First Secret Agent in History

Chapter 322 The number one man in the empire, Yun Zhonghe! The supreme myth!

This time, the negotiations between more than 300 top scholars and the two ruling kings broke up.

Next, these three hundred top scholars officially began to build public opinion and began lobbying everywhere.

The first ones to bear the brunt are the teachers and students in the major academies of the empire.

Three hundred top scholars give lectures and teach everywhere.

Promote a new civilization is coming, a new materialistic revolution is coming.

Should we embrace this revolution or become a conservative and outdated element?

At least in the academic world, these three hundred people are already the top authorities, with countless disciples.

As for the students of the major colleges in the empire, their minds are relatively pure and they pursue higher ideals and a more advanced civilization.

Soon, most of the teachers and students were attracted by the new civilization described.

One after another became supporters of the Empire's New Deal.

This momentum is getting stronger and stronger.

Because there was no response from the two ruling kings, nor was there a response from the Senate. More than 300 top scholars once again held a closed-door meeting.

After the meeting, three hundred top scholars announced the establishment of a new religious party!

After this news came out, the entire empire was shaken again.

This signal is so scary.

This means that these top scholars cannot get the appeal of the ruling king and the Senate, so they plan to establish another party to prepare for the establishment of another empire.

Next, perhaps the party will be united and opposed.

In fact, what this group of people wanted to establish at the beginning was not the New Zong Party, but the Dayan Royalist Party, or the New Yan Party.

After Yun Zhonghe and Queen Dusha learned about it, they hurried over and asked them to change their names.

If we use the original Dayan Royalist Party or the New Yan Party, it will split the empire and will also hurt the feelings of the majority of the citizens of the empire.

The royalists are too radical, because the New Dayan Empire has not had an emperor for more than a thousand years, and everyone has become accustomed to it. The sudden arrival of a royalist party will scare people.

The name New Flame Party is equivalent to pushing a large part of the empire to the opposite side, directly accusing them of being backward and outdated.

Moreover, both of these names may be illegal, and the Senate can ban them at any time.

But the Xin Zong Party is different. Everyone believes that Yan Xin Zong is the Taizu Emperor of the New Dayan Empire. He has been the spiritual leader and totem for thousands of years and is completely irreplaceable.

Therefore, it is completely impossible for the New Zong Party to be banned.

After the establishment of the New Zong Party, Yun Zhonghe was announced as the supreme party leader.

Next, the new religious party began to accept new members. Teachers and students from several major colleges in the empire joined this new sect one after another.

Like a snowball, in just half a month, the New Zong Party had 20,000 members.

And the 20,000 members went out everywhere to promote Yun Zhonghe's physics theory and promote new civilization and new philosophy.

For a time, it exerted more and more influence in the empire. However, as the number of members increased, the New Sect Party's actions became more and more radical, and the imperial capital became increasingly uneasy.


In the Imperial Palace.

"This new religious party must be banned. This new religious party must be banned and declared an illegal organization in the empire."

"This is rebellion, this is seizing power."

"Several leaders of the New Sect Party must be arrested, and Yun Zhonghe must be arrested, otherwise the empire will face chaos and even division."

The Senate has met again and again, and some have become more and more forceful in their speeches.

"This new religious party cannot be allowed to continue to expand and develop."

"All speeches must be reported to the executive office, otherwise they will be deemed illegal. Members of the New Zong Party are not allowed to give public speeches or incite the public."

"Order the first legion to enter the imperial capital and take control of the situation."

The two civil and military ruling kings had cold faces.

After the failure of the last negotiation, we should take action immediately and not allow the new Zong Party to be established.

After the new religious party is established, it should be suppressed immediately to prevent it from growing rapidly.

Now, it's all snowballing.

Now this momentum has spread to basic education, and many teenagers also want to join the new sect.

And more and more teachers in basic education are joining the New Religious Party.

There are also countless workshops, smelters and other elites involved in productivity. As long as they are elites who adhere to physics, they have also joined the new sect.

As for those who study art, literature, and philosophy, they are even more radical and have even done some crazier things.

For example, they once spray-painted a huge portrait on the Great Yan Palace and the Executive Palace, and the portrait was that of Yun Zhonghe. For example, they besieged Yun Zhonghe's opponents, and even threatened to assassinate them.

