First Secret Agent in History

Chapter 240 Shi Guang’s death! Extremely miserable!

Upon hearing Yun Zhonghe's words, Ao Xin was stunned at first, as if she couldn't believe her ears.

How could he not know his son's martial arts skills? To say that he has no martial arts skills is just flattering, and he is completely a super weak chicken.

Shi Guang, the prince of Zhenhai, is called the second spearman of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Although this is an exaggeration, it also completely proves that his martial arts is indeed very high, surpassing Ao Yu by an unknown number of times.

Next, Shi Guang was completely stunned, and many people he brought were also stunned.

Ao Yu actually invited him to a duel? Is there such a good thing in the world?

Before, everyone tried every possible means to kill Ao Yu. How much did it cost and how many methods were used?

Even the shocking drama of a gang fight in the court just happened today, which did not kill Ao Yu, but killed Ning Huaian's son.

Moreover, Shi Guang also lost his position as the heir apparent, at least in name only.

Now Ao Yu actually took the initiative to die.

"Okay, okay, okay..." Shi Guang laughed and said, "Let's fight to the death, today, now!"

Yun Zhonghe said: "Let's go and wait until I go back to get the weapons."

Shi Guangdao: "Don't worry. Since you want to duel, you must be fair and aboveboard. Go to the capital arena to duel in front of thousands of people. Lest anyone think I assassinated you."

"Okay." Yun Zhonghe said, "Whoever you want can come to us. I'll see you in the capital arena in two hours."

"Two hours later, the battle of life and death will take place in the capital arena!" Shi Guang led dozens of people and left suddenly on horseback.


The young officials around Shi Guang, as well as the distinguished military officials, spread the news one after another.

Suddenly, it was like a huge stone thrown into the calm lake, causing an uproar.

The entire capital's upper echelons were completely boiling.

Ao Yu is losing his mind and going crazy. Is his brain flooded?

You don't have the strength to restrain a chicken, but you actually want to duel with Shi Guang. Isn't this just lighting up a lantern in the toilet to look for shit?

But regardless of whether Ao Yu was seeking death or not, everyone was excited. This was a great show.

On the one hand, he is the son of the vassal king of the imperial court, and on the other hand, he is the person who entrusts dreams to the Supreme Emperor.

No matter which one of the two parties dies, it will bring extremely shocking consequences.


In Prince Su's palace, Ao Ming frowned.

"This matter is not that simple. I'm afraid there is fraud in it." Ao Ming said.

Zhou Zha, the eldest son of Prince Su, said: "Ao Yu is completely angered. Today we wanted to beat him to death in the court. Princess Xiangxiang rushed out to protect him. Although she looked affectionate, Ao Yu was also very embarrassed. The ridicule hid behind the woman. Moreover, the emperor did not cancel the engagement. After this incident, Princess Xiangxiang would be guilty if she married Shi Guang. In addition, Shi Guang burned Ao Yu's house today. It seems that several of his family members were burned to death, and Ao Yu's brain got hot, and he had some clever tricks, so he proposed a fight to the death."

Ao Ming shook his head and said: "Shi Guang secretly sent someone to set the fire, but those burnt corpses may not be Ao Yu's family members. I always feel that there is fraud in this."

Prince Su said: "Ao Ming, you are too worried. Shi Guang's martial arts is more than a thousand times better than Ao Yu's. Let me ask you, according to your imagination, will there be any accidents in this duel? ?Is it possible that Shi Guang loses?"

Ao Ming said: "As for Ao Yu, no matter how careful you are, you will never be too cautious. This person is really incredible. -"

Prince Su said: "Should Shi Guang be asked to cancel this duel? He will definitely not agree."

"Of course not." Ao Ming said: "This is ultimately a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill Ao Yu in a fair and just way. But...if something goes wrong, it may not be a bad thing. In short, it will be completely beneficial to us."


In the mansion of Ning Huai'an, the admiral of the capital, the whole family was crying.

Their son was beaten to death, and his death was so miserable that Ning Huaian's wife almost cried to death.

"Go and seek revenge on them."

"You go to the queen, you go to the emperor, and bring the murderer to justice."

