jaw ticked as he snarled, "What girlfriend?! She was your fling. I was drunk that night. She seduced me. What are you blaming for? Humph! Humph!"

"So what if she seduced you? Where was your self-control? How could you be seduced so easily? What if she was an assassin sent to assassinate you?" Old Master Song massaged his forehead, "Usually, you are a fox but why could you not keep your thing in your pant. Scattering your seeds everywhere, weren't you worried you would impregnate them and get a bunch of illegitimate children."

Two suspicious red patches appeared on the old man's face as his long bear twitched slightly, "You…You…"

"Humph! Casanova!!" Old Master Song knocked his cane on the floor.

"Ren'er…" Old Master Tang poked his shoulder, "Don't mention it. It's embarrassing."

Assistant Rin: "_" Sir, your attitude changed pretty fast.

Old Master Song glared at him, "Who told you to provoke me?"

"What…You did not talk to me all these years after that incident.."

Old Master Song sighed. At that time, he was young and impulsive. How could his ego take it that his girlfriend slept with one of his best friends?

He has long forgiven the man but after becoming a family man and stepping into the business, taking over the responsibilities of a royal family, he never found the chance to contact him. Days became months and months turned into years without them staying in contact.

After that, things became pretty awkward between them. They were not in their old times where they could easily go back to becoming best friends again. They were the master of two royal families and it made him more so uncomfortable thinking how he would initiate a conversation if he met Tang Cheng again.

But the man never tried to contact him, and he also stayed put. Like this, a decade passed. It was not until he got to know of Tang's downfall did he try to make efforts to meet him.

But amongst the royal families, Tang Cheng was an entity who was as scheming and cunning as a fox. Until and unless he wanted to show himself, no one could find him.

And finally, after finding his daughter-in-law's identity, Old Master Song got some updates about his old friend through his grandchildren.

Back to the yacht.

"You mean to say you like Ethan?" Tang Li sighed in relief.

Mark glared at her, "Don't shout like that. I…Not like. I just felt kind of attracted to him. But after knowing his identity, I find my feelings more complicated."

"His family owns the orphanage you grew up in. And as a kid, you proposed him to marry you when you both grow up," She muttered looking at high waves of the ocean water, "That does sound a little complicated to me. So, you find your sexual orientation wavering?"

"What's with your flowery wordings?" He glared at her but when she didn't reply, Mark closed his eyes before nodding, his silvery hair swaying with the movements of his head, "I do…I think I…Argh.."

"Alright, don't speak. I understand," She hugged him before patting his back slowly. "Considering what you said, he has been loitering around you since the day I was admitted to hospital?

"Uh-huh…" He nodded his head like a lost poppy.

"Are you sure you love him? If you are, then just go for it and confess to him. Maybe he also feels the same for you," She remembered how Ethan possessively put his jacket on Mark back on that day at the airport. He even possessively glared at her as if she was his love rival.

But at that time, she did not mull over it.

Mark wrapped an arm around his shoulder, "I... I don't know whether I love him or not. To be honest, although I pretended to dislike him before, it was because he made me feel weird. I've never swooned over a guy like that so I found it weird. But right now, I do admit that I'm interested in him but there are no chances between us."

"Why do you think so?" She raised an eyebrow.

"He was just joking with me. There is nothing to be serious about," Mark shook his head helplessly, "Sweetie, I want to go back to work. Can you help me?"

"Are you sure?" She looked at him.

Mark nodded.

"Alright, I'll call my chopper tonight. Make sure you are fully disguised. And I may not come to meet you at that time."


"It might endanger your life," she replied. Given that the people of the Kingsman faction were here, it would be best to remain careful.

Mark sighed, "You…I Want you to come with me but I know you will never leave your man in such danger."

He just wished, she would be safe.

But with Mo Yuhan here, he was more relaxed knowing that he would let nothing happen to her.

On the other hand, even if he stayed, he would be nothing more than a burden here.

Late that night.

"You are still thinking about it?" Mo Yuhan kept his phone on the bedside table before sitting on the bed.

He grabbed her small waist before pulling her towards him.

As she sat on his lap, he enveloped her in his arms, "I don't know if he will be able to take it. He is always wilful and never serious about things, not even about his work. He would work when he feels like it or else he'd rather choose to take a six months holiday twice a year. But this time, he sounded a little lost. I don't know if he will be fine."

Mo Yuhan chuckled before shaking his head, ''You said he is wilful. Since he wants to go back to work right now, I am sure he will spare no time to think about anything else. As for the rest of the things, I believe nobody can stop something that is meant to be." As he said that, he gazed at her deeply.

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