Fu Yu wanted to make an appointment with Zhao Meng but failed, so he turned his head and saw Sun Qingning.

Fu Yu paused and greeted, "Qing Ning, do you have time tonight?"

As long as Sun Qingning takes time off, he will definitely go to his girlfriend to pay the public rations, but today is the morning shift, so I don't know if he has any other arrangements.

Sun Qingning hurriedly said, "Yes, what's the matter? Do you need me?"

Fu Yu smiled and said: "Didn't you earn a service fee today? I'm treating guests. Let's go out and eat something good, how about it?"

Sun Qingning was delighted when he heard it: "Okay! If you don't ask me out, I plan to go out to find something to eat at night!"

After staying in the back kitchen for a long time, I am tired of eating even delicious food.

Even chefs and chefs like Yao Shi and Zhao Meng can cook anything delicious, and occasionally they will go out for a change, eating barbecue and other foods that are not usually prepared in the restaurant.

Sometimes when he thinks about it, Fu Yu feels that he is quite decent. In order to save money, he used to eat and drink three meals a day in the back kitchen.

Occasionally, if I get tired of eating, I can at most go out and buy pancakes and fruits, which can be regarded as improving my life.

After leaving the restaurant, Fu Yu took Sun Qingning to the hometown barbecue on the side street.

The two ordered a few plates of special meat in the store, two bibimbap, two bowls of cold noodles, and two bottles of cold beer.

During this period of time, the store was engaged in publicity and table reservations, and the workload in the back kitchen increased significantly.

It was not easy for Sun Qingning to follow Fu Yu. He also had to prepare dishes, wash the pots and pass the bowls, and occasionally had to follow the spoon and help run errands.

With such a workload, to be honest, two thousand yuan a month is really too little.

The cleaning aunt in the back kitchen pays 2,500 a month.

Fu Yu also worked as a small laborer, and only those who have experienced it can understand the kind of hardship.

Since becoming a full-time employee, Fu Yu has taken over so many order orders, and he can raise some money for each table.

It also includes the dishes served by Sun Qingning, which are also under his name.

This is only because Fu Yu has become a full-time employee, and Sun Qingning is still a small worker, so he is not eligible to participate in the commission.

Fu Yu estimated that he could earn at least 5,000 yuan this month.

And these didn't include the money for his door-to-door services, the bonuses he got for innovation, and the rewards given by the system.

Fu Yu spread the meat slices on the roasting pan until it was covered, and then raised his wine glass and clinked it with Sun Qingning.

"Have you been exhausted for a while?"

Sun Qingning took a sip of cold beer, squinted his eyes comfortably, and then said with a smile: "Oh, this is how the back kitchen works. I'm used to it when I have a free day."

Fu Yu also took a sip of beer.

I have been busy all afternoon shaking the frying spoon, and I didn't care to drink my saliva. Now I am sitting in the barbecue restaurant, blowing the air conditioner, drinking cold beer, the feeling is really comfortable.

Sun Qingning held the chopsticks, turned over the barbecue piece by piece, and said with a smile: "Actually, it's okay to be tired. When I chose this line of work, I knew I had to do this job. What's really hard is the kind of person who doesn't know the way forward. Do not feel at ease."

Fu Yu nodded, he naturally knew what Sun Qingning meant.

Before he became a full-time employee, he was also worried about what would happen to him in the future, and he was even pessimistic and ready to go back to his hometown at any time.

Fu Yu helped Sun Qingning fill up the cup, and comforted him: "Don't worry, you can cook at the stove now, what you need is the accumulation of time, when you learn all the dishes in the store, you can really cook independently. If there is a quota for regularization, you will definitely be the first to become a regular in this group of people."

As Fu Yu spoke, the words paused: "Also, didn't Chef Zhao also say that the boss plans to train a few more cooks in the back kitchen who can take orders. Now that the business in the store is so booming, there is obviously not enough manpower!"

Sun Qingning's eyes lit up!


What he lacks now is the accumulation of experience in handling the spoon.

As long as he can persevere, work hard, and when there is a regular quota, among the remaining people, apart from him, there is really no one who can take charge independently.

The most important point is that during these two weeks as Fu Yu's assistant cook, Fu Yu really gave him the opportunity to learn and exercise, and he really felt that he had improved a lot.

As long as he is given time to hone, and when there is a quota for regularization, he feels that he will definitely be able to become a regular.

Fu Yu and Sun Qingning got along pretty well. Sun Qingning had a good personality and a sharp tongue.

The two work and live together every day, and they can talk about a lot of topics, which is very speculative.

They ate while chatting like this. They ate all six plates of barbecue, and drank all the bibimbap and cold noodles.

Although the young man in his early twenties has a bigger appetite than when he was not in adolescence and grew up, but after a really tiring afternoon, he eats with an open stomach, and his appetite is quite amazing.

After eating and drinking enough, the two leaned on the chair to rest.

Fu Yu asked casually: "When I made the three-fried buckle today, I just added an egg, and this dish became an innovative and improved version. Did you get any inspiration?"

Sun Qingning's mind is still quite active. Hearing this, he nodded: "Well, although only an egg was added, this dish has become better from the presentation to the taste. Chef Fu, how did you come up with the idea to do this? ?”

Fu Yu certainly couldn't say that he copied it from the special family banquet recipes, so he said cheekily: "I just accidentally saw Zhao Chu frying egg pancakes and shredded, so I remembered this dish. As for the taste, the eggs are still pretty good. It’s versatile, especially when Kousansi uses clear meat soup, the taste will definitely be better.”

Sun Qingning was very impressed.

How about saying that there is a gap between people!

When he saw Zhao Chu's omelette, what he thought in his mind was that it must be delicious if it is coated with sweet and spicy sauce.

But Fu Yu was able to use this ingredient to think of innovative buckle three silks.

Sun Qingning said sincerely: "Fu Chu, I really admire you! Among us, you are the only one who can become a regular."

"Your brain is much more versatile than ours! You are willing to study and think about things, dare to think. You are really awesome!"

"When you were cooking, I saw that you suddenly started spreading eggs. You didn't realize what you were going to do. I'll take another look when you're done. Okay! It's just a simple addition of an ingredient, and the dish will be ready immediately. Become more beautiful and have more appetite!"

Fu Yu smiled.

In all fairness, he wouldn't have thought of this if he hadn't looked at the special family banquet recipes.

However, Fu Yu can point out what Sun Qingning needs to pay attention to when cooking this dish.

Sun Qingning listened very carefully, he knew that what Fu Yu told him were all his accumulated experience.

For this, he is very grateful and sympathetic.

So before leaving, he rushed to buy the order under the pretext of going to the bathroom.

When Fu Yu went to check out, he was moved and helpless when he heard the news.

Originally, he thought that he would earn extra money and reward Sun Qingning, but he was preempted again.

It seems that next time I have a meal, I have to pay a deposit before I can make a treat.

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