"Go and avenge Xu'er. Go and kill them all. Kill them all."

Ning Huaian's wife and mother cried loudly and hissed over and over again.

When Ning Huaian looked at his son's bloody corpse, his whole body trembled. All the veins in his body were bulging, and his whole body was rattling. He wanted to rush out and kill. Ao Yu was originally going to be beaten to death, but he turned out to be his son.

But revenge on whom?

The people who beat Ning Xu to death were all young officials in the court, and the young royals from Zongzheng Temple beat him the hardest. But it happened that these people were all allies of Ning Huaian, and the real enemies were Ao Yu and the people placed in the court by the Supreme Emperor.

They used a trick to replace Ao Yu with Ning Xu, and then were beaten to death.

The enemy is Ao Yu, the Supreme Emperor.

Ning Huaian felt as if his whole body was about to explode, filled with hatred.

"The Queen is here."

Immediately, the whole family went to greet the Queen.

"Queen, you have to make the decision for us!" The family knelt down and the two women cried in front of the queen again.

After the queen heard the bad news, she was heartbroken. Of course, it didn't mean that she loved her nephew very much. But this matter was a slap in the face to her. Why should Ning Xu be used instead of someone else when someone was trying to change things? Isn't it because he is the queen's nephew?

The queen said: "The real enemy who killed Ning Xu was Ao Yu."

Ning Huaian's wife said: "Queen, please give Ao Yu death."

If death can be granted, is there any need to wait until now? The Queen wanted to kill Ao Yu, not just once or twice.

"Ao Yu will die soon. Today at three o'clock, Ao Yu and Shi Guang will fight to the death in the capital ring," the queen said.

Ning Huaian was shocked and said: "Ao Yu and Shi Guang are dueling? How is this possible? Even if he is crazy, he will not do this. Isn't this asking for death?"

The queen said: "Whether he has a conspiracy or is just hot-headed, the result will be found soon."

Ning Huai was safe at home and immediately walked out of the house and went to the capital arena. They saw Ao Yusha with their own eyes!

Shi Guang hated Ao Yu so much that he would definitely cut him into pieces in the martial arts arena.


Within the palace.

Nangong mistakenly said: "Your Majesty, do you want to stop this duel?"

The emperor narrowed his eyes slightly and began to think.

Ao Yu is going to duel with Shi Guang, there must be something evil going on here.

According to normal martial arts, a hundred Ao Yu can't beat Shi Guang, and he will definitely be killed in one move. Could it be that Ao Yu is hot-headed, but he doesn't look like a hot-headed person.

Ao Yu is as cunning as a ghost, there must be a conspiracy here.

Monk Wuxin said: "Your Majesty, this reminds me of a very bizarre duel."

The emperor asked: "Which one?"

Monk Wuxin said: "The battle between Yun Zhonghe and Mo Qiu in the land of no owner. Mo Qiu was very strong in martial arts, but Yun Zhonghe had no power to tie a chicken. As a result, when the duel began, thunder fell from the sky and Mo Qiu was chopped to death. ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes shrank.

As the Governor of Black Ice Platform, Nangong Cuo had long thought of this duel, but he did not say it out loud.

The emperor sneered: "Will it happen again today? That would be interesting."

Then he glanced out the window. Since last night, the sky had been gloomy and thunderous.

But after the afternoon, the dark clouds actually dispersed. The sun had already come out, and there was no trace of thunder and lightning at all.

The emperor said: "Nangong Cuo, what do you think?"

Nangong Cuo said: "Ao Yu has many tricks, and he definitely wants to win by opportunism, so he takes risks. But in the end, he is still anxious. Today he took the risk of going to the court and risking being beaten to death by a group. In the final analysis, it is still For Princess Xiangxiang.”

Nangong Cuo's words were confused, but everyone could understand them.

Looking at today's situation, it was obvious that Ao Yu knew in advance that someone was going to beat him to death in the court today, because there was a secret chess piece of the Supreme Emperor in the court. Even though Ao Yu had a plan to subvert one's strengths and weaknesses, he might be beaten to death if he made even the slightest mistake.

But Ao Yu still came. In Nangong Cuo's view, this was because he wanted Shi Guang to commit a crime in public, and then let the emperor cancel the engagement between Princess Xiangxiang and Shi Guang.

