Fleet Commander

Chapter 588: Go to the Red Umbrella Society

After seeing Brother Niu, Fatty Gao looked at Yao Fei again. Although his relationship with Yao Fei is not so close, he is a commander who often does tasks together. However, Fatty Gao saw Li who was with Yao Fei. I haven't stayed for too long after the wave, the light bulb is not so good, and the tall fat man also knows himself.

The purpose of returning to the headquarters of the Elizabethan Club this time is to see if Brother Niu has any problems. If there is no Brother Niu, Gao Fatty feels that there is something wrong. The most important thing is that the two sisters of the joint force are missing, and the attack power is much weaker. When dealing with monsters Miss Dignity’s mission has become bigger. Every swordfish torpedo bomber attack cost a lot of money. For the purpose of saving consumption, Gao Fatty hopes that Brother Niu can come out to do the task. The result is disappointing Gao Fatty. , The injuries of the two sisters of the United Forces are already good, but the heartache of Saint Esteban is not so easy to heal, and now Niu has no possibility of doing the task.

But this time Gui Feifei and Yao Fei’s injuries are healed and they can do missions together. If Gui Feifei and Yao Fei join in, they can take on some missions such as destroying monsters, but they are in the two of Gao Fatty. When studying the mission of the historical battleship Jianniang, Hu De Jianniang informed that Gao Fatty has a new mission, because Saint Esteban’s heartache is somewhat beyond expectation, and more importantly, there are too few new historical battleships. , Even if Ms. Cheng Xin has a special effect on the treatment, especially on Jian Niang’s heart, but after all, there have been no new historical battleships for many years, and more importantly, Hu De Jing Niang, this wave of historical battleship Jian Niang There are no psychological problems.

After a period of treatment, there was no good effect. More importantly, Ms. Chengxin discovered that Miss Eugen also had the same problem. Fortunately, the situation of Miss Eugen was much better than that of Saint Esteban. Ms. Cheng Xin managed to deal with Miss Prince Eugen’s psychological problems. When treating Miss Prince Eugen, Ms. Cheng Xin and the Queen finally discovered the cause of St. Esteban’s psychological trauma, Saint Ice Twann is not a historical battleship of the United Kingdom. The Queen does not know much about the battleships of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It is impossible for a tall fat man who understands all of this to tell. This leads to the fact that no one knows the specific situation of Saint Esteban It can be said that the cause of all this has not been known since the treatment for so long, which makes the treatment very blind and the effect is quite bad.

When treating Miss Prince Eugen, I accidentally learned some of the reasons from Miss Prince Eugen. After knowing the reasons, she immediately adjusted the treatment methods. The Queen contacted Miss Yamato of the Red Umbrella Society as soon as possible. With all sorts of psychological problems in the historical battleship Jianniang, Lady Queen thought of the Red Umbrella Society for the first time and asked Miss Yamato for help. Miss Yamato immediately agreed. Her Lord Queen decided that she would set off with Ms. Chengxin and also wanted We set off together with the tall fat man. The name outside was to go to the Red Umbrella Society to communicate. Ms. Chengxin was on St. Esteban to prevent St. Esteban from accidents.

After receiving this task, Fatty Gao terminated the next mission plan and prepared to go to the Red Umbrella Society. The purpose of going to the Red Umbrella Society was already understood by Brother Niu. As for why Fatty Go to the Red Umbrella Society also understood. , After all, there are quite a lot of warships that have been sunk in history. It’s not unusual for a historical warship that has psychological problems. In fact, Gao Fatty is a little ashamed. He clearly knows why Saint Esteban has This kind of mental problem, but he can't say that this is his biggest secret, but as the commander of the Niu brother team, Gao Fatzi intends to find a chance to tell the history of Saint Esteban.

In fact, Gao Fatty did not realize that San Esteban’s psychological problems would be so serious at the beginning. In history, San Esteban was sunk by a group of torpedo boats in Italy. This seems nothing particularly serious to Gao Fatty. , The Great Phoenix Ship Mother was sunk by a torpedo in history. The Queen was also sunk in the harbor by an Italian frogman in history. It took several years to repair it. The Royal Oak was hit in the base camp Scarpa Bay. It sinks, and more importantly, an enemy submarine launched three waves of attacks on the Royal Oak in Scarpa Bay before sinking the Royal Oak. This is much more serious than San Esteban, but the ship’s mother was not seen. What a serious problem.

This is something that Gao Fatty didn't realize at the beginning, because before that, he deliberately discussed with the Royal Oak the battle in which the Royal Oak was sunk in history. The Royal Oak just thought he was so innocent. There were so many Scarpa Bay. Why did the battleship choose her? The other Royal Oaks have no idea. This is completely different from Saint Esteban. Miss Dignity was finally dismantled in history. For the Battleship Broken Jade, it can be said to be a good death, let alone Thoughts on this.

Facts have proved that the fat man underestimated Saint Esteban’s psychological problems, but in his opinion, the problem should be solved relatively well in the Red Umbrella Society. Among the historical battleships of the Red Umbrella Society, except for Prince Snow~www. wuxiaspot.com~All other historical battleships were sunk during the war, so it is normal for the historical battleship ship’s mother to have psychological problems. The tall fat man thinks that St. Esteban’s arrival at the Red Umbrella Society is not serious problem.

In this state of mind, the tall fat man followed Master Queen to the Red Umbrella Society, and it was quite safe to set off with Master Queen, especially since Master Queen realized the hull this time, and Master Queen realized the hull is quite safe. Yes, unless the four Iowa-class battleships from the iron-blooded forces come, and more importantly, follow the Queen who has manifested the hull of the ship. The tall fat man did not encounter any monsters on the way, and he arrived in Hong Kong smoothly. Umbrella meeting.

Because the Queen led the team, according to the principle of equal status, the Red Umbrella Society was received by Miss Yamato. After the Queen arrived at the Red Umbrella Society, she told Miss Yamato about the situation of Saint Esteban. Ms. Yamato is quite familiar with the psychological problems of historical battleship warships. This is because there are too many psychological problems with historical battleship warships of the Red Umbrella Society. Miss Yamato is already half a doctor if they deal with too much. Miss Yamato understands. After St. Esteban’s situation, St. Esteban was assigned to the Great Phoenix Ship Niang, and Miss Yamato took the Queen and left. It can be seen that Miss Yamato was quite trustworthy of the Great Phoenix Ship Niang.

Although the Queen and Miss Yamato have left, Ms. Chengxin will not follow the Queen. She wants to know how Dafeng Ship Niang handles Saint Esteban's psychological problems.

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