Fleet Commander

Chapter 382: The status of Ruihehao aircraft carrier

Although she was assured by the King of Justice, the Queen still felt uneasy, so she made a decision after discussing with the other historical warships of the Elizabethan Society and persuaded Miss Yamato to send the aircraft carrier Mizuha here, Zuihe The USS aircraft carrier was built in one day with Miss Dignity. Although it has grown rapidly under the conditions of the Red Umbrella Society’s full training and its own efforts, it still cannot participate in the battle between the three major forces. This time the justice forces have reached the highest level. In a state of alert, Ruihe, who was unable to participate in the battle of the forces, still had nothing to do, and it was a good study to be able to go to the Elizabeth Club.

In fact, the Queen did not mention that Miss Yamato also wanted to send Ruihe to the Elizabethan meeting, because since the construction until now, Ruihe has never handled things independently. This time is a good opportunity. The top giant Tirpitz is still dealing with. It’s a better training opportunity than this, and in the eyes of Miss Yamato, Elizabeth will be very much in need of the historical battleships of other organizations with special status like Xiang Ruihe. Miss Yamato questioned whether Strasbourg could balance Tirpitz. , After all, the relationship between the King of Justice and the commander of Tirpitz is so special that people have to doubt that it would be different if Ruihe is here.

First of all, Ruihe has a special status. Ruihe is the future second head of the Red Umbrella Society. It is to replace the existence of Dafeng Jianniang. There is no doubt about this. From Miss Yamato to ordinary people, this is the Red Umbrella Society. After all, the historical record of the aircraft carrier Zuihe is much better than that of the Taiho. In the battle between the aircraft carriers on the Pacific battlefield, except for the midway naval battle Zuihe did not participate because of the loss of personnel. The battle between all aircraft carriers.

This included the first battle between aircraft carriers in history: the Coral Sea battle, the largest battle between aircraft carriers: the Mariana battle, the largest naval battle in the history of human warfare: the Wright Bay battle, it can be said that Among the aircraft carriers of World War II, in terms of combat experience, apart from the USS Enterprise, no other aircraft carrier has such a rich experience as the USS Zuihe, not even her sister ship Xianghe.

It is precisely because of this experience in history that Miss Yamato feels that the future aircraft carrier Zuizaku will be better than the Oho. The Oho aircraft carrier was taken away by a torpedo for the first time in history. A very serious problem. Because there was only one commander in history, the command and combat style of Daiho Kanniang is very similar to that of Ozawa Jisaburo. This is also a problem that has been plagued by Yamato-san. Zuizuru Kanniang is not like the big Like Feng Jianniang, Zuizuru has experienced many commanders in the history of the aircraft carrier, and she will never be as obsessed with Ozawa Ozawa as Ozawa Jianniang.

It’s not that Ozawa Jisaburo can’t work. Ozawa’s tactics are very problematic. This kind of tactical problem that does not consider the ship mother is quite big. When the super king crab monster was killed before, the battle between Maryland and the Oho ship mother was mainly because This, Ruihe Ship Niang is different. Judging from the performance, Ruihe Ship Niang is a very conservative tactical ship Niang. This is quite good news for the Red Umbrella Society historical battleship Niang who is generally adventurous.

If the tall fat guy is there, you can immediately recognize it. The commanding style of Zuihakan Niang is quite similar to that of Nanyun Chuichi, but for Zuizaku Niang, Nanyun Chuichi is the best, at least much more reliable than Ozawa Jisaburo. At the very least, in the eyes of Fatty Gao, from the attack on Pearl Harbor to the naval battle on Midway, Nan Yun Zhongyi did not make obvious mistakes. If there is any problem with Nan Yun Zhongyi, it is that Nan Yun Zhongyi is not brave enough to take risks, but As the inferior side, only taking risks can win. In Gao Fatty's opinion, Nan Yun Zhongyi is suitable to be an official in the United States. The United States is strong enough to win as long as he does not make obvious mistakes. This is very suitable for Nan Yun Zhongyi.

From the performance of the Red Umbrella Society, we can see how important Ruihe Jianniang is in the Red Umbrella Society. Miss Yamato’s purpose for sending Ruihe here is obvious, even if Tirpitz is very angry. The way, the Red Umbrella Society, whether in history or in this world, and the Northern Society where Tirpitz is located, or historical Germany, the intersection is not too big. Although there have been treaties, the two sides are mutually exclusive. When an island country attacked the Soviet Union, Germany signed the Soviet-German non-aggression pact. When Germany attacked the Soviet Union with all its strength, an island country provoked the Pacific War and brought in the strongest American imperialism. This did not look like an ally at all.

It’s the same in this world. Generally speaking, the Red Umbrella Society has no friendship with the North Society, so there is no psychological pressure to send Ruihe, especially since Tirpitz has been too targeted at the Elizabeth Society recently. Miss Yamato feels uncomfortable. Ms. Yamato is cautious by nature, and she is very uncomfortable with Tirpitz’s continuous challenge to the bottom line. It is necessary to know that the justice forces have formed a relatively harmonious situation after many years of hard work. Miss Yamato does not want this harmonious situation to be To break, this time Ruihe was sent to warn Tirpitz that there was any action for Prince Eugen and the others to do, Tirpitz was not suitable.

Anyway, whether Tirpitz is happy or not~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This matter has been decided and cannot be changed. Most of the warships have set off, and Tirpitz needs to be arranged in the North Club before leaving, although Even if she leaves, she is not afraid of any actions by the iron-blooded forces, but it is necessary to make some arrangements just in case.

The fat man who is recovering from his injuries has also received a new task. To be precise, it is for Miss Dignity. Although Miss Dignity’s patrol of the waters near the headquarters of the Elizabethan Society has been cancelled due to the influence of the fat man’s recovery, the mission of patrolling the islands of the headquarters of the Elizabethan Society has been cancelled. The mission was not cancelled. Miss Dignity needed to release all the dense carrier-based aircraft out for investigation in the ship-mounted state. As the mini-carrier-based aircraft had a leisurely voyage, the Queen deliberately changed the place where the tall fat man was injured to the shipyard.

Only when Gao Fatty arrived here did he realize that Elizabeth would have arranged the task for him early in the morning. It was in vain that he still bothered to figure out how to do a monster-level cannonball mission. Then Gao Fatty thought of other things. If you notify him in advance, he will not He will go to the mission hall, and there will be nothing more. In the final analysis, the tall fat man is not strong enough. Otherwise, he will be notified in the morning. Only when he arrives here does he know that the ship’s mother is about to be remodeled. She was injured before. Shang Gui Feifei didn't tell him, he really didn't know this, but Hu De's wife was about to be remodeled. From the perspective of courtesy, Gao Fatty felt that she had to send something to Hu De's wife to show his sincerity.

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