But unexpectedly, Shi Guang was only nominally revoked from his position as the heir apparent, and the engagement remained as before.

Nangong Cuo said: "The wedding on the eighth day of August is getting closer and closer. Ao Yu is anxious, so he decided to take risks."

The emperor said: "I am asking you if you want to issue an order to cancel their duel."

It was obviously me who asked you, Your Majesty. Nangong thought for a moment and said, "I think this duel should be cancelled."

The emperor said: "Oh? Why?"

Nangong Cuo said: "These two people are of great importance. No matter which one dies, it may cause huge consequences."

Nangong Cuo's attitude did not satisfy the emperor.

The emperor sneered, but said nothing. He said calmly: "Then just pretend you don't know anything. If you don't agree, you won't object."


Jingcheng Haiwang Mansion.

Ao Ming said: "Your Majesty, Ao Yu is extremely cunning, and he has been to Rosemary Valley this time."

Shi Guangdao: "Rosdie Gu? We have a better relationship with Rosedie Gu than he does."

Ao Ming said: "Rosedie Valley only recognizes merit, not relationships, so we have to be on guard."

Shi Guangdao: "Do you think Ao Yu might use poison, a poison that can be used secretly?"

Ao Ming said: "Beware of all Ao Yu's possible tricks."

Shi Guang looked at the armor in front of him and couldn't help but said: "My martial arts is a thousand times better than his. If I put on this armor, wouldn't it make people laugh?"

The armor in front of him was really the most exaggerated armor Shi Guang had ever seen.

The whole body was completely wrapped tightly, and even the joints were covered with three layers of materials: crocodile skin, mail, and silk.

Even the eyes are not exposed, but are inlaid with two transparent crystals.

There was no mouth, no opening for the nose.

"Little prince, with your martial arts, it only takes a moment to kill Ao Yu, so it doesn't matter if you don't breathe for this little time." Ao Ming said: "But this armor is wrapped around the whole body and is airtight. It can not only prevent poison attacks , and can also prevent fire attacks.”

Prince Su said: "It can be said that this armor can prevent any hidden weapons, any sneak attacks, and any means of Ao Yu."

"It's so embarrassing." Shi Guang said: "People looked at it and thought I was afraid of Ao Yu. He obviously has no power to restrain a chicken."

Ao Ming said: "Little prince, what does it matter if you lose a little face in order to kill Ao Yu? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You must not lose it."

Shi Guanghan said: "Do you think I can't kill an Ao Yu? Killing him is easier than killing a dog."

Ao Ming said: "Little prince, be careful with the Wannian Ship."

People around him persuaded him, and Prince Zhenhai agreed to wear this unprecedented armor.

The effect on the boat is that of a completely airtight iron man, especially in this summer, it is really sweltering.

But Ao Ming is right, be careful when sailing the ten-thousand-year ship. Ao Yu, that thief, is too cunning.


In a certain underground secret room, Yun Zhonghe was checking his killer weapon for the last time.

There are exactly three sticks on the front, all in different schemes.

Zinc-manganese solution, lead-acid solution, zinc-silver solution.

Of course, these three solutions are all battery solutions. It took several months to create these three things.

In terms of cost, each one probably costs more than a few thousand taels, and they were all made by himself, based on the drawings of the computer in X Mental Hospital, completely made... a simplified version.

The killing weapon he wants to use is a high-voltage electric rod.

In modern society, a police electric baton costs hundreds of thousands of volts and only costs a few hundred yuan.

Moreover, the manufacturing principle is not difficult at all, and even the manufacturing principles of various batteries are not difficult. Many hands-on experts in the modern world can roll mobile phone batteries by themselves.

There are even many junior high school experiments. There are many TV programs that teach children some small scientific experiments, such as making a hand-cranked engine. For example, inserting two metal pieces into a cooked potato can be used as a battery to light up a light bulb. wait.

So in this world, Yun Zhonghe is asked to make a light bulb? That's so sorry, it's so hard to vacuum.

However, the requirements for high-voltage electric rods were not so precise, but even so, Yun Zhonghe spent several months to make a high-voltage electric rod that was several times larger than that of later generations.

