Fleet Commander

Chapter 126: Return to the Elizabethan Club

On the day of departure, there would be no complicated procedures like the Elizabethan meeting this time, but the Kent ship mother privately instructed the commander to stay guarded. The situation here is still a bit complicated. Elizabeth will be thousands of miles away from the island closest to here. In addition, what happens depends on these guarding commanders. For this, the Kent ship mother is very worried. In fact, the best situation is that the island is guarded by historical battleships, but the Elizabethan society has so many historical battleships. In order to balance the contradiction between the London-class heavy cruisers and the Kent-class heavy cruisers, it is impossible to send both parties to this island. Other historical battleship-class destroyers are following the Queen in battle, and Miss Dignity and Miss Eugen are not capable of enough. So this has caused the current problem. Her Majesty Queen has entrusted the Justice Academy, and the Justice Academy will help when necessary.

Compared with the situation of the Elizabethan Society, other organizations of the justice forces do not have this problem. The Justice Academy has more than one historical battleship here. This is also impossible. The Elizabethan Society is too weak. Both London and Kent battleships It is a heavy cruiser, and the requirements for resources are large and overlapping. The Elizabethan Society does not have so many resources, which has caused the current contradiction. The Queen intends to take advantage of this attack on iron and glory to obtain a large amount of resources to alleviate the contradiction. The sharper London and Kent.

Gao Fatty still doesn’t know about these high-level matters. He is on the move. This time the fleet is much larger than it was when it started. The number of warships is much larger than when it started, and many more merchant ships have been added. It is already very large, and such a large-scale fleet is still expanding, because other organizations including the Justice Academy have completed the island construction and have already returned. Elizabeth will be the slowest one. This is the same as the aluminum resources. The particularity is related. The merchant ships of other organizations have come over when they learned that the Elizabethan will return. Will there be any loss in following Elizabeth and save a lot of **** costs. Therefore, since the Elizabethan fleet set sail, there have been a large number of other organizations. Merchant ships follow.

The huge fleet is well organized under the command of the Kent Empress, and there is no mess at all. This is the point that the tall fat man admires the Kent Empress very much. When returning, the Kent Empress arranged the aircraft carrier Dignity next to her. What he did was to tell all the other commanders clearly that Elizabeth would be very concerned about Fatty Gao and his battleship. Fatty Gao obviously understood what the Kent Ship Mother meant by doing this, which made Gao Fatty a little flattered.

The road to the return journey was not as calm as it was when I came. When I came, I followed the Justice Academy resource fleet. All monsters were killed by the Justice Academy resource fleet. On the return journey, Elizabeth will face these monsters along the way, although there is no aluminum resource. The monsters nearby are powerful, but these monsters emerge in endlessly, and they can always appear in unexpected places. The battleships of the Elizabethan Society also guarantee the safety of many merchant ships. The tall fat man feels that Miss Dignity is not so tired from fighting the super beasts.

Encountering so many monsters is because this is not a fixed route, so it is more dangerous. This is why other organizations Merchant Shipping will choose to go with the Elizabeth Club. Now the Justice Academy and the four major organizations have issued tasks to clean up the monsters and open up this one. The route, but the opening of the route has not been completed, the battle is still going on, the monsters are very annoying, because the fleet is very large, beyond the scope of the top view of the tall fat man, so the tall fat man has lost the magic before, and the Kent ship mother also learned Know the range and limit of the fat man's magical detection skills.

After getting out of this dangerous area, the monsters were obviously much fewer, and the huge merchant ships began to disband one after another. Every island, there were a large number of merchant ships heading to their respective targets. When the Elizabethan Club was on the ground, only the Elizabethan Club remained. Merchant ships.

When arriving at the Elizabethan meeting site, the commanders passing by the island are very enthusiastic. Even if they don’t go to the island to supply supplies, the island commander will go out to sea for condolences. The closer you get to the main island of the Elizabethan meeting, the more enthusiastic the commander will be. Everyone was cold, she couldn't stand the enthusiasm of these commanders.

The huge merchant fleet was arranged on the satellite islands near the main island of Elizabethan society. There were ceremonies specially prepared to welcome them. All the warships were arranged on the main island of Elizabethan society. As a special existence for this mission, Gao Fatty was arranged to enter the arena behind the Kent Mother. The Kent heavy cruiser was the first to enter. The same commander and the other two warships followed her, followed by the aircraft carrier Dignity, and the destroyer Brave followed the Dignity Behind the aircraft carrier, Niu's approach was arranged behind Gao Fatty.

As soon as Fatty Gao entered the port, he saw that special figure, a dress, a crown, a scepter, and a strong aura. Fatty Gao was a little confused, "Why the Queen is here?" Soon Fatty Gao was in the Queen. Behind the lord, many familiar figures were found, not only did he have a huge question in his heart, "How come the historical warships are back?"

The Queen is very enthusiastic about the tall fat man and the brave little loli of the dignified lady~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This makes the tall fat man a little flattered. While waiting for the other warships to enter the port, the queen has always had no words with Kent. The ship mother was talking, except for the three historical battleships of the Kent ship mother, Miss Dignity, and Miss Eugen, the other ordinary warships entered the port more averagely, and the speed was much faster. After all the warships entered the port, they will be held again. After the welcoming ceremony, it is some unnutritious procedures for tall fat people. After the complicated welcoming procedure, the welcoming ceremony finally ends and enters the party mode.

Gao Fatty’s doubts were answered one by one at the party. It turned out that the battle with the two hostile forces of Iron-blood and Glory was over. After more than a year of treatment, the battleship Wisconsin was already well, Glory. Although the force’s Utopian destroyer and the Lexington aircraft carrier were not very clean, the battle was no longer a problem. In order to avoid huge losses and consolidate the captured area, the King of Justice is with the four SSS-class historical battleships. After discussing it, it was decided to close. In this operation, the justice forces grabbed three resource-producing areas from the iron-blooded forces, and the Queen also grabbed a resource-producing area from the glory forces. It can be said that it is very rewarding. Big.

Because the area grabbed by the Queen does not border the Elizabethan Society, after discussing with the King of Justice and three other SSS-class historical battleships, the Queen decided to exchange the area for a steel resource point of the Red Umbrella Society. The area below is the area where ammunition resources are produced. Because there is no guarantee for security in the border area, the queen will use it to exchange for a steel resource point. After all, steel resources are much lower in value than ammunition resources.

   After understanding why Lord Queen appeared here, Lord Queen asked about Fatty Gao’s skills, and Fatty Gao felt like "The point is here!"

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