Fleet Commander

Chapter 358: The Queen's Concealment

Dafeng Jianniang, Maryland, etc., who are very familiar with the history of the Queen, have doubts in their hearts. They can tell from the performance of the Queen what the Queen is hiding from them. They secretly told their boss about this. Their bosses come forward to deal with such matters. Although they have a high status, they are still incomparable with the Queen. According to the principle of reciprocity, such matters are not their turn to solve, as long as their bosses communicate with the Queen. They should negotiate with the Hood, the Seven Sisters of Kent, or the Four Sisters of London, so after telling their boss, they followed the Queen to the administrative island of the aluminum resource point.

On the way, Mrs. Queen gave a detailed introduction to the characteristics of the administrative island of the aluminum resource point, especially the origin of the fresh water of this island, without mentioning what was just hiding and what kind of SSS-level golden core that everyone is most concerned about. The attribute is What, but it seems to know that this core is definitely not simple, it looks like a gray core SSS grade golden core, has not heard of it in the history of justice forces, but according to general experience, the more special it looks The core is more rare.

Special-looking cores are not uncommon. There are many from gray cores to S-grade golden cores. In fact, most of the special-looking cores are useless. Most of them are some. Patterns or camouflage. The more advanced the core patterns are, the more complex they are. They have no other special effects except to make warships and ship maidens more beautiful, but they still have the attributes of the core itself, so such special cores are very popular. Welcome, after all, everyone has the heart to love beauty. This is the reason why high-qualified battleships are transformed with low-qualified cores. Most of the special-looking cores are for this purpose.

Of course, there are a lot of special-looking cores that have other functions. You can add some other things to the battleship. Most of these things have nothing to do with battle, but just some gadgets, but most of them are some more interesting little things. Stuff, there are very rare battle-related things in it. Such a special-looking core is quite precious. Of course, there are also special-looking cores of pit ships. But before the transformation, they will first go to transform the battleship to conduct experiments. Transformation.

This SSS-class golden core belongs to the special-looking core. Based on the appearance and current conditions, it is speculated that this should be related to the hidden aura, because a group of commanders and ship maidens found that their navigation equipment was still not working when they left the island. So, it means that it is the island itself and not the SSS-grade golden core that caused their navigation equipment to fail. Throw away this. This core is an extremely ordinary SSS-grade golden core, and it is a little silent in this world. , It’s just that the mountain packs of the island are gone, not even a bit of light comes out, it looks like a somewhat special gray core from the outside.

In fact, if it weren’t for the failure of the ship’s navigation equipment when opening up the route, no one would have discovered the SSS-class golden core that was being conceived at the beginning. From this, it can be inferred that this should be an SSS-class golden core related to hidden aura. However, soon the historical warship maidens will know the exact information from their boss. The Queen did not publish the information here. Maybe this core does have a special feature, which is not suitable for so many ordinary warship commanders to know.

It is precisely because of this idea that the historical warship ship mothers did not ask if they were tacitly in agreement, but listened to the Queen's explanation with peace of mind, did they raise their own questions? Other ordinary warship commanders who followed the voyage also had a tacit understanding. They also have self-knowledge about kicking and shooting. It is a great honor to see that the SSS-level golden core is born. It is enough to brag for half a lifetime. As for the attributes of this core, the Queen clearly does not want to tell them, although they are curious, but I will never go to inquire about it, knowing what I shouldn't know is to lose my head.

With this in mind, all the commanders and ships have arrived at the aluminum resource point for administrative islands, so that the commanders stationed on the islands who have been notified have prepared everything, and the ship mothers greet those historical warships and the island commanders. The officer greeted the commanders, and the Queen disappeared from the sight of the ship maids and the commanders.

Fatty Gao was also assigned a mission by Ship Niang Ho. Fatty Gao was just responsible for taking care of the brave little Lolita. The brave little Lori is so famous. Ship Niang Ho was afraid that other commanders who had bad intentions would treat Brave Little Luo. Li is unfavorable, Royal Oak and Miss Dignity are also assigned tasks by Hu De. Miss Dignity is responsible for taking care of Dafeng and the top two girls~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Royal Oak and the United Forces are responsible for helping Hu together. The German ship mother took care of Maryland, Rome, Littorio and the three ship mothers.

As for the heavy cruiser Miss Eugen and the destroyer Z3, they were magnificently ignored. The two ship girls were in charge of the island commander, but the island commander arranged for the destroyers Lolita to go, just arranged. A subordinate commander, no one would believe that he did not have the instruction of the Hood mother. The Hood mother is expressing his dissatisfaction. The Hood mother is not stupid, the heavy cruiser Prince Eugen and the Z3 destroyer. They are both natural-born SS-class historical battleships, and their combat effectiveness is not even as good as the two French destroyers of the S-class historical battleships, which are both medium and low in strength. This is really too much.

Originally, Madam Hood had great opinions on the heavy cruiser Miss Eugen. Historically, the battlecruiser Hood was caught on fire by the heavy cruiser Prince Eugen and was shot off by Bismarck. Madam Hood was in the Justice Academy. At the time, I was not less squeezed out by these two historical German warships. As a result, new sorrows and old hatreds were added. The Hood, who had a big opinion, has even bigger opinions. This is the place of the Elizabethan Society. , Ship Niang Hood is currently the actual person in charge of the Elizabethan Society, and the commander stationed on the island will not touch Niang Hood. Therefore, the treatment of the two historical German warships has been fixed.

In fact, neither the heavy cruiser Prince Eugen nor the Z3 Lolita want to stay here anymore. Elizabeth will make it clear that she snubs the two of them. What is the meaning of staying here, but the queen of the island has disappeared since she arrived. It is extremely rude to leave without saying hello to the Queen. Therefore, even if they are rather reluctant to stay here, the two historical German warships still sit here and wait for the Queen to come out.

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