Female Campus Agent

Chapter 287 Detonator wire, not that one

"If you don't want to die, just get out of my way!" Yun Jian's eyes suddenly became sharp, and she raised her voice and shouted, those deep pupils seemed to have shocking magic power.

The experts who stopped Yun Jian from disarming the bomb were all stunned.

No one expected that a little girl who looked so innocent would suddenly protest and shout.

"There's no time left. If you keep stalling, well, it's better for us to die now!" Yun Jian suddenly stretched out her hand, and a butterfly knife appeared between her fair and slender fingers.

As she spoke, she was about to throw her knife at the time bomb that was still counting down.

Everyone present raised their voices.

No one expected that Yun Jian would make such a move.

She actually threatened them!

You must know that the most difficult thing to do with a time bomb is that if you accidentally move it, it is very likely to explode in advance.

"No! Stop! Stop! We agreed!" Faced with Yun Jian's close threat, even the expert who just refused and mocked Yun Jian as to how a little girl could defuse a bomb couldn't help shouting come out.

No one here is not afraid of death, everyone is afraid of death.

But when faced with immediate death or leaving life and death to a little girl who might still have hope.

Everyone wisely chose the latter.

What's more, there is no better way now.

A group of face-loving bomb disposal experts have delayed the final evacuation for the sake of so-called face.

When Yun Jian heard this, she put away the butterfly knife, and then she walked to the time bomb.

The countdown stopwatch of the time bomb is still beating rapidly with numbers, and now it displays -


In other words, there are only three minutes left before the bomb explodes.

Three minutes, for her, just sitting down and drinking a glass of water to moisten her throat was enough to dismantle the time bomb device.

Because this AK4 time bomb came from her ancient killing mercenary group.

If she wasn't familiar with it, who else would be able to defuse this bomb?

However, when Yun Jian reached out to defuse the bomb, the hearts of everyone present tightened.

But he saw the girl's petite body leaning forward. She stretched out her hand and opened the detonator with dexterous fingers.

At this time, what was exposed in front of everyone's eyes were several alternating red, yellow and blue detonator wires.

All bomb disposal experts can do the detonator removal step that Yun Jian did before.

But only the following step is the most difficult to choose in the process of bomb disposal.

There are so many red, yellow and blue detonator power supplies mixed together. Choosing the correct wire to cut is like winning a lottery ticket.

Without cutting, the bomb cannot be deactivated.

If you want to cut it, which one should be cut?

Just now, bomb disposal experts have been reluctant to take action because no one knows what the internal detonator device of this AK4 time bomb is.

If you reach out to cut it and cut it wrongly, then the time bomb will automatically explode before the time has passed. When you cut it on the spot, it will cause a direct explosion due to the short circuit of the detonator.

So it's a hard choice.

Success or failure, whether or not this time bomb can be deactivated, lies within this cut!

The moment everyone held their breath, they saw that Yun Jian had already picked up a pair of scissors. She hooked out a yellow detonator wire from the innermost part and reached out to cut it.

"Wait! That wire is definitely not the correct wire!" One of the bomb disposal experts couldn't stand it anymore, and he stopped Yun Jian.

"We have just determined that this yellow wire is definitely not the correct wire!" The bomb disposal expert explained to Yun Jian with what he thought was a unique insight, and then he continued,

"After all, you are not a real bomb disposal expert, and we have been defusing bombs for so many years and have more experience than you, so of course you have to listen to our opinions..."

The bomb disposal expert wasn't done yet. Yun Jian looked at him with curved lips, "Really?"

The next second, she used the scissors, and the scissors were placed right on the yellow wire.

When she cut it, the yellow wire broke.

"You, you want to kill us, don't you!" The expert who had just spoken to Yun Jian in a lecturing tone instantly darkened his face.

Everyone's expressions were full of fear.

According to experts, the Yunjian was cut wrong?

"Didi..." At this moment, the countdown stopwatch of the time bomb suddenly chirped violently.

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