Fleet Commander

Chapter 134: The Glory Force fleet appears

The forces of Glory were assembled under the command of the King of Glory. This action of the King of Glory informed the aircraft carrier HMS Lexington and the destroyer HMS Vision. They were not as aggressive as the previous destroyers of HMS Vision. Last time, the destroyer HMS Vision. The attack on the justice forces caused heavy losses to the glory forces. Fortunately, the iron-blooded forces were overwhelmed at the last minute and severely damaged the battleship Wisconsin. Otherwise, the situation would be even worse. Now the King of Glory wants to let the iron-blooded know about Miss Yamato’s illness. , It’s not easy to rely on the current strength of the glory forces to take advantage of the justice forces. Even an island is not enough. The most likely result is to sink a few historical battleships. The King of Glory finds this very boring. If you want to take more If the price is cheap, the iron-blooded forces must also know about Miss Yamato’s illness. Before, the justice forces and the glory forces had a tacit understanding of the iron-blooded forces. It was not easy to get the iron-blooded forces to know and believe.

With these thoughts, the King of Glory led the fleet of Glory forces across the tacit boundary between the two sides and came to the territory of the justice forces. After arriving in the territory of the justice forces, the Glory fleet was a lot more careful. After all, it was not in its own territory. It is not fun to attract monsters to attack.

As soon as the Glory Fleet crossed the dividing line, Lord Queen knew it. Her Lord Queen notified the SS-class historical battleships guarding the four islands in the border area. It is necessary for each island to be prepared. As the Glory Fleet keeps advancing, When the intelligence report came up, Her Majesty Queen carefully analyzed the information gathered and then judged that the target of the Glory Forces is likely to be the island where the battlecruiser Hood, which is the closest to the border islands of the Glory Forces, is located. According to the judgment, the Queen specially told Hood. Ship mother, need ship mother Hood to prepare for battle, try not to fight outside the protection of the island.

The Glory Fleet approached the island guarded by the Hood without encountering any accidents. It reached the outskirts of the island smoothly. The King of Glory could not help but wonder when seeing the progress so smoothly. After a careful investigation, no abnormalities were found. Some relieved, and then ordered the Honor Fleet, "Next, try to attack as planned, and do everything carefully to ensure safety."

The tentative attack of the King of Glory is actually that he personally led the battleship Nagato to attack the island to test the firepower of the island and the configuration of the battleships. The battleship Mutsu protects the safety of the fleet from the rear to prevent being attacked by justice forces. Other battleships guard the surrounding area. , And immediately attacked suspicious targets.

After giving the order, the battleship Nagato slowly drove out of the fleet, propped up the shield, and slowly sailed towards the island. The King of Glory set the target on the island. The King of Glory’s ability is very special, as long as the island is defended. The system fires the King of Glory to calculate the weak aspects of the island defense system, and quickly figure out how to solve the problem of the island defense system. Simply put, the King of Glory’s special ability is like a computer, which can be The data obtained is analyzed systematically.

Ship Niang Ho, when she found out that the Glory Fleet was coming towards her island, she reported it to the Queen of the rear, and then acted according to the previous plan. The island is not large in size, and the defense system can hardly take care of the entire island. Therefore, when the island was built, the Red Umbrella Society chose the main defense direction of the island defense against the glory forces. In order to accommodate the defenses on both sides, the defense system was very weak in the direction away from the glory forces. The defense system against this island has also been deployed in a targeted manner.

Although Miss Yamato became the Queen, the previous battle plan was also changed, and the ship mother Hood quickly ordered the aircraft carrier Hundred Eyes Giant and the reinforced blueprint aircraft carrier Kasaki aircraft carrier to command the aircraft carrier operations according to the changed plan. The main task of the aircraft carrier combat group is to seize the air dominance of the route and to provide support when the defense system cannot support it in other directions.

Three fleets were formed with three 5A light cruisers and seven 5A destroyers as the core. The task is to assist the defense system to defend the other three directions of the island. The two sides are the key points. If nothing can be done, you must evacuate and participate in this direction. Defensive commanders and run away with hoarded resources.

The remaining warships are all organized together and arranged in the direction of the Glory forces with the weakest defense system. The task is to protect the safety of the route and ensure that this direction is not broken by the Glory forces. In fact, the pressure here is the greatest. The king has been fighting for many years, and he knows what skills this generation of Glory King is. The situation facing here is definitely the most dangerous.

Lady Queen also set off after receiving the report from Hu De’s ship mother. Before, in order to prevent the Glory forces from attacking, all the islands were left with sufficient resources, so Lady Queen set off on a single ship. Lady Queen only needs to find Nagato and Lu The two battleships of Austria are enough. The two battleships of Nagato and Mutsu are not fast, and the Queen can completely keep up. Except for the two historical battleships of SSS class, the other battleships of the Honor Fleet pose no threat to the island this time.

The battleship Nagato approached the island cautiously~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The island defense system is not just a joke. When it was approaching the range of the battleship Nagato, the artillery of the defense system on the island fired first to defend the artillery. The fired shells were large and slow. The battleship Nagato and other historical battleships within range fired and intercepted this huge shell. The huge shells broke the shield of the battleship Nagato against the sky of defensive fire, but Because the speed was relatively slow, it was hit by a shell fired by the battleship Nagato's main gun. With a loud noise, the giant shell was intercepted, and the battleship Nagato was shaken abruptly by several meters.

   After the defensive artillery attack was intercepted, the battleship Nagato swiftly moved towards the Glory Fleet. For the King of Glory, the data has been obtained and there is no need to stay there and be bombarded.

After a quick analysis of the King of Glory, it was no surprise that he decided to attack the weak defense of the just forces. The other three directions left a light cruiser and destroyer of the S-class historical battleship class and a large number of ordinary warships for blockade. As the main force, the two battleships of Nagato and Mutsu and the four Kongo-class battlecruisers went to attack the weak rear defense of the justice forces, which was exactly as most people expected.

After the King of Glory came to the rear of the island, he did not rush to attack, but cut off the route first. He was familiar with the situation and did not launch an attack hastily. The defense system in this direction is only relatively weak, and it is not that there is no, no matter in history or in history. At present, it is extremely unwise to fire naval guns against fortress guns such as the defense system, and Hood's mother did not dare to engage two SSS-class historical battleships with integrated skills under the cover of artillery without a defense system. , The Glory Fleet is preparing, and Hu De Niang is waiting for the Queen. Although the battlefield is quiet for the time being, everyone knows that the war is coming.

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