Female Campus Agent

Chapter 196 Bandaging the Wound, Shaking the Woman

At such a critical juncture, no one dared to resist those gangsters with watermelon knives.

Everyone thought that it would be better for them to avoid all this, but no one thought that those gangsters were not very skilled characters, and even if they had practiced, there were only four of them!

There should be thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people fleeing for their lives in the shopping mall!

Among the thousands of people, there are quite a few men in their prime of life.

But no one dared to stand up against the gangsters who slaughtered innocent people.

In times of crisis, people's hearts have the most fundamental manifestation.

But in the end, it was only this underage girl who seemed to be under 18 years old who stood up and rescued everyone!

While everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they couldn't help looking at Yun Jian with dumbfounded eyes.

"Xiao Jian...you..." Qin Yirou was already stunned by the scene of Yun Jian's murder just now.

Her daughter, her always sensible and well-behaved daughter, actually killed someone!

Her Xiaojian actually killed people!

Killing people is against the law!

"Mom." Yun Jian took a step closer to Qin Yirou, she shouted and held Qin Yirou's trembling hand, "Mom, in this situation just now, if I don't kill them, we will die."

Qin Yirou looked at Yun Jian, trembling all over, she opened her mouth full of doubts about Yun Jian's behavior just now, but in the end she didn't ask anything.

What Yun Jian said is correct, not to mention from a legal point of view, if you kill the other party when your life is threatened, it is considered an act of self-defense and you will not be sentenced to any punishment.

"Xiaojian, you, your hands are still bleeding! Mom will take you to the hospital! Let's go to the hospital and get bandaged!"

Qin Yirou suddenly felt wet dripping on the back of her hand. She lowered her head and saw the blood on Yun Jian's arm flowing down even more violently. All kinds of things, immediately pulled Yunjian and walked out.

"Mom, wait." A sharp light flashed in Yun Jian's beautiful eyes, and she patted the back of Qin Yirou's hand to express her comfort.

Qin Yirou was indeed stunned. She had never encountered that kind of scene in her life.

Yun Jian, on the other hand, tore off the corners of her clothes at will, and tore them into a rectangular bandage shape. Then, she bit the temporary bandage made of the cloth of the clothes, and used to wrap the temporary bandage on the wound on her arm under the eyes of everyone. .

The wound wasn't too deep for Yun Jian, but the bone in the flesh could already be seen through the incision.

Yun Jian took it in a daze without blinking an eye.

Everyone is also very surprised.

With such a deep wound, let alone a little girl, even if it was placed on an adult, who can bandage her own wounds like her so habitually?

The speed of bandaging seems to be practiced very proficiently? How old is she!

Just when everyone thought of this, Yun Jian had already bandaged the wound, and she raised her leg and walked step by step towards the steps from the first floor to the second floor.

Seeing Yun Jian, who had just killed the gangster, go upstairs, the group of people on the second, third, and fourth floors were somewhat frightened.

So when Yun Jian came over, a group of people automatically squeezed to the side desperately, making way for Yun Jian consciously.

Until finally Yun Jian came to a corner and pulled out a luxuriously dressed woman from the corner.

"You, what are you doing..." The woman looked at Yun Jian in fear. As soon as she saw Yun Jian, she thought of Yun Jian's appearance when she just killed someone, and her heart trembled with fear.

This woman was the chief culprit who pulled Qin Yirou as a meat pad and injured Yun Jian when she ran away.

"I don't plan to do anything." Yun Jian looked at the woman with a smile.

She smiled strangely, and in the next second, she slapped the woman's face hotly, making a loud noise in a place where no one dared to make noise.


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