Hearing the doctor's diagnosis, Su Hong breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as their shop is not involved, the rest has nothing to do with them.

Fan Shuzhi asked the doctor carefully about his mother's treatment arrangements.

Yu Hongfei took a look at Fan Shuzhi and said, "Your mother's condition is chronic gastritis. Since she is old, she should be treated conservatively as much as possible. I will give you some drugs to promote gastric motility, drugs to protect the gastric mucosa, and drugs to suppress acid. Drugs, etc. The purpose is to promote gastric emptying, protect gastric mucosa and reduce gastric bile and bile acid content, thereby relieving symptoms.”

Speaking of this, Fan Shuzhi nodded again and again: "Okay, doctor, as long as it is good for my mother's illness, you can prescribe any good medicine."

Seeing this, Yu Feihong continued: "You can rest assured about this, I will definitely customize the most suitable treatment plan for her according to the patient's condition."

Fan Shuzhi asked cautiously: "Then, doctor, is my mother's current condition really not serious? Can the medicine control it?"

He still didn't quite believe what the doctor said.

After all, the doctor's speech has always been to appease the emotions of patients and their families.

Yu Feihong shook his head: "It's not very serious. Your mother's problem is not serious. Fortunately, the treatment was very timely. If vomiting occurs, the bile will flow back severely, which will easily cause complications."

These words made Fan Shuzhi afraid for a while!

so far so good.

Fortunately, the doctor was sent to the doctor in time!

Thinking of this, Fan Shuzhi hurriedly thanked Yu Feihong: "Thank you so much, Director Yu! Thank you so much!"

Yu Feihong shook his head and said, "Thank you, you should thank Boss Dong well. If it weren't for him, maybe your mother would have to be sent directly to the emergency room right now."

The emergency department can also be treated, but it is definitely not as symptomatic as their side, and the treatment effect is good.

Fan Shuzhi nodded again and again, and became more and more grateful to the two staff members who followed Qianlima.

After coming out of the consultation room, Fan Shuzhi thanked Su Hong and Sun Wei for a while.

Su Hong hurriedly spoke politely to Fan Shuzhi, then gave Sun Wei a wink, called him to the side, and told him to go to a nearby fruit shop to buy a fruit basket and come back.

Although there is no issue of responsibility, but the old lady fell ill while eating in the store, and they all followed, so they can't say nothing at all.

In the next arrangement of wards and patient placement, Su Hong followed closely, helping Fan Shuzhi make arrangements.

This moved Fan Shuzhi very much.

After the old lady settled down, Sun Wei also bought a very delicate fruit basket and came back.

Su Hong gave the fruit basket to the old lady, and handed Fan Shuzhi a discount card in the store.

This was something Fan Shuzhi had never thought of, and he refused to accept whatever he said.

"No, how could I want this? What happened today was a misunderstanding. Speaking of it, I was too impulsive."

Su Hong smiled slightly, and said kindly: "You are also concerned about chaos. There are elderly people in the family, so I can understand."

She said, and handed the discount card to Fan Shuzhi.

Fan Shuzhi blushed: "I really don't need it, I really can't accept it"

Su Hong handed the discount card to Fan Shuzhi: "Mr. Fan, just accept it, this is also a little bit of our heart."

Fan Shuzhi couldn't refuse, so he had to accept it, and his heart became more and more moved.

When Su Hong and Sun Wei left, he personally sent them to the elevator and waved goodbye.

Working in the service industry, especially catering, is particularly prone to unexpected situations.

Things like what happened today have happened before.

Everything is easy to talk about if there is no responsibility, but if there is any relationship, just wait for endless wrangling.

Su Hong and Sun Wei were relieved, and each called the leader to report the progress of the matter, and then said goodbye to each other and went back to their respective homes.

In the ward, Fan Shuzhi looked at his mother who was already asleep because of the effective treatment, feeling very heavy.

He didn't expect his mother's health to be so bad, and he didn't expect his usual attitude to affect his mother's health.

This made him both blame himself and remorse.

He kept himself busy as much as possible, bought some supplies needed for hospitalization, and the food that the doctor allowed his mother to eat after her condition improved.

When he was finally able to sit down and rest, he picked up his cell phone and started reporting to his family.

After all the people who should be notified were notified, Fan Shuzhi sat quietly beside the hospital bed, filled with emotion for a moment.

Full of thoughts and nowhere to confide, he posted a circle of friends by accident.

Attached is the discount card presented by the staff of Maxima Hotel just now, and the very exquisite and high-grade fruit basket.

The text is a short sentence: [Thanks to the staff of Maxima Hotel for their help, I am very touched! 】

Fan Shuzhi only told about what happened today when friends below left messages asking questions one after another.

He praised Maxima's service attitude.

For a while, in the circle of friends, he made a wave of service promotion for Maxima virtually.

But Fu Yu, who was still staying in the back kitchen, had no way of knowing these things.

While he was busy taking orders and working, he was anxiously looking forward to news from Sun Wei as soon as possible.

The time was from five o'clock in the evening until seven o'clock.

At this time, Zhao Meng suddenly received a call.

After hanging up, he hurriedly turned his head and reported to Fu Yu: "Don't worry, the old lady is fine. What she suffers from is chronic gastritis, which has nothing to do with our shop."

Fu Yu's heart that had been hanging high finally fell to the ground.

In fact, when those few dishes were brought back for safekeeping, Zhao Meng tasted a prawn immediately.

The taste is okay, the cooking is very authentic, and the prawns used are also very fresh.

If a customer feels uncomfortable after eating prawns, it is also due to the customer's own health, and has nothing to do with their back kitchen.

But even though he was clear in his heart, there was no definite news from the hospital, and it was difficult to completely relax for a while.

It's all right now, I'm sure there is no responsibility involved, and this matter is considered a turning point.

The matter that Zhao Mengxuan had on his mind was resolved, and he immediately felt better.

He knew that Fu Yu had made an appointment with Liu Yunong, and he had to go there to learn how to cook as soon as he had time in the evening, so he hurriedly took over the rest of Fu Yu's work.

Only then was Fu Yu able to escape, and hurriedly took a taxi to Shangshi's private restaurant.

This time period is the busiest time for business in the store.

The boxes in the front hall are full of seats.

Fu Yu hurriedly changed his clothes and went directly to the back kitchen.

Regarding Fu Yu's late arrival, Liu Yunong didn't say much, but directly called him to his kitchen counter, and began to teach by hand.

Among the ten new dishes today, there is one very distinctive, which is a cooking method passed down from the Liu family ancestors, which cannot be learned outside.

But when Fu Yu saw this dish, his heart was relieved.

This steamed chicken with fermented bean curd, he once took charge of the learning task of whole chicken cooking.

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