First Evolution

Vol 2 Chapter 26: The real motivation for tooth decay!

Why Fang Linyan got S's evaluation is because he walked out of a blind spot in his thinking.

The task given by Puppet Space is to put him directly on the opposite side of the hijacker. Therefore, even if it is Fang Linyan himself, at first, he will take it for granted that what he is doing is right, and of course he is a hero.

But in fact, Fang Linyan entered in advent mode, and this body's hidden identity in this world is the deputy leader of the terrorist group Al Qaeda 7th Armed Forces!

So, what he did was not to do justice but to abandon the dark and cast the light.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, space also gives a lot of tips in this regard:

First of all, when Fang Linyan gave this body introduction at this time, in fact, there were already implicit hints.

的 His name is Jerry Lin. Twenty-three-year-old, the economic situation has been very poor and belongs to the bottom of the society. He once worked as a repairman. His family looks thousands of kilometers away. The reason for this visa is travel.

介绍 This introduction doesn't seem to be a problem, but as long as you pay attention to it, you can find that the character actually has two major doubts. The first is to have the basic shooting LV2, and the second is to have the tag: golf LV2.

Shooting and golf seem to be incompatible, but they have one thing in common: they need to be rich and have leisure, and they need long-term and continuous practice.

The marksmanship is fed by bullets. Although the United States has legal gun shops and shooting ranges, it is expensive. The price of an ordinary bullet is about 2 ~ 5. If you go to the shooting range to practice once, a few Hundred dollars is really easy to evaporate.

Basic shooting needs to reach the level of LV2, at least it also requires a week of intensive training and a large number of shots!

Not to mention golf, which is claimed to be a noble's sport, but also a burning job.

为什么 Why can Jerelin, who has a poor economic situation, achieve some results in these two aspects? That needs to be piled in US dollars, so obviously it must have an external cause!

Of course, based on this alone, it is too arbitrary to say that Jerry Lin is a terrorist, but it is undeniable that this is a big doubt.

The second doubt is that after the terrorists on the plane were conspired by Jerelin, the expressions on each face were very complicated. In the end, they became furious without exception, including the parasitic mutant. In this way, the hatred was firmly locked on Fang Linyan.

Everyone's dressing habits are different. As an Asian, Fang Linyan is completely different from Jerelin, who is deeply influenced by local culture in various aspects such as aesthetics. Therefore, at the beginning, the associates did not recognize the appearance He changed a lot, and when he recognized it, he had no chance to say it.

Fang Linyan had no time to take care of these details when he was about to die, but now I think, why are those people's hatred so crazy and persistent?

It was because they deeply felt the stigma and pain of betrayal. They thought that the failure of this operation was the betrayal of Jerehlin! The traitor must die!

If neither of these two points of doubt can explain the problem, then the third point of doubt is even more obvious. Terrorist organizations can be said to have planned this operation for a long time, and basically all the details have been taken into account.

According to Fang Linyan's inference at that time, the first-class cabin was an important channel connecting the cockpit and the ordinary cabin, and the key place to control the aircraft should be at least two terrorists echoing each other.

事实上 But in fact, from the beginning to the end, Fang Linyan only came out of the middle-aged man who seemed to be weak but actually powerful. Now it seems that Fang Linyan's inference is not wrong! !! There are indeed two terrorists in the first class. The second terrorist is Fang Linyan himself!

The three major doubts are combined, so Fang Linyan feels that he is a terrorist, at least 80%, especially how he can't forget the resentful expression of the man and woman shot by himself in the first class. Describe the hatred that will linger for thousands of years.

In this case, of course, Fang Linyan has to take a gamble. Fortunately, a small probability event has not occurred, and his judgment is correct, so he also got a generous return.


At this time, Fang Linyan felt that he had been carried on the stretcher by several people, his body was shaking, and there were a lot of noisy sounds in his ears, as if there were a lot of red and blue stains shaking in front of him. And ambulance lights.

"....... this person is very badly injured, let one let, let one let!"

"He is a hijacker! Be careful!"

"No, although he tried to hijack, but without him, those people should have succeeded. He is not a criminal. He is the messenger God sent to save our lives !!"


After hearing these arguments, a smile appeared on the corner of Fang Linyan's mouth, and then he felt a slight pain in his neck. Immediately, the injection was injected. The hallucinations and cold sensations suddenly dissipated. It should have been injected directly. Needling epinephrine took him out of dying state ~ ~ Then, a series of data appeared on his retina.

"Do you want to receive the main task: Reversing the task reward of history?"

"Hint: You have 142 hours, five minutes and forty-seven seconds before the deadline to leave this world. You will leave this world within one minute after receiving the reward for this mission. Do you want to receive the main mission: Reverse historical mission rewards? Yes / No. "

Fang Linyan stayed a while. He had always had a doubt in his mind before, and that was the fangs of a senior contractor, why did he run into such a world that was judged to have the power to crush the rest.

Although Fang Linyan is unfamiliar with this mysterious space, from the milestones he obtained this time, as well as the evaluation of the main task, it can be seen that the principle it adheres to is very simple, that is, the harvest is directly proportional to the difficulty.

The milestone in the back row turned out to be a death fight with the rest of the contractor to get it!

Mainline task: Reversing the evaluation of history is also linked to difficulty.

Therefore, it is not difficult to deduce that the tusks that are far superior to the rest of the people came here, in fact the profit should be very poor, and there is a clear reminder before entering the world that tusks seem to use it to enter here. One called: Amnesty Order for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland! This thing shouldn't be cheap, so he's obviously deliberate and deliberate for a long time.

So what was his motivation for doing this?

Yan Fanglinyan now seems to have gotten some answers. That is, it seems that after completing the main task, you can stay in the world for a long time, more than 100 hours, and if you can free up time before, there will be almost a week to pick up some private work!

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