Minghe waded through the Daxue Mountains for three days before walking out of this vast wasteland. At the end of Duoxiongla Snow Mountain, he headed towards southern Tibet. On the road, he could see the stone path that porters and horse captains had stepped on for many years. This road has been by the side of the river since ancient times. The main road to Tibet is called the Ancient Tea-Horse Road because most of the tea leaves in Sichuan are brought to Tibet by horse teams.

Along the way, the men and women in the Styx River had a thin layer of ice between their eyebrows. They looked white-haired and bearded, and they were very clumsy. He wore Taoist robes in the cold plateau, and occasionally encountered horse teams on the road, so they dared to go far away. Know that he is not mortal.

When you arrive in Medog, there will be more people. Medog is an important town on the ancient tea-horse road. It is not uncommon for Han business travelers to come and go. Therefore, a Taoist priest in Minghe is not eye-catching. Tibetan nobles often come here to buy tea in Sichuan. Silk materials, in the ancient town, the caravans come and go, the Chinese guards with ponies, lamas and Tibetans, shoulder to shoulder, with a different attitude from other places.

There are a lot of businessmen walking around here, all of them are very discerning. A Taoist priest of Styx is here alone, and they themselves are a little grumbling in their stomachs, and they dare not provoke them easily, especially in the high and cold climate here, Styx only wears a light Taoist robe , It makes the discerning people secretly afraid, and restrains the subordinates from making mistakes.

The more this is said, the more emboldened the person who dares to cause trouble.

There was a Tibetan noble girl next to her. Seeing Styx's extraordinary behavior, her eyes lit up. She was dressed in ordinary Tibetan clothes. Now, no one dares to provoke them at will, and the group of people is not like a traveling noble, but like a fleeing team.

Next to the aristocratic girl, a burly man with stretched muscles and muscles leaned into the girl's ear and said in a low voice, "Little master, we are here to ask Lama Sangbuza to get rid of that devil this time."

"The master's life is at stake. Huo Kang's house name and the glory of his ancestors are all tied to the young master. Although this Han man has some skills, we don't know his details...don't provoke him easily!"

The girl said angrily: "The Great Lama Sangbuza wants me to marry his good-for-nothing nephew. I, Apa, only have one daughter. If I marry him, will the house name of the fief be Huo Kang or Sangbuza? The Great Lama Buza just wants to take the opportunity to annex our family!"

"I heard that the aliens and powerful people of the Han people like to help the weak and eradicate the evil the most. If they are asked to help, even if they ask for a high reward, the Han people can't swallow our fief. Compared with greed The Great Lama Sangbuza is more reliable."

What the girl said made the strong man silent for a while, unable to refute.

The Tibetan aristocratic girl greeted her around, and was about to step forward to the Styx River, when suddenly there was a shout of chanting loudly not far away.

A Tibetan lama surrounded by servants,

He passed by the main road in the town, and he sat high on a platform carried by four health slaves. There were curtains covering the four sides, and the curtains were covered with red coral the size of a thumb, as well as glass, gold, and silver. , Tridacna, agate, crystal, and amber inlaid, the end is extremely luxurious and resplendent.

There were dozens of slaves opening the way, lighting musk, sandalwood, ambergris, and qinan. When Tibetans on both sides of the road saw it, they hurriedly knelt on both sides, kowtowed and dared not look directly. It was a Han Chinese caravan. Also hastily avoided to the two sides, only Styx glanced at the large group of people indifferently, and still walked on his own.

Styx was holding a cold moth in his hand to play with. The cold moth carved from ice jade was like a icy jade. It really looks like a handle.

When the high platform where the lama was sitting passed in front of Styx, he suddenly stopped, and a Tibetan with a machete hurriedly ran into the curtain, and listened to the lama's instructions in Tibetan, and then the curtain continued to swing. Going forward, the big Tibetan man who crossed the sword stood in front of Minghe and stopped him. Not far away, the servant of the Tibetan girl said in a low voice: "It's the uncle of the regent Poluo Nai, the Great Lama Yundanyinbu .”

"The Han people are too courageous! The Great Lama Yundan Hungbu is the owner of the house of Medog, and he is protected by the Potala Palace. No matter how powerful he is, one of the servants of the Great Lama Yundan Hungpo can order him. Little Master, it's better not to provoke such a person who can't afford it for him!"

The aristocratic girl bit her lower lip, looking extremely unwilling, and watched the servant of the Grand Lama Yundan Hungpo shouting to Minghe in strange Chinese: "Han Chinese! The Grand Lama Yundan Hungbu has taken a fancy to your hand." The jade worm in the tree, if you offer the jade worm, you will be blessed by the great lama! If you refuse, the Buddha will punish you."

"I'm afraid it's the Buddha's punishment, but the Great Lama Yundan Hungbu!" someone whispered beside him.

The Tibetan seemed to take it for granted. Although the Great Lama Yundan Hungbu was not a living Buddha with powerful mana, his nephew, the regent Poluo Nai, was the most powerful person in Tibet, the owner of the Potala Palace, Of all the living Buddhas and lamas in Tibet, except for those living Buddhas who have the most supernatural powers and have been reincarnated dozens of times, no one dares to give him face.

But Styx didn't think there was anything special about the regent Po Luo Nai, nor did he think that there was anything special about the Potala Palace in Tibet. Since he came into this world, he had never seen such a lifeless thing .

When he came to Tibet, he didn't have much good intentions, and there was still a lot of lack of big positions in the God and Demon Map. Unexpectedly, before he could find trouble with those Living Buddhas, someone without eyes would come to him. What's the difference? How many people in Zhongtu Overseas heard the word Styx, and they were already terrified and terrified all day long. Even a first-class stubble like Emei wanted to invite Chen Ang to discuss it, and many divine monks came together.

Today is the first time I have seen a lama with no more than a third-rate magic power dare to put on airs and forcefully ask for a cold locust.

Didn't Styx know that it was better for him to be bold? It's better to live or die! The population of Tibet is only one hundredth of that of Ming Dynasty, and there are many overseas countries that surpass it. In terms of national strength, it is even worse. In history, they were repeatedly beaten by Mongols, and Mongolia was conquered by Jurchen. Today, about half of the Jurchen's hundreds of thousands of tribes were designed by Styx to refine them into demon corpses.

Dorgon burned, killed and looted on the Mongolian grassland this month. He has wiped out sixteen tribes in Mongolia, and the blood flowed into rivers on the grassland. Afraid of death and murderous, the regent of Tibet, Po Luo Nai, was blessed by the Buddha if he was not remembered by Dorgon, and it was too late to avoid it. Dead fool beheaded.

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