Female Campus Agent

Chapter 2663 The Arrogant Emperor is here and continues to seek death (Leng Mei Emperor is here 3)

Leng Mei heard the full meaning of ridicule in Di Lin's words.

Leng Mei could hear that the words Di Lin said were filled with ridicule and contempt.

Leng Mei was not a weak woman. She fiercely shook off Di Lin's hand that was holding her tightly. She suddenly glared at Di Lin and said:

"Don't worry, I won't disgrace my father. I will find a man who can hold your blood doll organization up."

After saying that, Leng Mei turned around and returned to the dinner party.

For some reason, when he heard Leng Mei's last words, Di Lin's heart trembled and he felt unhappy for a moment.

Very unhappy!


Leng Mei was angered by what Di Lin said. At this time, she was walking back to the dinner party.

We were just halfway through when a commotion suddenly came from the dinner party.

Leng Mei paused, suddenly having a bad premonition.

She stepped up and rushed back to the dinner party crazily.

From afar, she saw her godfather, who had raised her as his own daughter since childhood, lying unconscious in the crowd...


Di Lun is dead.

His death came earlier than he expected. In the end, the God of Death took his life without letting him wait until he could marry Leng Mei safely.

The dinner ended with Di Lin making an appearance.

The next few days were spent arranging the funeral for Di Lun.

Leng Mei has always been apathetic and often sits in front of her godfather Di Lun's grave for whole days.

In Leng Mei's heart, she already regarded Di Lun as her biological father.

Perhaps for them, it is closer than the relationship between real family members.

Leng Mei has been without a father or mother since she was a child. Di Lun's father's love is the driving force for Leng Mei's survival.

But to Di Lun, Leng Mei is a daughter whom everyone sees as his beloved wife.

Leng Mei has been decadent for half a year.

In the past six months, too many things have happened.

Di Lin replaced Di Lun and successfully became the leader of the Blood Doll organization.

In just half a year, the Blood Doll Organization led by Emperor Lin has grown from a small organization in Southeast Asia to a smaller organization, and successfully counterattacked to become the third largest killer organization in Southeast Asia.

This also means that in the near future, under the leadership of Di Lin, the achievements of the Blood Doll Organization will reach a new level!

It can't be restricted by the title of Southeast Asia's third-ranked killer organization.

Di Lun's death did not seem to have any impact on Di Lin, his biological son.

It's Leng Mei, who can't sleep without eating every day.

Leng Mei was disheartened half a year after Di Lun's death.

Before she could repay Di Lun, the man who raised her and treated her as his own daughter, he died.

Leng Mei planned to leave.

Of course, before leaving, she went to find Di Lin.

Di Lin is Di Lun's son after all, and she can no longer repay Di Lun's kindness to her. Fortunately, she plans to repay Di Lun's kindness to Di Lin.

"You want to leave." Di Lin was sitting in the study, and when he saw Leng Mei coming to see him, he asked aloud.

"Yeah." Leng Mei nodded without looking at Di Lin.

"Father is gone. I want to ask you if there is anything you need my help with," Leng Mei said.

Di Lin was not stupid, and he could tell what Leng Mei meant as soon as he heard it.

"Do you want to repay the favor?" Di Lin laughed.

Leng Mei didn't respond, which was regarded as acquiescence.

"As long as I can help you, I will do my best." Leng Mei was silent for two seconds and then said.

"Satisfy you." Di Lin stood up from his seat and strode to Leng Mei. He kicked down the books on the desk, turned Leng Mei over with one hand, and pressed her down on the desk.

With the other hand, he tore off Leng Mei's lower pants, with the same coldness as before:

"You have to repay your kindness and satisfy you. I need a woman to sleep with me. As long as you agree, my father's kindness will be wiped out."

By the time he finished speaking, Di Lin had already pulled off Leng Mei's last trousers, took off all his lower body, lifted her beautiful legs, and then...

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