Fleet Commander

Chapter 277: Decide

The tall fat man is very entangled in his heart. He doesn't believe in the gods of love. On his terms, he will never meet the so-called love. In this world, he has no relatives and only one friend, so he sees Now, Gui Feifei’s doing this is a deal. Let Gao Fatzi help her find her true love without leaving her family. The price is to be Gao Fatty’s wife for several years. In Gao Fatty’s eyes, this is a naked amount of nakedness. Transactions.

For Gao Fatty, the transaction is not unacceptable. Gui Feifei is an extremely beautiful big beauty. For Gao Fatty, it is not unacceptable. It is just that he is worried. In his heart, he wants to transcend the command of what happened to the ship’s mother. What's the relationship with the official ship's mother, he worried that this would affect his ship's mother.

Gui Feifei did not expect this to be an abnormal transaction in Gao Fatty's mind. She is very serious. She does not believe in love. There is no love in the commander's world. Other commanders must be looking for her to be more Good inheritance, the status gap between ordinary people and her is too big. Now the policy is slowly tightening. If this continues, the status gap between commanders and ordinary people will become bigger and bigger. What happens to ordinary people is even more impossible. Gao Fatty is now He appeared to be a true and impartial commander, and marrying a fat man would not be considered a fertility machine at the very least. This was great. She had seen too many female commanders become fertility machines.

It is precisely based on this mentality that Gui Feifei is very serious. She did not expect Gao Fatty to think so in her heart, but he could see that Gao Fatty is struggling in her heart. For Gui Feifei, struggling is a good thing, which shows her There is a great chance of success, which is a good thing for her.

After Gui Feifei saw the high fat man struggling in his heart, he hurried to strike while the iron was hot, and promoted herself like a merchandise. What family situation and other things are handled, with her, there will be a great chance of giving birth to commanders. Dealing with the relationship with Gao Fatty's two historical battleship ship mothers, etc., Gao Fatty was stunned. This was basically selling products. He had never expected Gui Feifei to have such a side.

Gui Feifei’s last talk about how to deal with the relationship between the two historical battleships and the mother of Gao Fatty successfully touched Gao Fatty. Although he did not want to admit it, Gao Fatty still thinks that men are animals that think in many situations with their lower body, looking at the beautiful Gui. Feifei, Gao Fatty's heart is overwhelmed. Isn't it just a woman? Isn't it a deal? As a man, he doesn't suffer from this kind of transaction. There is nothing wrong with it. There is nothing that Gao Fatty did. Decided.

In fact, in the final analysis, the tall fat man is not a person in this world. His parents are not in this world. In addition, he has been in this world for a long time, and he is more or less infected by this world. This world has a very rough concept of marriage. The world before the fat man regarded marriage very importantly. It was the union of two families. After marriage, they had to live together and face the big and small things in life together. The connection between husband and wife is very close.

This world is different, because the main theme of this world is battle, especially commanders. For commanders, every mission is dangerous. It is very likely that they will never come back after going out to sea. In this case, the relationship between husband and wife is very extensive, and because the commander’s battleship can be inherited after the death of the commander, due to the low self-sustainability of ordinary warships, most commanders do their best. It is possible to leave the battleship to his own children, which is very different from the world before the fat man. After being in this world for a long time, he has also been changed a lot.

Fatty Gao quickly made a decision. After thinking about it, he decided to agree in principle. However, since he has two historical battleships, for the two historical battleships, the commander’s marriage is a big deal, so Gao Fatty had to clarify this matter face-to-face with the two historical warship ship mothers. For this reason, Gao Fatty currently has no way to give Gui Feifei any affirmative answer. He has to discuss with the two historical warship ship mothers before making a decision.

Gui Feifei was very satisfied with Gao Fatty’s answer. She knew that the historical battleship commander was special. Marriage was one of them. However, Sun Ran’s opinion of the historical battleship ship mother was very important to the commander, but in most cases Historical battleship Jianniang doesn’t care much about the commander’s marriage. Historical battleship Jianniang only cares about two points. The first is whether the other half will interfere with the historical battleship Jianniang’s decision after marriage. It is whether the commander will put the resources on the warship of the other half of Huazai's own. The second point is the most important, and it is also the most concerned about the historical warships.

Gui Feifei, who knows all this, understands in her heart that she has no problems. Now they are doing tasks together and their future growth plans are basically from the four historical warships. Whether she marries Gao Fatty or not will not affect this. As for The second point is even more okay. She knows Gao Fatty’s habits. Gao Fatty likes to carry all his resources with him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ All of Gao Fatty’s resources are in the ship’s mother, so Gao Fatty’s The two historical battleships will never worry about this.

Although she has no problem and achieved her goal, Gui Feifei didn’t feel as happy as she thought. Although she doesn’t believe in love or anything, she is still a very beautiful girl as a girl, and she doesn’t yearn for love. It’s impossible. Normally, it doesn’t matter if you can pretend. Even Gui Feifei herself thinks that she pretends to be what she really is, but when it comes to this time, she finds that she still overestimates herself. Basically, the dust settled, she couldn't help not being happy, on the contrary, there was still a strong sadness in her heart.

After all, Gui Feifei doesn’t like tall and fat people. It’s no wonder that, except for a few beautiful women with different aesthetics, it’s hard for a beauty with normal aesthetics to look at a fat person, even though tall and fat people are now more attractive than they just came. In this world, he was much thinner, but the tall fat man still didn't fit her aesthetics, but the thing was already like this, there was no turning back when he opened the bow, besides, the tall fat man also had many qualities that other handsome commanders did not have.

Unlike Gui Feifei, Gao Fatty’s heart is most excited. Although he has other thoughts about Jianniang, it is a very unreliable thing. It is possible to marry a beautiful woman like Gui Feifei, even though he knows it is possible. It's just a deal, and that's also something to be happy about. Anyway, he is a man and he won't suffer anyway.

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