If the Kewu students' admiration for Yun Zhonghe is still rational, then the art students are completely full of fanaticism and sensibility.

It's not that the two ruling kings didn't want to suppress it, but they received resistance, secret resistance.

One of the obstacles is Queen Tussa. The previous generation of ruling kings spent the next ten years of their lives on the sick bed. Queen Tussa's husband came to power and had many partisans in the empire. And behind Queen Tussaud, there is a bigger figure. -

Therefore, some members of the Senate proposed to ban the New Zong Party, but they were blocked.

The proposal to arrest radical members of the New Zong Party was also blocked.

These key proposals can only be proposed by members of the Senate, and then most of them are passed, and finally the ruling king makes the final decision.

However, when a member of the Senate just proposed it, it was refuted.

And most of the Senate members are waiting and watching, because there is still a real giant who has not expressed an opinion.

That is Prince Ji Sheng, the previous ruling king and the supreme leader of the royal clan.

But all in all, the conflicts between the New Religious Party and the Senate and the ruling king became more and more intense and antagonistic.

The atmosphere in the empire is becoming more and more dangerous, and the friction between the two sides is becoming more and more intense, and there may even be a conflict between the two sides.

The Senate has proposed on more than one occasion to order the First Army to enter the imperial capital to suppress the radical political actions of the New Sect Party.

But every suggestion was suppressed by a powerful force.


"Yun Zhonghe, this can't go on like this." Queen Dusha said: "The New Zong Party's actions are too drastic. Some people have already lobbied the military generals. In the past half month, there have been more than a dozen radical actions by the New Zong Party. The members stormed the ruling palace and the ruling hall of the imperial capital."

"Not only that, some people within the New Zong Party have begun to form secret armed forces and are preparing to assassinate the opposing members of the Senate. A member of the Senate strongly proposed at the meeting to ban the New Zong Party and let the First Legion enter the imperial capital. , suppressed the New Zong Party. As a result, his home was attacked, and our New Zong Party radicals rushed into his home and set fire to it, which frightened his family. As you know, the security of the empire is very good, and some senators The members' villas are not some tall castles, and they are not well-guarded, so they can easily be set on fire."

Yun Zhonghe knew about this. In less than a month, more than hundreds of New Zong Party members had been arrested, all of them radicals. But most of them were quickly released on bail, because Queen Tussaud was very powerful.

"Party leader, if this continues, the conflict between us and the Imperial Senate will become more and more intense and eventually irreconcilable. Moreover, we do not have an army in our hands. Once the ruling king and the Senate really order the First Army to enter the imperial capital and suppress our new sectarian party , bloodshed and sacrifice occurred, everything is irreversible."

"Moreover, some radical elements of our New Religion Party have also aroused the resentment of ordinary citizens of the empire. It is obvious that the security of the imperial capital has deteriorated recently, and the culprits are those fanatics in our New Religion Party."

Yun Zhonghe nodded.

Queen Dusha said: "The ruling king and some people in the Senate have always wanted the First Army to enter the imperial capital to suppress us, but they have been secretly prevented every time. You should know who is blocking the army from entering the imperial capital."

Of course Yun Zhonghe knew who that person was, the supreme leader of the imperial family.

Queen Dusha said: "Although his prestige is very high and he has huge influence in the military. But he cannot suppress the ruling king and the Senate indefinitely, nor can he completely stand on our side. We must remember Stay calm, the army is not in our hands. And do you really want to completely oppose, break with, and be hostile to the Senate and the top leaders of the empire? Are you willing to split the empire?"

Yun Zhonghe shook his head, of course he didn't want to.

Until now, the empire's top officials have been very open-minded and tolerant.

On the contrary, his new faction is aggressive, especially some fanatics who want to seize power in one day, drive out those at the top of the empire in one day, and want a revolution to break out immediately.

Yun Zhonghe felt that although the empire's top officials seemed likely to become a conservative force, they could still win over them.

When an empire is completely backward and reactionary, then we must do our best to overthrow it and eliminate it.

But is the current New Great Yan Empire lagging behind? Decay?

No, it is still positive. Yun Zhonghe didn't want to make the entire New Dayan Empire a river of blood and corpses everywhere because of his personal ambition.

We don’t even want to establish another empire or split the empire.

At least up to now, the empire's top officials have not persecuted him, nor have they really suppressed the New Sect Party.

