Fleet Commander

Chapter 296: Changes in things

Contrary to the previous state, at this time, the five historical Argentine warships were worried. The other four historical warships were originally persuaded by General Belgrano. When General Belgrano was meeting Elizabeth’s resource point of islands The information she was exposed to was problematic. Her commander was bought by those commanders who had other ideas. In this way, the information that General Belgrano saw was problematic. After analyzing the problematic information, she got it. The conclusion is naturally problematic, and General Belgrano’s actions were expected by those commanders. The Argentine historical battleship ship mother at the Justice Academy also encountered similar problems.

The commanders of the former North Club and the former Madame Lex Club at the resource point thought about this problem when planning this matter. According to their plan, General Belgrano was the easiest to be fooled, General Belgrano. The relationship with the historical battleship of the Elizabethan Order is not good, so that as long as the commander of General Belgrano is bought, he can deceive General Belgrano. After deceiving General Belgrano is the most critical step.

It is impossible for General Belgrano to be a historical warship mother alone. This is what General Belgrano knows herself. The first time she was tempted, she was looking for those Argentine historical warship mothers at the Justice Academy. This step The most critical plan came. They also bought the commanders of these historical Argentine warships. The information obtained by these historical Argentine warships is also problematic, but the risk here is very high. Due to historical reasons, the School of Justice The Argentine historical battleship Niang has a good relationship with the Spanish historical battleship Niang, so this link is the most problematic one.

If the Argentine historical battleship Niang communicates with the Spanish historical battleship Niang or some other historical battleship Niang, the problem will be discovered, but these Argentine historical battleship Niangs have left these things to their commanders. This was taken advantage of, and the next thing was simple. These historical warships of Argentina were misled by these misinformation, coupled with the persuasion of General Belgrano who was also misled by misinformation, these historical battleships In this way, the ship mother left the Justice Academy. After arriving at the Lady Lex Club Island, the commanders began to build momentum, so these historical warship ship mothers meant that their actions represented most of the commanders. At this time, they were full of confidence. , I feel that the great goal of establishing an organization can definitely be achieved. At this time, they have not found any problems.

Just as they were looking forward to all the unrealistic fantasies, the Red Umbrella Society was the first to make a different voice. Before they had any actions, the Madam Lex Society, the Elizabeth Society, and the Director of the School of Justice issued different voices. Voice, and then these Argentine historical battleships found out that they were all at once passive when the form of public opinion was ideal, or extremely passive. Most of the commanders were not on their side. This was a big trouble.

Before they were thinking about how to solve the problem, Ms. Cheng Xin also expressed her own opinions. As expected, she stood on the opposite side of the Argentine historical battleship ship mother. Ms. Cheng Xin's speech was like a blockbuster. Stuck in the hearts of five historical Argentine warships, they also realized that the information they had obtained before might be problematic. They tried to verify this when they thought of this, but they were extremely sad. They did not expect their commander would actually To deceive them for only a few resources, they can be enemies of the whole world, but they must never accept that their commander and other commanders deceive themselves.

The Queen led the Three Sisters Richelieu and West Virginia to Al Resource Island. They were preparing to take a break. When they set off on the next day, the Seven Sisters of Kent were heading to the target island. When the Argentine historical battleship Nianggou passed through, the five Argentine historical battleships Niangu first issued a statement that they fully accepted the conditions of the instructor of the Justice Academy and waited for the arrival of other historical battleships on the island.

Her Excellency Queen got this statement and wondered how the attitudes of these five historical Argentine warships made a 180-degree turn and did not care about rest. Her Excellency asked the Seven Sisters of Kent who were still traveling to the target island to stop. Then she asked the three sisters of West Virginia and Richelieu to leave overnight. She was afraid that there would be fraud, and she was afraid that the Seven Sisters of Kent would have an accident. The three sisters of Richelieu and West Virginia were also very confused, but they still agreed. Her Excellency Queen did it, and it was the right thing to figure out the situation overnight. The Justice Academy does not have any too powerful warships right now, and Her Excellency Queen must quickly finish dealing with this matter before going back.

After receiving the order of Lord Queen, the Queen of Kent led the fleet around and waited for the arrival of Lord Queen. Not only her six younger sisters, but also two destroyers belonging to the Justice Academy followed her. Her speed was very fast. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Kent ship lady and the others waited for the Queen Queen, and the fleet after meeting the Queen Queen headed for the target island mightily.

After arriving at the target island, the Queen swayed in with the shield on. When she walked in and saw it clearly, she found that there were no five historical Argentine warships on the pier. Her name was awful, and she immediately headed for the island at full speed. At that time, the island’s defensive artillery fired on the Queen. The three Richelieu sisters, the Seven Kent sisters, and West Virginia were all staring at them. With the defense power of the Queen, how about the defense system of the island that has just been built? There may be a threat, the Queen's anger suddenly became angry and dared to attack her. It seemed that something terrible had happened on the island.

Although the Queen was attacked, she did not counterattack. Instead, she rushed to the port as quickly as possible. She quickly stowed the hull and carried the Elizabethan Commander who followed her and rushed to the interior of the island. Not long after, the outside The historical battleship received the news. The three sisters Richelieu, the seven sisters of Kent, and West Virginia quickly rushed to the harbor to put away the hull, leaving two destroyer mothers to protect the commanders. The historical battleship mothers told the Queen. Away.

At this time, the entire island is already in chaos. It can be seen from the port that the command building is already blazing. The commanders in the port are worried about their respective ship mothers. Under the protection of the two destroyer ship mothers, A group of commanders went to the command building.

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