Five Frozen Centuries

Chapter 1: Lonely person ignored by God

   "Passengers who haven't got on the bus, please hurry, the car bound for K city will leave!"

In the service area of ​​the expressway, a driver shouted out of the window, and the passengers began to get on the bus. The driver glanced behind him and then asked them: "Who else is not on the bus? Let's take a look at their own Is the companion here? We are leaving!"

  The passenger at the back replied: "Everyone is ready to go!"

The driver nodded, then started the engine, and then slowly drove the car out of the service area. At this time, a young man in his 20s suddenly rushed out of the toilet in the service area. The young man shouted at the car: "Wait Ah, I haven't got on the car yet!"

   But the distance between the young man and the car was too far. The driver didn't even hear it. The car drove into the highway, and then kept speeding up. After a few seconds, he left the young man's vision.

  Youth: "..."

why! ! ! ?

This young man is Wei Huo. At the age of nineteen, he had a thin sense of presence since he was born. When he went to the spring tour, he was ignored by the teacher and he had to go to the amusement park alone. When I got home and was ignored by my parents, I didn’t cook the food he had to eat, so I had to buy instant noodles.

   Wei Huo's thin sense of existence and easy to be ignored is a curse. Nowadays, it is actually ignored by bus drivers.

   "I'm going to start school tomorrow, what should I do now?" Wei Huo almost collapsed. He took out his mobile phone and opened the navigation. He found that the nearest exit to this high-speed highway was 20 kilometers away.

   Ah! Why is my presence so low?

   Just when Wei Huo was going crazy and collapsed, a sound suddenly appeared in Wei Huo's heart. This sound seemed to come from all directions, and it seemed to be from the depths of his own heart. This voice only said one sentence.

   "Time pause!"

At the next moment, everyone in the service area immediately stopped, as if it was stuck when playing the movie. Everyone kept the previous action, and even the expression on their faces was frozen, everyone was still. Moved.

  If it were not Wei Huo who could hear several bird chirps outside the service area, and saw that a tap that was being opened kept flowing clean water, he thought that the whole world had stopped functioning.

Wei Huo looked at the people around him dumbfounded. They didn't move. Some people were walking. One foot had stepped out, and the whole person leaned forward, but he was stopped abruptly. There is absolutely no way to do this kind of action. It seems that only time has really been stopped. This explanation.

   But why am I not stopped?

   Could it be said that I was ignored again?

  Wei Huo suddenly gave birth to a bold idea...

He walked in front of a restaurant waiter and patted his shoulder, but found that his shoulder was as hard as steel. At this time, Wei Huo found out that there seemed to be a faint golden light on everyone. This light seemed to be able to Protect them from harm.

  Wei Huo picked up a bowl of coffee and spilled the coffee on the waiter. As a result, the coffee stayed along the golden light, leaving no trace on the waiter.

Seeing here, Wei Huo finally understood what the so-called time pause is all about, as if frozen to absolute zero, their mind and body were suspended, and with the protection of golden light, time will not be in They leave a trace on them, and coffee is not good!

   But then, Wei Huo suddenly realized a serious problem, everyone's time was stopped, they didn't need to drink water to eat, and they were absolutely safe, but what should I do? I will be thirsty, hungry, tired, and hurt.

  Hey, god! Don't forget to stop me sometimes!

   At this time, that magical voice sounded again in the heart of Wei Huo.

   "New character attribute panel."

This sound just disappeared. Wei Huo seemed to have something in his head. He found that he could actually open the property panel. The property panel is five discs. The five discs form a five-pointed star, each of which is written on the disc. Different words: social, equipment, roles, needs, health.

  Wei Huo was not sure whether the five discs appeared on his retina or directly in his mind, but as long as he moved his mind, he seemed to be able to open the five options.

   As soon as he thought about it, the social panel was opened, but the panel was empty, there was nothing, so was the equipment panel, but something was found when the character panel was opened.

There are ten skills in the character panel, and the skills are: shooting, fighting, animal training, medical treatment, cooking, construction, planting, art, crafts, research, these ten skills can not be opened, but each has a level, Apart from fighting at level 1, Wei Huo has all skills at level 0.

  Wei Huo opened the demand panel again, and found that there were three values: diet value, drinking value, and rest value. All three values ​​were around 70%, but they gradually declined over time.

   Next is the health panel. Wei Huo opened the health panel and introduced the two attributes of age and lifespan, age: 19, lifespan: 88. In addition to this is mobility, operational ability, language ability, reproductive ability, visual ability, hearing ability, breathing ability, etc. These abilities are shown as healthy, and the disease column is shown as none.

After a rough look at the property panel, Wei Huo felt a little relieved. If he used this panel to monitor his status, the situation was not the worst. All human time stopped. Then I went to the store to get some food and drink. shouldn't have any problem if you go to the hostel for a night? It's just that Wei Huo doesn't know how long this time will be suspended. This is a point that Wei Huo is very worried about. What if he stops for hundreds of years?

   But then, the voice appeared again.

   "Add achievement system."

   "Increase the impact of natural disasters such as flares, solar eclipses, high temperature, and low temperature on organisms."

   "Accelerate animal mutation and reproduction speed."

   "Add Titan creatures, legendary creatures."


Next, the sound sounded about every five minutes, and every time it sounded, Wei Huo's heart sank a point, he was still too naive, eating and drinking and rest is no longer the current primary goal, his primary goal now Yes: how to survive in this crisis-ridden world!

   Just after a series of additions and changes to the earth like that god-like existence, the sound suddenly stopped, Wei Huo's eyes lit up, and his heart gained some hope.

   Could it be that human time is recovering? The survival rate in solidarity with other people is always much higher than when I fight alone.

   But the next moment, another voice sounded in Wei Huo's heart, but this voice was an electronically synthesized female voice, without a touch of emotion.

   "Congratulations on your achievement: the lonely person ignored by God."

   "Assemble this title, you will be permanently in the "camouflage" state, and the probability of being discovered by other creatures is reduced by 75%."

  Wei Huo: "..."

Wei Huo thought that time was finally going to recover. Unexpectedly, the achievement system gave him a title, but it had to be said that this title had a huge effect, at least provided some guarantee and hope for Wei Huo to survive, but Wei Huo Zhen I don’t know if I should cry or laugh.

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