First Player

Chapter 496 Chapter 494

No. 4 "You succeeded."

Shadow took his hand. At this time, time around him suddenly stopped. Sissi couldn't hear their exchange at this time.

"Don't rush to refute me. I know you are not Jiu Shen, but aren't you curious about why you came here?" The shadow said: "Future people."

Seeing this, Su Mingan realized something: "Did you get me to this timeline?"

"Yes." Shadow nodded: "...I am the envoy of God Nine."

"God Jiu turns out to have an envoy?"

Shadow smiled slightly: "I am the envoy of Nine Gods, but in this world where faith is monopolized by Bai Gods, I can only pretend to be an ordinary orphan and sneak in with the children.

Children are the purest and I can easily change their ideas.

When Sissi was little, I had been telling her various deeds of God Nine, so that she could change her mind subtly, and now... I finally succeeded. As long as I lie to her and say that you, who have been saving her, are Lord Jiu Shen, and make her believe in the existence of God Jiu, Jiu God will really wake up. So please don't deny me. "

Wonderful cause and effect.

When hearing these words, Su Mingan couldn't help but feel a little emotional about the rules of this dome.

Gods and humans are interdependent. They make agreements and trade with faith.

When people surrender their loyal faith, the gods who live by faith will truly appear in front of them and become what they need.

What Shadow has been doing is to make Siboer believe that Jiu Shen really exists. He deliberately caused the disaster to happen and made her lose her faith in Baishen.

If you believe it, you have it; if you don’t believe it, you don’t have it.

A simple sentence can be used in such a big way.

"...Do you think Lord Jiu Shen is an evil god, the evil side behind Lord Bai Shen?" Shadow said.

"Isn't it?" Su Mingan said.

Shadow laughed.

"No," he said. "On the contrary."

Listening to Shadow's words, Su Mingan felt a sense of absurdity rising.

He had a hunch that what Shadow was going to say next would seem to overturn all the information he had obtained so far.

"Lord Jiu Shen is the oldest guardian deity that exists in this dome." Shadow said.

"..." Su Mingan was a little surprised.

He had guessed that Jiu God did not exist, that Jiu God was the companion god of Bai God, and even that Jiu God was himself.

...But he never guessed that this Nine God existed from the very beginning.

He just never gained enough faith and never woke up.

On the contrary, Baishen is just a fictitious image of a god created by outsiders in order to control the people of Qiongdi.

"I understand." Su Mingan said: "Hundreds of years ago, alien beliefs invaded. They slandered God Nine, destroyed all cultural books about God Nine, and named him an evil god, thereby changing the belief of the entire sky - -In this way, outsiders who control the beliefs of the Qiongdi people can use their fictitious name of 'Hundred Gods' to do whatever they want. However, the real god 'Nine Gods' who have lost their faith has fallen into a deep sleep."

"You're very smart," Shadow said.

"However, soon after, the virtual image of Bai Shen also gained enough faith, and he would appear like a flash in the pan." Su Mingan said.

"Yes." Shadow said: "However, fiction is fiction after all. Baishen will soon turn into a barrier that covers the sky and die. After all, he is not a real god."

Su Mingan took a breath.

He really didn't expect that this God Nine was the real, ancient god. He was slandered by outsiders and his faith was taken away from him, so he remained asleep.

And Baishen... before He really appeared, they were just lies from outsiders.

People are good at making social distinctions using the concepts of "pollution" and "cleanliness". Human beings are naturally averse to the existence of disease, so naturally, this becomes a differentiating factor. If you want to exclude a certain type of people, the best way is to loudly announce that this type of people are sick and will cause pollution.

Therefore, outsiders announced that Jiu God would bring curses and disasters, and those who believed in Jiu God would cause pollution.

Then they succeeded, people no longer believed in Jiu God, and Jiu God fell into a deep sleep.

So in the future, in fact, Siboer, who is rejected by everyone, will be the only person in the sky with correct beliefs.

Su Ming'an remembered the way he saw Siboer when he first entered the dungeon, woke up, and pushed open the wooden door.

The vast, deep black sky lay behind her.

She is like a beating, bright fire in the dark night, stubbornly blooming the most dazzling brilliance in the darkness.

——As if he was fighting this dark world silently with his own strength.

At that time, she

It is indeed against the world.

Shadow raised his hand, time returned to its normal flow, and Sissi opened her eyes.

She was too weak now, and the curse in her body was suppressed, making it difficult for her to even speak.

"Sibur." Shadow said, "Do you want to live?"

"You..." Sissi doesn't understand, who is her childhood playmate who has always behaved extremely low-key, this shadow... this orphan who was picked up by her parents and has always been by her side?

"You have also seen that Lord Baishen does not favor you." Shadow said:

"He announced that you would be thrown into the lava to worship the gods. He is not a god who should be trusted at all.

As long as you believe in Jiu Shen, Lord Jiu God can save you. "

"What should I do?" Siboer said blankly.

"If you want to believe in God Nine..." Shadow stood in front of her and looked at her.

"Siboer, you have to stick to your faith in God Jiu for the rest of your life." Shadow said.

["But I can't give up my faith in Nine Gods." Siboer shook his head: "Sorry, this is the only one that won't work.\

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