It is a full 1.8 meters, with more than a dozen sets of batteries stuffed inside, as well as a mess of wires, each of which must be wrapped with insulation.

It’s really fatal! There is no way. The energy density cannot be the same as that of later generations. We can only rely on quantity.

So these three high-voltage electric rods are long, heavy, and thick.

Each one was wrapped in cowhide, and then connected to a sharp spear head. It was just a two-pronged spear head, more like a harpoon, and the two prongs were insulators, not complete steel.

So on the surface, these are exactly three long harpoon spears.

Who can tell that this is a high-voltage electric prod? Even people in this world don't know about high-voltage electric prods.

There are three in front. In terms of stability, the zinc-manganese solution is the most stable, the most powerful is the zinc-silver solution, and the easiest to make is lead-acid, but this thing contains concentrated sulfuric acid, and its stability is really weird.

Because time is so tight, these three weapons have only been tested twice in actual combat.

As a result... Yuan Tianxie was completely shocked.

That kind of taste is simply incomparable, and I feel like I am out of my mind in an instant.

Which one should you choose next? Yun Zhonghe hesitated for a moment and selected the most powerful high-voltage electric spear with zinc-silver design.

Holding this high-voltage electric shock spear in his hand, Yun Zhonghe closed his eyes and used Quantum No. 9 to simulate actual combat again in his mind.

To be honest, even if Yun Zhonghe had a powerful weapon, he would still be in danger in this duel. Although it was not a narrow escape, it was not that far off.

Because the opponent's martial arts skills were too strong, Shi Guang only needed less than 0.1 seconds to kill him.

For Yun Zhonghe's high-voltage electric shock spear, it doesn't work if the switch is pressed too early or too late. It must be accurate to about 0.1 seconds.

Moreover, it is necessary to calculate the direction and angle of Shi Guang's gun, which is not even close.

To block in advance, be prepared to press the electric shock switch.

In short, as long as there is a slight error, Yun Zhonghe's life is not guaranteed.

Therefore, without the actual combat simulation of Quantum No. 9, Yun Zhonghe would never risk his death, even if he had a big killer weapon in his hand.

The first actual combat simulation, the second time, the third time...

Yun Zhonghe has conducted such actual combat simulations hundreds of times.

Shi Guang's attack methods and attack routes have been calculated almost countless times.

"Sir, it's almost time."

Yun Zhonghe took a deep breath and walked outside, towards the capital arena.

Along the way, there were huge crowds of people.

Did word spread that fast?

Prince Zhenhai set out from the east, wearing an unprecedented full-coverage armor, ensuring that it could block any poisons and hidden weapons.

Yun Zhonghe was only wearing cloth clothes and no armor at all. There was no way. If he put on the armor, he wouldn't be able to walk, let alone wield this 1.8-meter high-voltage electric shock spear.

Moreover, even wearing armor could not block Shi Guang's spear.

Yun Zhonghe carried a spear on his back and walked slowly along the long street, his figure solemn and solemn.

The crowds on both sides looked at him with deadly eyes.

A gust of wind blew by, blowing Ao Yu's long hair. At this time, I really wanted to compose a poem: The wind is rustling and the water is cold. A strong man will never return when he is gone.

Damn, why do you say this every day?

On the contrary, Shi Guang's every step was murderous and domineering.

The two people met in the capital arena, and the place was crowded with thousands of people.


The capital arena is not specifically used for wrestling, but for martial arts examinations. It is used as an examination room at critical moments and used for martial arts competitions and singing in ordinary times.

There are thousands of seats here, and those ordinary people obviously can't get in. Those who can watch the duel here are all the nobles of the capital.

The emperor didn't come, nor did the queen. No one from the Privy Council or the cabinet came.

Because the imperial court cannot openly support such public duels, this is not a Western empire and there is no custom of duels.

But most of the nobles and nobles came, as did the royal family members, the cabinet ministers, and the sons of the Privy Council bosses.

Today's host is Prince Liang.

This is the oldest and oldest royal family in the Great Zhou Empire. He is eighty-seven years old this year, and he is considered the uncle of Emperor Tianyan.

