Fleet Commander

Vol 2 Chapter 2710: Lady Queen with rhythm

In fact, there are not many ship mothers in this world who can have the mentality of Hu De’s ship. She doesn’t care about status and fame. These things are just a passing moment for Hu De’s ship. Since the first transformation and modification of the ship After the bridge was so troublesome, the heart knot of the Hood lady was also solved, but she did not want to face Bismarck and Bismarck’s sister Tirpitz, who had sunk her in history. Bismarck rarely came to the Justice Academy, especially the Elizabeth Club. While looking for bad luck, the two sides maintained a relationship in such a tacit understanding.

Ship mother Hu De’s analysis of historical events is due to two reasons. One is poor strength and the other is bad luck. Under normal circumstances in history, it is very difficult for a capital ship to sink another capital ship. The method of sinking is actually the bombing of the ammunition depot, or there is other cooperation. The main reason for the sinking of Hiei and Kirishima in history is actually the pressure brought by the Cactus Air Force at Henderson Airport on Guadalcanal Island, because there is no The air supremacy battleship was injured and could not run away. There was no way to face the attack of the Cactus Air Force.

In history, Hood’s luck was really bad. It was really bad to be taken away by Bismarck. Of course, the lack of strength is also a reason. When Hood was first built in history, it was very powerful and said to be the world's first. The battleship is not an exaggeration, but Hood is not strong during the Danish Strait naval battle after 20 years. Of course, the main reason is the lack of transformation of Hood in history, and the main reason for the lack of transformation is the great reputation of Hood. Yes, the glory of the Royal Navy has historically been the main reason for Hood’s delay in reforming, because his reputation has caught up with the British Empire gradually. West Hill Hood frequently participates in various activities to show that Britain’s combat effectiveness has delayed the reform.

Hu De Jian Niang has a very clear analysis of her own historical situation. At that time, Ho De, who had not undergone a major transformation in 20 years, was not as powerful as Bismarck, and the Prince of Wales had not completed the commissioning at that time. It seems that Hood and the Prince of Wales have completely defeated Bismarck. Fighting with Prince Eugen is never on paper. Hood’s second has caused the Prince of Wales to fight extremely hard. Of course, the reason why the Prince of Wales fights so hard is not Bismarck or Prince Eugen but the Prince of Wales himself, how At the beginning of this world, it’s not for no reason that the quadruple guns often jammed. It seemed that the situation of winning stably was unexpected. If it weren’t for the excellent performance of the Royal Ark carrier aircraft, or for Bismarck’s radio talk, Bismarck really Ran away.

In history, because of his huge reputation, I did not experience major transformations and delayed combat effectiveness. This world Hood ship mother will never make such a mistake, so Hood ship mother was built in the British system after the world was built. The middle status is very high, but now the status of the Hood is still very high, but in the eyes of the commanders of other organizations, the status of the Hood is too high. The main reason is that the strength of the Hood is not very strong. It should be Because the fame of the glory of the Royal Navy has its current status in history.

The current situation is actually like that. Now many commanders of the justice forces feel that Hu De Hu De may be powerful in history, but this world is not the same as in history. Now the British Navy should have fallen into history. Inertial thinking has made the Hu De Niang a relatively high status. It is now clear that such a misjudgment is quite indifferent to the high level of the Elizabethan Committee. Hu De Niang even wants to cooperate with this misunderstanding. However, this formulation of Hu De Niang has suffered. To the fierce opposition from the Queen and prestige.

The Queen is too aware of the problem here. The entire Elizabethan Society was established by her. If misunderstood, the historical battleships of the Elizabethan Society are nothing but the commanders are not necessarily, because they know how much the Hood is. There are actually not many special Elizabethan commanders. Even the tall fat man is only because he knows many things in history that make him able to draw the conclusion that Ship Niang Hood is definitely not a simple one. Where is Ship Niang Hood special? Some are not clear.

The British ships who did not agree with Hu De’s opinion quickly reached another agreement. The Queen felt that it was necessary to bring a rhythm and could not let the members of the justice forces focus on their Elizabethan Association. The Queen felt that the rhythm was directed to Sara. Toga is the best because Saratoga has the best rhythm.

As a result, the justice forces discussed the powerful iron-blooded forces that are difficult to handle in a short period of time. This is the rhythm of the Queen, and this rhythm is especially necessary for the justice forces, because the iron-blooded forces are really bad now. Dealt with.

Saratoga is a powerful aircraft carrier. Everyone can see it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So how much influence Saratoga has grown up on the iron-blooded forces can actually be seen by everyone, just because of Eck. The presence of Seth made Elizabeth have four SSS-class historical battleships. All of a sudden, the justice forces and other organizations were treated specially. The arrival of Saratoga had a great influence on the influence of the iron-blooded forces on the world. It's not that the senior management has never thought about it but didn't particularly care about it.

The Queen's ability to lead rhythm is not very good, but it has made a deep analysis of the future of the iron-blooded forces. In fact, the analysis of the Queen's justice is clear to the high-level organizations of all major organizations, and the Queen is not the high-level ones. Rhythm is the rhythm of ordinary commanders, because ordinary commanders are not very clear about the specific conditions of the three major forces and are easily biased.

The senior officials of the major organizations of the justice forces did not think that the emergence of Saratoga would have much impact. The strength of the justice forces has not been particularly outstanding, because the concentration of monsters during this period has rebuilt a large number of hub islands. With so many hub islands and the current fleet size, the high-level justice forces know that there is nothing wrong with the justice forces’ self-protection. The presence of Saratoga is really influential and the glory forces, but many times the facts are not so. People are still convinced that all kinds of sensational analysis are popular, of course, these sensational information is not produced by the Queen.

Ordinary commanders are completely biased under this rhythm, because Saratoga is extremely powerful, and the justice force’s island defense system is directly biased. In this case, the public opinion of the justice force is directly from the Elizabethan meeting. The four SSS-class historical battleships have become extremely powerful iron-blood forces and how to deal with such powerful iron-blood forces.

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