Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 109 Prelude to the Finale

The power of the Eye of Infinity triggered changes in the imaginary space and completely collapsed Hades. The vast world opened up by Anubis quickly collapsed towards the singularity where Menes’ eyes converged, just like pulling out a broken D from a table to cover the tabletop. Like a tablecloth, countless substances were torn by gravity and collapsed towards the singularity.

The earth was torn into a huge plate, and then collapsed into smaller fragments as big as a mountain, which was involved in the black hole and disappeared, and a tornado composed of materials formed around the huge black hole, blocking the giant hand from Menis. in front of.

Anubis' body came from the invisible sky: "Useless struggle!"

His giant hand grasped slightly, and the divine words resounded like thunder: "These three moments, there are eighteen thousand three hundred kinds of results, all under the cover of my divine power, as I observe, there are three more after this divine word." There are 19,000 kinds of results, of which 25,000 are for those who die without a burial place, and 8,000 are for those who linger on their last legs... Imerton, you don't know what is the biggest difference between me and your false gods? "

"God, the omniscient and omnipotent!"

The giant hand in the sky continued to press down, and Anubis' palm seemed to turn into a black dome, and the void began to collapse under the pressure. Even if the huge black dome formed by the space collapse launched by Menes with all his strength was in front of this force, it was nothing more than a black dome. A futile resistance that is about to collapse at the touch of a touch.

Kasekamwei fully activated his ability, he tried to trace the past and future of that giant hand, but no matter how he went back, the giant hand in the sky seemed to be pressing down on them forever, Kasekamwei changed In one way, he began to activate his ability to seek Menis's strongest future state. From the special perspective of the long river of time, he saw Menis' future entrenched on the timeline like a winding snake, all kinds of The future projection of the mighty Menes appeared behind the present Menes.

Kasekamwei stretched out his hand towards the most powerful possible projection of the future of Menis in his perception...

But before he touched her, that projection shattered like a bubble! Followed by the second statue and the third statue, in Kasekamwei's sight, the shadow representing the future of Menis disappeared in a large area, the volume of huge information in the future is rapidly shrinking, and the infinite possibilities are collapsing. Countless possible futures of Menis have been obliterated.

The timeline he can touch is getting closer and closer. Hundreds of years later, decades later, the time distortion projection like a long river has shrunk to a small section, and the rest of the future is covered by Anubis. Among the possibilities of the future, Anubis killed Menes, overwriting the timeline in which she survived.

Kasekamwe finally saw the tip of the iceberg of Anubis. What he revealed was not only the giant hand covering the sky in the sky, but also the infinite timeline, which almost covered Kasekamwe from this moment. All possible possibilities.

Omniscience is omnipotence!

The great power of a god does not lie in his destructive power and energy, but in the information he includes and covers his own information. Whoever possesses more and covers a longer timeline is the more powerful god. When he fought against the four gods before, Anubis had covered enough information. He had mastered all the variables of the abilities of the four gods and controlled all their possibilities.

So when he took the initiative to close the world line, any possibility of Menis was under his control, any resistance from them, any variable of related information, could not escape the control of Anubis, he was like including The huge Y-shadows that killed four gods, Anubis already knows everything about them.

Now the only ones that can exceed the variable of Anubis are Imerton, who has never made a move, and Chen Ang, who is hiding behind the eyes of Menis.

Only if they are not within the scope of Anubis' omniscience and omnipotence, can they expand a timeline variable that is not controlled by Anubis in a short period of time, and they have enough possibilities to turn the tables.

The time Anubis reserved for the gods is three seconds. In this short period of three seconds, if there are no new variables beyond Anubis' control, then three seconds later, Menes and the other four will Will be slapped to death by Anubis, the four gods have been included in Anubis' omniscience, and any resistance from them is expected by Anubis.

However, Anubis still did not take it lightly, because there are still two important factors that need to be controlled. One is Imerton. Anubis failed to cover Imerton with information, and huge variables may occur at any time. The second is The eyes of Menis, He already knew that Chen Ang and others were hiding in the world behind the eyes of Menis, but the variables other than this information were like a fog that could not be resolved.

In the first second... the huge black D collapsed in the imaginary space and shattered under the giant hand.

The second second... Menis looked desperately at the hand of Anubis who had reached above their heads, and the time distortion point was mercilessly torn apart by Anubis, but Imerton remained silent, as if ignoring the hand that was on his head any time. It could be a fatal blow, and his variable never interfered with the occurrence of all this. Sekai burned his original sin and launched a desperate revenge on Anubis.

With the revenge accumulated for 2,500 years, he rushed to Anubis with the despair of Sekai.

Because I really felt it, but never got the slightest bit of maternal love, the endless hatred of the gods, with the distorted original sin, launched a desperate revenge, just to make use of the sins caused by the gods to create a woman who can completely master the gods The "sin" leak in the soul database, countless souls in the underworld gathered their grievances against the gods in the long river of time into a huge sin distortion, which was locked on Anubis by Sekai.

The huge sin distortion from endless souls brings together the desperate obsessions of countless souls. At that moment, the variable information of sin distortion expands violently. Even the tiniest soul has miracles that the gods cannot grasp. These bits and pieces When miracles come together, they can produce qualitative changes that even the gods fear.

beyond their control.

But such sins have possibilities beyond the omniscient knowledge of Anubis, which the Sekaimbu, which guides them, does not.

His every move is covered by Anubis' information. The powerful original sin distortion has not damaged Anubis's fur, but was eliminated by Anubis, just like the oldest and most basic one. It is the same as an Internet virus that attacks the target computer by creating a large amount of junk information.

The resentment of countless souls in the Hades towards the gods caused sins that were indeed enough to pollute the godhood, but Sekai Mibu, who guided this power, was easily blocked by people from passing through Anubis' sins.

In the third second... Saikai Mibu was backlashed by the original sin and almost self-destructed, the future observed by Kasekamwei was covered, Semekite waited to die, Imerton still watched himself waiting for others to die indifferently, Menis had already despair.


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