After living to this age, there is nothing to be afraid of. Others dare not preside over this duel, but he dares.

"A martial arts contest, where swords and guns have no eyesight, first sign the certificate of life and death."

Yun Zhonghe and Shi Guang stepped forward and signed the life and death certificate in triplicate. Each of them keeps one share, and Prince Lao Liang keeps one share.

"No concealed weapons or poisons are allowed in the competition. Everyone is searched."

The two men spread their limbs and allowed themselves to be searched. They searched their entire bodies to make sure there were no hidden weapons.

"Check the weapons."

Both sides handed over their weapons, and four professional personnel carefully inspected the weapons of both sides.

Although Yun Zhonghe is a high-voltage electric shock spear, obviously no clues can be found during inspection. It is definitely a normal spear.

It's just that the person who inspected it was a little disdainful. Ao Yu's spear only weighed more than thirty kilograms at best. What the hell kind of weapon is it? It's like a harpoon. Are you fishing?

And Shi Guang's spear weighed eighty or ninety kilograms.

After everything has been checked!

"Both sides come on!"

Then, Yun Zhonghe and Shi Guang stepped onto the stage to the beat of the drums.

Shi Guang stepped forward and lightly jumped onto the three-meter-high arena. Yun Zhonghe buried his head and climbed up from the side steps.

Damn, the steps were so steep that Yun Zhonghe even had to use his hands and feet to climb up to the ring.

"Hahahaha..." The crowd burst into laughter.

"Uu, uh, Ao Yu, you are a disgraceful waste, you are a waste..." The noble disciples in the crowd laughed one after another.

The arena is only one foot high. You have to use your hands and feet to climb up. You are no better than a pig or a dog. You still want to duel with Shi Guang. You are really out of your mind. Otherwise, you were kicked in the court today. .

After coming to the ring, the two people faced each other ten meters apart.

Shi Guang was calm and relaxed, while Ao Yu was panting. This electric shock spear was too heavy. Thirty pounds was really fatal.

The high-voltage electric prods of later generations were less than one foot and weighed two or three kilograms.


The two contestants stood erect and motionless.


The two men took a step forward, spreading their legs in a fighting stance.

There are many more rules than in Borderlands. There is no other way. This is completely in accordance with the rules of the Wu Jinshi exam.

"Higher armor!"

Shi Guang was about to put on the headgear, but before putting on the headgear, Shi Guang whispered to Ao Yu: "After I kill you, I will make your skull into a urinal. After I get married to Princess Xiangxiang, I will Use this urinal and force her to use it too. You have never seen her body when you were alive. After you die, you can see it! And you put your skull urinal next to the bed and let you see it every day. Watch how I ravage her to death. You’re welcome, Ao Yu!”

Shi Guang had to say something. Not to mention that there was no chance. He was about to kill Ao Yu. He couldn't say it to the corpse.

After saying that, he put on his headgear.

Everyone was shocked. This armor was too exaggerated. The whole body was airtight. Even the eyes were inlaid with clear crystals.

Even if Ao Yu, a loser, tried to cut this kind of armor, even if he stood there motionless, he wouldn't be able to cut it.

Young Prince Shi Guang, do you need to be so careful? What you are facing is a helpless useless person.

"Arm up your weapons!"

Following the order, the two men took off the spears from their backs and held them in their hands.

Shi Guang's body arched slightly, and he was suddenly filled with terrifying murderous intent and terrifying tension, like a beast that could rush out like lightning at any time.

And Yunzhonghe? Holding a spear in his hand and bending his body, he was as ugly as a fat quail.

God, I can't imagine that there would be such a ridiculous duel. I can't imagine that there would be such a stupid person who would come here to seek death.

The two sides entered a brief confrontation period.

Everyone clearly heard the crackling sound coming from Shi Guang's body, and all the bones and joints were ringing, which was gathering strength.

As soon as the gong sounds, he will go into a murderous rage.

This force was so powerful that in an instant it didn't pierce Ao Yu, but completely tore his fat body into pieces.

For example, caught in a countdown.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and must not blink, because in the blink of an eye, the competition might be over and Ao Yu would be killed instantly.