Let’s fight with words, not with force.

If the problem can be solved through gentle revolution, then there is no need for violence. It seems that this empire still has the ability to upgrade and transform itself.

Don't hurt the interests and emotions of most people in the empire.

Yun Zhonghe said: "Next, I will take over the power of the entire New Sect Party. I will comprehensively change the way of struggle, and I will use a new method to seize the supreme power of the empire."

Queen Dusha said: "Okay, all my money and all my resources will support you. But you must also pay attention to the methods. The New Religion Party is very young, very radical, and fanatical, but their hearts are warm. Don't let them They are sad, let alone deny them completely.”

Yun Zhonghe said: "Don't worry, it won't happen."

Queen Dusha said: "What will you call your next action?"

Yun Zhonghe said: "Star-making movement."


Next, the New Zong Party held another meeting.

As the party leader, Yun Zhonghe fully took over the supreme power of the New Sect Party, and this process received little resistance.

Because the giants of the New Zong Party are all scholars, all pure and passionate, and they have only one goal, which is to promote Yun Zhonghe to the king of the empire and lead the new imperial civilization.

Moreover, this group of people are also lovers of the empire and do not want bloody conflicts to occur.

After Yun Zhonghe took over the power, he immediately changed the way of fighting.

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the new clan changed drastically.


Yun Zhonghe’s first plan, the lighting project!

The New Zong Party has first-class practical capabilities, and has dozens of large laboratories and hundreds of workshops.

Several generator sets have begun to be assembled, and relevant factories have also begun processing and production.

The lighting renovation and circuit renovation of several major colleges in the empire have also begun.

The fifth day of March!

The circuit renovation of several major colleges in the imperial capital has been completed.

"Officially powered on!"

After pressing the switch, the lights of the First Academy were brightly lit and extremely bright.

"Long live, long live, long live!"

“Long live the new learning, long live the new civilization!”


High above the Consul Palace, the two Consul Kings looked at the brightly lit colleges.

The comparison gap is too big.

The Consul Palace uses biogas lamps and natural gas lamps, and their brightness is definitely far inferior to electric lamps.

Moreover, the installation conditions of biogas lamps and natural gas lamps are too harsh.

It's different with electric lights. Wherever the wire goes, the light can go.

So this lighting project is a huge political show.

Just for everyone to see.

What is light and what is darkness?

What is advanced and what is backward?

The people of the imperial capital could tell at a glance that the major colleges were brighter, while the Consul Palace and the Senate were darker.

This will remind people that bright and bright places represent advancement.

What can the two ruling kings do?

Order not to use electric lights or develop new civilization?

It would become even more of a conservative and old-fashioned force, and it would be more reminiscent of the suppression of new forces by the conservative forces of the old Dayan Dynasty more than a thousand years ago.

The two ruling kings looked at each other with a slightly helpless look.

The recent radical actions of the New Sect Party have disappeared, and the imperial capital has immediately become calm.

But won’t it be even more difficult next time? Can't see it yet.

After Yun Zhonghe took over the power of the New Clan Party, could it be that the only way to fight was with electric lights?

Is it just a strong contrast between light and dark?

Then Yun Zhonghe's methods are too disappointing, right?


Next, the New Zong Party represented by Yun Zhonghe launched a new invention.

This time the invention was not big, it was a phonograph, a film gramophone.

This thing is not difficult to make. The crudest gramophone does not even need electricity, it can be wound directly.

The empire's materials were advanced and it had electricity.

Therefore, the phonograph produced suddenly reached a very high level of film gramophone.

This is probably the first major piece of entertainment in the empire.

Queen Tussaud paid for the mass production of gramophones and recorded many phonograph discs.

Almost all the turntables are Yun Zhonghe's concerts. He selected the most classic pieces to perform and record, as well as Yun Zhonghe's speeches.

After this thing was put into the public, it immediately caused a huge sensation.

I didn't expect that there is such a machine in this world that can store people's voices and play them again and again.

Isn't this amazing? Could this be the new imperial civilization advocated by His Excellency Yun Zhonghe?

On Earth, tape recorders dominated world entertainment for many years. Countless people were obsessed with music, and it was at that time that many superstars were born.

Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, etc. are regarded as gods by many people.

