Female Campus Agent

Chapter 137 Intelligence News, Extreme Casino

After Yun Jian reported the code, the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, and a deep and strange female voice rang out: "What instructions do you have?"

From the sound, Yun Jian knew that this person was Diane, the intelligence team leader of her ancient killing mercenary group.

Diane is the leader of the Gusha mercenary group, and the information searched by the intelligence team she leads has always been accurate.

Many business tycoons in the world have bought information from Diane at high prices, and the price has risen to hundreds of millions of dollars. The bidders are just to buy an exact information.

In the financial income of the Gusha mercenary group, the intelligence team occupies a place.

This is also inseparable from the leadership of the intelligence team leader Diane.

"Help me find someone..." Yun Jian relayed her location and the course of the incident in English.

After a while, Diane found the information and reported it to her.

In fact, as long as Yun Jian uttered the string of coded words just now, Diane already knew that Yun Jian was her superior.

It's just that the people in the intelligence team have always been tight-lipped, and they never ask about this kind of thing. They only search for information, but tell the other party.

Until Yun Jian cut off the phone and handed the phone back to Zhang Shaofeng, Zhang Shaofeng and Ling Yichen were still dumbfounded.

They couldn't understand what Yun Jian said at all, they only knew that she called a foreigner and the two were talking in English.

But at this critical moment, what is she doing calling a foreigner?

Seeing that Yun Jian had already lifted her foot and walked forward, the two quickly followed her footsteps.

Yun Jian slightly curled her lips, she stretched out her hand to pull the loose strands of hair behind her ears, and said, "They kidnapped Xinyi in a car, license plate number Long A 50855."

"How do you know the license plate number?" Ling Yichen exclaimed.

Yun Jian just made a phone call, how could she even find out the other party's license plate number?

This is not scientific!

The two were surprised and terrified.

Yun Jian just smiled lightly.

The members of the intelligence team of the Gusha Mercenary Corps are distributed all over the world, and the number of them is countless.

In other words, it is very likely that an acquaintance of yours is a member of the intelligence organization of the Gusha Mercenary Group, hiding in the urban area or between cities.

And his duty is to search for changing information all the time.

What's more, the intelligence team doesn't just rely on manpower to collect intelligence, they can use any electronic product, and even use mobile phones to enter a wide range of system hackers to search and locate in the shortest possible time.

However, common vehicles in the range area are excluded, and the result is finally obtained.

"Then we only know the license plate number now, how can we find Xinyi?" Zhang Shaofeng asked the key point.

Yun Jian narrowed her eyes and turned her head to the side. The girl's eyebrows twitched, and she said coldly: "According to the license plate number, I'm afraid I can't find the other party's address?"

According to the license plate number, ordinary people cannot find the home address of the owner of the car.

However, the public security organs of some departments can search for it.

But don't forget that there is another category of people who can-hackers.

Yun Jian himself was a hacker himself.

She is proficient in computer programs, assassination and blasting.

However, the home address of the owner of the license plate number for this query does not need Yun Jian to check, Diane has already told her.

It's just that these Yunjian didn't explain much to Zhang Shaofeng and Ling Yichen, and it's not suitable to explain these now.

"Then where is Xinyi now?" Zhang Shaofeng just wanted to know this.

Yun Jian took a step forward with her slender legs, then paused and said, "Extreme Casino."

The best casino is the number one casino in Longmen City, and it is also the darkest and most terrifying underground black market in the eyes of the common people.

PS: A little revealer. The heroine's own father... ahem, coming out... ahem, please vote.

In addition, the plot of this article is all edited, and the postgraduate entrance examination party is merciful~ oh~ the picture is just a refreshing one, haha~ meh~

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