Ao Ming couldn't help but look up at the sky. Will there be thunder or lightning that will kill Shi Guang?

Now the sun is setting in the west, the sky is completely clear and cloudless, and there is no possibility of thunder and lightning.

Therefore, the scene in Borderland where He Zhonghe killed Mo Qiu would never happen.

"five four three two one……"

"Time is up."

"Dang!" A gong sounded suddenly.

The duel has officially begun!

"Death!" Shi Guang roared loudly, like thunder.

Instead of thrusting out the spear, he suddenly jumped up several feet, pointed the hundreds of kilograms of spear in his hand at Ao Yu's body, and slammed it down.

This momentum is amazing.

He not only wanted to kill Ao Yu, but also wanted to beat him to pieces completely.


In an instant, like thunder from the sky, like a hurricane, Shi Guang's spear aimed at Ao Yu's body and slammed it down.

Although I have carried out countless actual combat simulations in my mind before, when it actually happened, it was still shocking.

But at this moment.

Yun Zhonghe entered a strange state, and the flow of time around him seemed to slow down, several times slower.

Shi Guang's speed was obviously as fast as thunder, but in Yun Zhonghe's eyes, it was indeed like slow motion in a movie.

Shit, shit, shit.

how so? He doesn't have this super power.

By the way, this was the hallucination and bizarre visual state I had when I was testing medicine in Rosemary Valley.

But... after testing the medicine, this special state ended. Why does it appear again now?

Could it be that this super power was activated when he was in dire straits?

Yun Zhonghe followed the previous actual combat simulation of Quantum No. 9 and thrust out his spear before Shi Guang jumped up, so he must attack in advance.

The stabbing was not fierce at all, it was sissy and sissy.

Didn't Shi Guang jump up suddenly?

The head of Yun Zhonghe's electric shock spear hit Shi Guang's crotch, but Shi Guang didn't care at all.

Because he was wearing iron armor all over his body, he had no need for defense at all. With Ao Yu's weak strength, he couldn't even scratch it when he was stabbed.

At this time, in Yun Zhonghe's field of vision, time became slower and everything became more slow-motion.

The head of the double-pronged gun was pressed against Shi Guang's crotch, and then he suddenly pressed the switch for high-voltage electric shock.

The unexpected high-voltage current suddenly shot out.

This is a silent, shadowless and terrifying electric current, without the electric light flowing in the movie.


Astonishing electric current passed through Shi Guang's body, and the first thing to be shocked was Shi Guang's crotch.

This... this is ultra-high-voltage current. This is the ultra-high-voltage current of more than a dozen zinc-silver battery packs. However, there is a lot of leather at the joints of Shi Guang's armor, which is not a complete metal and cannot form a Faraday electric cage effect.


Shi Guang let out an unprecedented scream.

The pain was unprecedented, and the whole person seemed to be out of his mind.

No matter how good your martial arts skills are, no matter how strong your internal strength is, can you withstand high-voltage current?

In an instant, Shi Guang fell violently in the air and fell hard to the ground.

Yun Zhonghe rushed forward, raised the high-voltage electric shock spear, still aimed at Shi Guang's crotch, stabbed wildly, and pressed the switch.

The silent high-voltage current hit Shi Guang's whole body violently, and the first thing that hit was his lifeblood.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

The shrill screams resounded throughout the sky. Shi Guang's whole body twitched crazily, and he was completely unable to move.

Yun Zhonghe stepped forward and took off his fully enclosed helmet with all his might.

I found Shi Guang's hair standing on end and foaming at the mouth.

Yun Zhonghe whispered: "Shi Guang, just because you want to marry Princess Xiangxiang, it's really a daydream. If you want to kill me, it's a daydream."

"Die, die!" Yun Zhonghe said cruelly, and with the double-pronged spear in his hand, he aimed at Shi Guang's eyes and stabbed him hard.

"Poof!" Shi Guang's head was instantly pierced.


Note: Sirs, please help me with the monthly vote list. I really want to be ranked sixth in the category, so I beg you all!

I recommended a book to a friend, "Big Brother Ordinary Brother", which is very interesting and interesting.

I'm going to lie down for a while and then write the second update! I have severe insomnia and am a bit unbearable.

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