After entering the 21st century, due to the huge variety of entertainment methods, the record industry has declined, and no more god-level singers can be born.

Today, the New Dayan Empire is in the primitive stage of lack of entertainment.

So what kind of sensation will this new gadget, the gramophone, cause when it comes out? It's completely conceivable.

After all, there were only a few people who heard Yun Zhonghe's performance that night, but it was said to be so magical that countless people wanted to listen, but had no chance.

Now, for the first time, the New Religion Party has produced thousands of gramophones. Instead of selling them, they have placed them free of charge in restaurants, public carriages, academies, restaurants, public dormitories and other public areas of the empire.

These places have the largest flow of people. Countless people hear Yun Zhonghe's performance and hear Yun Zhonghe's speech every day.

This is probably the empire's first star-making movement and god-making movement.

In modern society, even an artist with no talent can achieve great success as long as he undergoes large-scale hype and a large-scale visual and auditory bombardment of the public, and can make this artist a first-line super-traffic star, even if he has no Nothing works.

Yun Zhonghe has many works, and they are all top-notch works.

Coupled with this unprecedented star-making campaign, a large-scale visual and auditory bombardment was carried out on the imperial public.

The effect is amazing.

In a short period of time, Yun Zhonghe has become the god of music in the entire empire.

He rose from celebrity to national idol of the empire.


But the god-making operation is far more than that.

The New Zong Party published dozens of new publications and more than a dozen newspapers.

In almost every publication and newspaper, there is content about Yun Zhonghe's new learning, and there is a portrait of Yun Zhonghe.

The key point is that Yun Zhonghe is not only extremely handsome, but also extremely noble. This is visual bombardment.

Every day, millions of people can see Yun Zhonghe's face on various covers.

Over time, this face has been deeply engraved in the hearts of countless people in the empire.

Every day, Yun Zhonghe's portrait flows to the people of the empire in more than millions of publications and newspapers.

Yun Zhonghe's most professional scientific papers were published in professional journals.

Mathematics papers, physics papers, astronomy papers, medical papers.

Every article is top-notch, and every article wows scholars and students.

In literary journals, all novels written by Yun Zhonghe are published, and there are all kinds of novels.

Some are super high-end, some are super exciting, and there are even fairy tales for children.

Thousands of years of classic literature on earth are enough to cause harm to Yunzhonghe for a long time.

Under the bombardment of this crazy public opinion, newspapers, magazines, and gramophone music.

Yun Zhonghe's momentum continued to climb to its peak.

Countless teenagers in the empire adore him, and countless girls in the empire are obsessed with him.

Yun Zhonghe no longer needs to give a speech himself, he only needs to record it on a record player, and then put it into various restaurants, restaurants, almshouses, and public carriages throughout the empire.

Countless people listen to his speeches and concerts every day.

How can the New Dayan Empire withstand such bombardment of public opinion? This is really not a star-making movement, it is completely a god-making movement.

In the minds of hundreds of millions of people in the empire, Yun Zhonghe's status is getting higher and higher, and he is becoming more and more radiant.


Ji Qing, Queen Dusha, and several giants of the New Sect Party were completely amazed.

I never thought that this could be done to fight for the throne?

Isn't this... the real fight that requires fighting with words instead of fighting with force?

In fact, at several meetings of the New Sect Party, several giants proposed that they could summon tens of thousands of New Sect Party members and hundreds of thousands of Imperial students to go to the ruling palace to petition for the palace.

But this proposal was directly rejected by Yun Zhonghe. It would be too easy for conflicts to break out, and it would also be easy for the Senate and the Consul to be forced to the point where they had no choice.

We cannot exploit the passion of young people, nor create absolute opposition to the empire.

And this star-making and god-making movement completely sneaks into the night with the wind, and can penetrate into every corner of the empire and the hearts of every person in the empire.

It's just that this kind of god-making movement is too expensive. Queen Tussaud is already extremely rich, but she has almost spent all her wealth.

Hundreds of founders of the New Zong Party also donated their property.

Fortunately, this god-making movement will soon enter a healthy balance.

And, you might start making money.

This is really terrible. These records, newspapers, publications, and books are obviously used for political propaganda, but the sales are booming.

Record players are out of stock like crazy, records are out of stock like crazy.

Newspapers, magazines, and books are all selling like crazy because the content on them is so beautiful and exciting.

