Fleet Commander

Chapter 491: Unusual five-A aircraft carrier

5 The other two torpedo planes and three dive bombers of the aircraft carrier launched an attack on a super monster. One of the three dive bombers has been modified many times and has been battled. This special dive bomber carries a bomb. Different from the other two bombs, it looks much smaller from the outside. This is a special bomb developed after a long period of combat on the 5 aircraft carrier. It is a bomb developed for whale monsters, but this bomb only has a body. Dive bombers that have been used for hundreds of battles will have corresponding effects. Other dive bombers have no such effect. A total of six carrier-based aircraft launched an attack on a super whale.

This time the torpedo attack was launched without the help of the previous Sea Hurricane fighters, so for safety reasons, three torpedo bombers fired all the torpedoes far away from the super whale. The tall fat man can see those from the top view. The special weapons carried by a special carrier-based aircraft, and even Gao Fatty’s top view, have some explanations for these special weapons. After looking at these explanations, Gao Fatty is very greedy for these powerful special weapons.

The three torpedoes are headed towards the target. From the outside it looks like the three torpedoes are almost the same, but the tall fat man can see from the top view that the three torpedoes are hugely different. The super whale obviously does not know this, but it knows the threat of torpedoes is more The bomb must be big, so this super whale used all its strength to intercept the three incoming torpedoes. As for the bomb in the sky, this super whale chose to ignore it. Those two simply processed torpedoes were intercepted by the super whale, but that A special fish was not intercepted. This is not to say that the super whale is incapable. On the contrary, this super whale is a baleen whale. The firepower is very fierce, but the torpedo suddenly accelerated and disrupted the super whale. Deployed, this torpedo successfully hit the super whale. It should be said that the power of this torpedo is similar to that of the tall fat man's fusion torpedo.

Although this torpedo made the super whale very painful, it was like this. At most, it left some trauma. For the super whale, the result was quite good, but it did not expect that the three torpedoes The attack was just a cover. The purpose was to cover the three dive bombers. All three dive bombers successfully hit the target. The two ordinary dive bombers chose the eyes of the super whale, but all the ship’s commander monsters Knowing that the eyes are a weak point, this super whale is not surprised. Under the evasion of the super whale, two bombs just fell around the eyes, and the damage to the super whale is not great.

But the last special bomb is deadly. The target of this special bomb is the fumarole used for super whale breathing. It is just different from ordinary bombs. The original target of this bomb is not fumarole and it is about to attack. When the super whale arrived, the bomb suddenly changed its direction and fell into the fumarole. The super whale was shocked and quickly sprayed water to get this terrible thing out, but no matter what happened after this special bomb fell into the fumarole. No matter how desperately the super whale squirted water, it couldn't get this terrible thing out. As the bomb exploded, the super whale tossed on the sea for a long time before slowly dying.

The other three dive bombers launched the same attack on another super whale, but because there was no torpedo bomber to contain, this super whale’s anti-aircraft firepower was very powerful. A dive bomber was hit during the dive, just dropped it quickly The bomb was dragging the black smoke and preparing to return to the mothership. The other two dive bombers were battle-tested dive bombers. The targets were also the fumaroles of this super whale, but the super whale was prepared after seeing the encounter with its companions. But the preparations came a bit late. Did the six dive bombers attack together, or they were hit by a bomb to the fumarole.

According to the top view analysis of the tall fat man, these two super whales died of suffocation. Such bombs are not very powerful, but they can completely destroy the respiratory system of the super whales. In this way, the super whales that cannot breathe slowly suffocate. Death, it can be said that this is a very cruel way, but although cruel and fat people like it very much, this method can save a lot of ammunition, the most important thing is that the super whale will attack the surrounding indiscriminately when it is dying at the last moment. The eight carrier-based attack aircraft attacked three super monsters. As a result, the two super whales were struggling so hard, and many monsters nearby were attacked.

Monsters, especially those with higher levels, are very irritable. More importantly, high-level monsters have a strong sense of territory. After being attacked for no reason, their first reaction is to counterattack and go back. The super monsters that go everywhere are tangled up. If the super big beasts intervened in time, these super monsters would lose very much, but the two aircraft carriers had so many attack aircraft. After the attack, they returned to each other under the cover of the sea hurricane fighter. There are a lot of super monsters out of battle, and the limited number of attack functions can do so much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The super monster also understands this. After the super monster intervenes, the super monster Instead of attacking each other, they went to the direction of the super big beast at the fastest speed. After all, the situation of the super big beast is not very good. What the super monster did not expect is that it will not be attacked by the carrier aircraft. I bumped my head into the minefield set up by Miss Dignity. This time, Miss Dignity planted completely body mines. You can't see these anchor mines on the sea. These super monsters are all fighting on the sea. I can feel the organism to facilitate hunting, and I have no feeling for dead objects like mines.

But what makes these super monsters feel gratified is that the power of these mines is not particularly strong, and the bodies of the super monsters are very large. For these super monsters, Miss Dignity’s mine power is indeed not enough. These super monsters choose to break through. Miss Dignity's single mine is not powerful, but it took a lot of time for Miss Dignity to set up a minefield. The scope of the minefield and the number of mines are quite large.

A super monster was overwhelmed after rushing for a certain distance, and then the super monster at the back stepped forward to take over for the super monster to rush into the mine. Although it managed to break through the minefield, it took much longer than before. Just as they struggled through the minefields laid by Miss Dignity, the situation on the super sea beast changed, and the sea beasts were killed by the powerful destroyers led by the Kent ship mother.

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