Five Frozen Centuries

Vol 2 Chapter 244: 1 cut is over

Although Wei Huo has pointed out to Chen Xuanyue how to become mythical, Chen Xuanyue just couldn't figure out how to enter the mythical level.

So after a period of enlightenment, she came to Wei Huo and Snake Egg again, intending to observe some results at close range. As a result, she suddenly saw that Wei Huo and Snake Egg were making "people".

Of course, it is not the traditional and common way of making people. Wei Huo and they are making people out of thin air with great power like the mythical Nuwa made people.

First prepare DNA, then gather energy, control substances, break down into tiny particles, combine to form chromosomes, form nuclei, form cells, and finally make bones, muscles, skin, and even the brain.

All human beings can be made, but the human beings they make lack the most important things, they have no soul!

Wei Huo shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, this is just a body, and we have not yet reached the level of the creator."

The snake egg asked: "Don't you give the robot wisdom?"

Wei Huo said: "That's not the same. The wisdom given to the robot is to aggregate the free spiritual power and then form that special symbol, and use that symbol to replace the robot's intelligent core, and then form it with a high-tech CPU. Humans It’s different, it’s useless.”

The snake egg said: "I understand that although the intelligent robot you made has the intelligence and creativity like humans, it lacks one thing-the power from the depths of the mind."

Wei Huo nodded: "Yes! The power from the depths of the soul, the most mysterious power, is a fundamental source for a creature to grow from ordinary to mythical level."

Chen Xuanyue listened carefully, but Wei Huo said too ambiguously, making her really unable to understand how to become a myth.

Wei Huo and Snake Egg discussed that they began to make different kinds of creatures, some of which are common on the earth, and some strange and weird creatures, which are even weirder than the Domu, but these creatures can’t escape DNA and material after all. In the final analysis, the origin of all living things is the same.

It used to be said that when we walked out of the earth, we were fellow citizens of the global village, but now, it can also be said that we are all of the same kind in the same universe.

The methods of Wei Huo and Snake Egg are almost the same as those of God. They are constantly experimenting in order to verify their conjecture. Anyway, they have endless time, and they can squander these times as much as they want.

These things touched Chen Xuanyue very much. She always wanted to wait for me to become a myth.

Every time she thinks this way, she finds that if I become a myth, and there is no danger of death, I don’t know what to do. In this case, it seems unnecessary to become a legend?

At the thought of this, Chen Xuanyue fell into a very empty state. The emotions hidden deep in her heart grew like crazy wild grasses. She began to be confused and feel lonely, and a pain began in her heart. Spread, she suddenly didn't understand, why was she alive?

What Chen Xuanyue did not know was that her current state was contributed by Wei Huo and Snake Egg together. These two mythological levels seemed to become real gods, the kind of gods who wanted to play with people's hearts.

"I don't know birth, I know death? Without being an adult, can you become a god?" Wei Huo threw out a meaningful sentence to Chen Xuanyue, but Chen Xuanyue couldn't understand it.

If you don’t understand, you don’t understand. It’s like a physical formula. No matter how the teacher emphasizes and explains it again, the students who don’t understand don’t understand. They can only memorize it, and the students who understand don’t need to recite it. .

Just as Wei Huo and his team were doing strange experiments, the rescue team of the Multi-Men tribe had reached the galaxy that Wei Huo went to.


"It is reported that the Y25 chaotic star field has been reached, and the rescue team is currently lurking near the star gate. According to calculations, the unknown presence of the commander of the kidnapping warship will reach the galaxy in three days."

The captain of the rescue team sneered: "The civilization that can only travel interstellar through Star Road, I really don't know how Commander GU was defeated and caught. This is no longer careless, but is it stupid? No ability to command."

The deputy captain of the rescue team said: "Anyway, in three days we can see what kind of civilization abducted the commander GU. According to the records, a whole fleet of commander GU was destroyed. To achieve this step in the advanced civilization, it must be the use of artifacts."

The captain said: "This is also the reason why the above is so anxious. If the opponent is possessing the artifact, then we do not need to fight hard. First, make sure that the opponent is the civilization with the artifact, then contact the headquarters, and let the commander send a large army to come. Suppress them and rob them of artifacts!"

The deputy captain nodded: "Yes, this is the safest way."

The rescue team began to wait, and still owns this terrestrial planet in this galaxy, but today, there are very few warships to and from this planet, because they found a rescue team warship of the fourth-order civilized multi-order tribe.

This makes them feel terrified, because many of these warships are three-level civilization warships.

Many third-level civilizations have noticed that something is wrong, so they left this galaxy early. Some interstellar pirates stayed with the idea of ​​seeking wealth and wealth, but they only dared to hide far behind and dared not go up. before.

Level 4 civilization is still a great deterrent in this area!

The deputy captain asked: " Would you like to clean this galaxy first?"

The captain said: "Don't do extra things, why our purpose of appearing here has not been exposed. If we clean up this galaxy, it will be doubted by other fourth-level civilizations. In that case, we will not have the process of capturing the artifact. So smooth."

The members of the rescue team nodded in admiration, and the captain was indeed the captain.

The rescue team waited patiently here. Three days later, the star gate they were guarding finally appeared like a wave-like fluctuation.

The rescue team immediately focused on the star gate, and they knew that the prey they were waiting for finally appeared.

The captain of the rescue team said: "The rescue team is divided into three gradients. The first gradient surrounds the star gate, the second gradient prepares to support, and the third gradient keeps the distance to avoid being destroyed by the opponent's artifact."

The rescue team's fleet began to move, and the rescue team's captain stared at the star gate and said: "The moment you set foot on this star road, your destiny has been doomed, and now, everything is over ."

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