Even the "Yun Zhonghe Calling" series has begun to sell like crazy.


In just a few months, Yun Zhonghe has risen to a status that is completely unimaginable in the minds of everyone in the empire.

The greatest philosopher, musician, writer, physicist, mathematician, and medical scientist in the history of the empire.

More and more ordinary people from the empire are pouring into the imperial capital from all over the country just to meet Yun Zhonghe.

Over time, this even evolved into a kind of pilgrimage.

Yun Zhonghe is very busy every day, meeting tens of thousands of people every day.

I have to give academic lectures during the day and give concerts at night.

For half a month of consecutive concerts, every concert was crazily packed. The Imperial Art Museum, which could only hold five thousand people at most, was forced to squeeze in more than ten thousand people.

There are more than 10,000 people attending each event.

Every concert performed by Yun Zhonghe is in-depth and full of passion.

In total, hundreds of the most classic pieces were played.

This period is known as the most gorgeous and splendid historical moment of imperial art.

In just half a month, more classic music was produced than in the previous thousand years combined.

Master Shi Yi, who was previously hostile to Yun Zhonghe, has now become Yun Zhonghe's most ardent fan.

He would attend every concert and become a member of the orchestra.

The most outstanding musicians in the empire also attend every day and become ordinary members of the Yun Zhonghe Orchestra.

Because every night, Yun Zhonghe will perform a new song.

This is an unprecedented art feast.

If it were just music, then Yun Zhonghe would always be just a great musician and would never become the king of the empire.

Because no matter how ardent a fan is, they don’t think that a musician can manage an empire.

But music is just one of Yun Zhonghe's talents.

During the day, more than tens of thousands of people came to listen to each of his philosophical lectures.

The content of each philosophical speech is different. The top philosophers on the earth have accumulated works for thousands of years. After being selected by Yun Zhonghe, they continue to speak and publish.

From Aristotle, to Hegel, even Nietzsche.

Therefore, this half month is also called an explosion of philosophy and an explosion of wisdom.

Countless people were fascinated by it, and philosophy books were published one after another. There was always only one person's face on the cover, the incomparably handsome Yun Zhonghe.

The end of science is philosophy!

Therefore, philosophy is also praised by many people as the highest wisdom.

So in the past half month, hundreds of thousands of people have received an unprecedented baptism of wisdom. I don't know why, but everyone feels that their hearts have been sublimated and transformed like never before.

Well, to a large extent this is an illusion and a kind of brainwashing.

This means that some people will be excited by certain success studies, such as "Carnegie Success Study".

But Yun Zhonghe's philosophical speech has been refined over thousands of years and written by countless wise men over thousands of years. Of course it is meaningful and can certainly shock people.

Compared with philosophy, Yun Zhonghe’s academic speeches are the most meaningful.

The truth of the universe, the truth of the world, physics, gravity, conservation of energy, etc.

This is completely fallacious and heretical in the Great Zhou Empire or the Great Xia Empire, and is despised by everyone.

But in the New Great Yan Empire, this is the Holy Book.

The best students and teachers in the empire came to listen to Yun Zhonghe's academic lectures.

In the eyes of everyone, Yun Zhonghe was not giving an academic lecture at all, but a sacred missionary education.

This is the new saint!

Those saints in ancient times created the old civilization.

The new saint will create a new civilization.

But now Yun Zhonghe never talks about sending troops to the east in every speech, and almost never talks about politics at all.

Pure scholarship, philosophy, art, medicine.

Can the Archon stop it? Can the Senate stop it?

How can it be? If they block it, they will immediately become the public enemy of the empire.

Faced with Yun Zhonghe's new god-making movement, a new way of fighting.

The Senate and the Consul could only watch quietly.

It cannot be blocked or suppressed.

Moreover, if they did not come to cheer and show their support, the people would look at them more and more strangely and become more and more alienated.

Because it makes them look more and more conservative and backward.

Under Yun Zhonghe's extremely crazy god-making movement, the position of the empire's top officials began to falter.

With the fanatical support of millions of people in the empire, Yun Zhonghe is getting closer and closer to the supreme power, and what he wants is not just to become King Wen.


Note: No words can describe my desire for monthly passes! Dear benefactors, give me a hand!

I want to be in the top six of the category, please have mercy! It's the end of the month, don't waste your tickets.

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